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Continuous-Time Fourier


M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. 1

Edited by Dr. Robert Akl
Representing a Signal
• The convolution method for finding the
response of a system to an excitation takes
advantage of the linearity and time-
invariance of the system and represents the
excitation as a linear combination of
impulses and the response as a linear
combination of impulse responses
• The Fourier series represents a signal as a
linear combination of complex sinusoids

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 2

Linearity and Superposition
If an excitation can be expressed as a sum of complex sinusoids
the response of an LTI system can be expressed as the sum of
responses to complex sinusoids.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 3

Real and Complex Sinusoids

e jx + e- jx
cos( x ) =

e jx - e- jx
sin( x ) =

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Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier

3/21/1768 - 5/16/1830
M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 5
Conceptual Overview
The Fourier series represents a signal as a sum of sinusoids.
The best approximation to the dashed-line signal below using
only a constant is the solid
line. (A constant is a 0.6

cosine of zero frequency.)

-4 10


1.6 Exact x(t)
Approximation of x(t) by a constant

t0 t0 + T 10

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 6

Conceptual Overview
The best approximation to the dashed-line signal using a constant
plus one real sinusoid of the same fundamental frequency as the
dashed-line signal is the solid line.
Sinusoid 1

-4 10


1.6 Exact x(t)
Approximation of x(t) through 1 sinusoid

-4 10
t0 t0 + T

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 7

Conceptual Overview
The best approximation to the dashed-line signal using a constant
plus one sinusoid of the same fundamental frequency as the
dashed-line signal plus another sinusoid of twice the fundamental
frequency of the dashed-line signal is the solid line.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 8

Conceptual Overview
The best approximation to the dashed-line signal using a constant
plus three sinusoids is the solid line. In this case (but not in general),
the third sinusoid has zero amplitude. This means that no sinusoid of
three times the fundamental frequency improves the approximation.

Sinusoid 3

-4 10


x(t) Exact x(t)

Approximation of x(t) through 3 sinusoids

-4 t0 t0 + T 10

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 9

Conceptual Overview
The best approximation to the dashed-line signal using a constant
plus four sinusoids is the solid line. This is a good approximation
which gets better with the addition of more sinusoids at higher
integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 10

Continuous-Time Fourier Series
The Fourier series representation of a signal x(t)
over a time t 0 < t < t 0 + T is
x (t ) = å c x [ k ] e j 2 p kt /T
k =-¥

where c x [k] is the harmonic function and k is the harmonic

number. The harmonic function can be found from the signal
using the princple of orthogonality.

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M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 12

Using Euler's identity
t 0 +T
é æ k-q ö æ k-q öù
(e j 2 p kt /T
,e j 2 p qt /T
)= ò ê cos çè 2p T t ÷ø + j sin çè 2p T t ÷ø ú dt
t0 ë û
If k = q,
t 0 +T t 0 +T

( e j 2 p kt /T , e j 2 p qt /T = ) ò éë cos ( 0 ) + j sin ( 0 ) ùû dt = ò dt = T .
t0 t0

If k ¹ q, the integral
t 0 +T
é æ k-q ö æ k-q öù
( e j 2 p kt /T , e j 2 p qt /T = ) ò ê çè
cos 2p
t ÷ø + j sin çè 2p t ÷ ú dt
T øû
t0 ë
is over a non-zero integer number of cycles of a cosine and a sine
and is therefore zero.
M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 13
Therefore e j 2 p kt /T and e j 2 p qt /T are orthogonal if k and q are not equal.
Now multiply the Fourier series expression x ( t ) = å c x [ k ] e j 2 p kt /T
k =-¥

by e- j 2 p qt /T (q an integer)
x (t ) e - j 2 p qt /T
= å c x [ k ] e j 2 p ( k -q )t /T

and integrate both sides over the interval t 0 £ t < t 0 + T

t 0 +T t 0 +T
é ¥ j 2 p ( k -q )t /T ù
ò x (t ) e ò ê å cx [ k ] e
- j 2 p qt /T
dt = ú dt .
t0 t0 ë k =-¥ û

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Continuous-Time Fourier Series

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 16

CTFS of a Real Function
It can be shown that the continuous-time Fourier series (CTFS)
harmonic function of any real-valued function x ( t ) has the property
that c x [ k ] = c*x [ -k ] .

One implication of this fact is that, for real-valued functions,

the magnitude of the harmonic function is an even function
and the phase is an odd function.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 17

The Trigonometric CTFS
The fact that, for a real-valued function x ( t )
c x [ k ] = c*x [ -k ]
also leads to the definition of an alternate form of the CTFS,
the so-called trigonometric form.
x ( t ) = a x [ 0 ] + å { a x [ k ] cos ( 2p kt / T ) + b x [ k ] sin ( 2p kt / T )}
k =1

t 0 +T
ax [ k ] = ò x ( t ) cos ( 2p kt / T ) dt
T t0
t 0 +T
bx [ k ] = ò x ( t ) sin ( 2p kt / T ) dt
T t0

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 18

The Trigonometric CTFS
Since both the complex and trigonometric forms of the CTFS represent a signal, there
must be relationships between the harmonic functions. Those relationships are
ì a x [ 0 ] = cx [ 0 ] ü
ï ï
ï bx [ 0] = 0 ï
í ý , k = 1, 2, 3,…
ï a x [ k ] = c x [ k ] + c x[k]
î x (
ïb [ k ] = j c [ k ] - c* [ k ]
x x
þ )
ì ü
ï cx [ 0 ] = a x [ 0 ] ï
ï ï
ï a x [ k ] - j bx [ k ] ï
í c x[ ]
k = ý , k = 1, 2, 3,…
ï 2 ï
ï ax [ k ] + j bx [ k ] ï
ïîc x [ -k ] = c x [ k ] =

2 ïþ

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 19

CTFS Example #1

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CTFS Example #1

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CTFS Example #2
Let a signal be defined by x ( t ) = 2 cos ( 400p t ) and let
T = 10 ms which is 2T0 .

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 22

CTFS Example #2

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CTFS Example #3
Let x ( t ) = 1 / 2 - ( 3 / 4 ) cos ( 20p t ) + (1 / 2 ) sin ( 30p t ) and let T = 200 ms.

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CTFS Example #3

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CTFS Example #3

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CTFS Example #3

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 27

Linearity of the CTFS

These relations hold only if the harmonic functions of all

the component functions are based on the same
representation time T.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 28

CTFS Example #4
Let the signal be a 50% duty-cycle square wave with an
amplitude of one and a fundamental period T0 = 1.
x ( t ) = rect ( 2t ) * d1 ( t )

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 29

CTFS Example #4

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CTFS Example #4

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CTFS Example #4

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 32

CTFS Example #4
A graph of the magnitude and phase of the harmonic function
as a function of harmonic number is a good way of illustrating it.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 33

The Sinc Function

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CTFS Example #5
Let x ( t ) = 2 cos ( 400p t ) and let T = 7.5 ms which is
1.5 fundamental periods of this signal.

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CTFS Example #5

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CTFS Example #5

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 37

CTFS Example #5
The CTFS representation of this cosine is the signal
below, which is an odd function, and the discontinuities
make the representation have significant higher harmonic
content. This is a very inelegant representation.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 38

CTFS of Even and Odd Functions
For an even function, the complex CTFS harmonic function
c x [ k ] is purely real and the sine harmonic function a x [ k ] is

For an odd function, the complex CTFS harmonic function

c x [ k ] is purely imaginary and the cosine harmonic function
b x [ k ] is zero.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 39

Convergence of the CTFS
Partial CTFS Sums
xN (t ) = å c [k]e x
j 2 p kt /T0

k=- N
For continuous signals,
convergence is exact at
every point.

A Continuous Signal

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 40

Convergence of the CTFS
Partial CTFS Sums

For discontinuous signals,

convergence is exact at
every point of continuity.

Discontinuous Signal

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 41

Convergence of the CTFS

At points of discontinuity
the Fourier series
representation converges
to the mid-point of the

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 42

CTFS Properties
Let a signal x(t) have a fundamental period T0 x and let a
signal y(t) have a fundamental period T0 y . Let the CTFS
harmonic functions, each using a common period T as the
representation time, be c x [k] and c y [k]. Then the following
properties apply.


M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 43

CTFS Properties
Time Shifting

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 44

CTFS Properties

Frequency Shifting
(Harmonic Number

A shift in frequency (harmonic number) corresponds to

multiplication of the time function by a complex exponential.

Time Reversal

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 45

CTFS Properties

Time Scaling
Let z ( t ) = x ( at ) , a > 0
Case 1. T = T0 x / a = T0 z for z ( t )
c z [ k ] = cx [ k ]
Case 2. T = T0 x for z ( t )
If a is an integer,
ìc x [ k / a ] , k / a an integer
cz [ k ] = í
î0 , otherwise

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 46

CTFS Properties
Time Scaling (continued)

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CTFS Properties

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CTFS Properties
Change of Representation Time

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CTFS Properties

Time Differentiation

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CTFS Properties
Time Integration
Case 1 Case 2
Case 1. cx [ 0 ] = 0

Case 2. cx [ 0 ] ¹ 0

ò x ( l ) d l is not periodic

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 51

CTFS Properties

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CTFS Properties

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CTFS Properties

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Some Common CTFS Pairs

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CTFS Examples

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 56

CTFS Examples

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 57

CTFS Examples
Find the CTFS harmonic function of x ( t ) with T = 10 -8.
10 -8

c x [ k ] = (1 / T ) ò x ( t ) e- j 2 p kt /T dt Þ c x [ 0 ] = 10 8 ò ( 35 ´ 10 t ) dt = 35 / 2
10 10 -8

c x [ k ] = 10 8 ò ( 35 ´ 10 t ) e ò
- j 2 p ´10 kt
dt = 35 ´ 1016 te- j 2 p ´10
8 8
0 0

ìé ö üï
10 -8
ï e - j 2 p ´10 8 kt ù æ e - j 2 p ´10 8 kt
c x [ k ] = 35 ´ 10 í êt
8 ú
- ò ç 8 ÷
dt ý
ïî ë - j2 p ´ 10 k û0 0 è
- j2 p ´ 10 k ø ï
ì - j 2p k 10 -8 ü
´ 10 -8 é e- j 2 p ´10 kt ù ï

16 ï e
c x [ k ] = 35 ´ 10 í- -ê ú ý
ï j2p ´ 10 k êë j2p ´ 10 k úû 0 ï
( 8 2
) þ
é 10 -16 e- j 2 p k 1 - e- j 2 p k ù 1 - e- j 2 p k - j2p ke- j 2 p k
c x [ k ] = 35 ´ 10 ê - 16
+ 16 ú
= 35
ë j2 p k ( j2p k ) 2
´ 10 û ( j2 p k ) 2

ì1 / 2 , k = 0
c x [ k ] = 35 í j
ïî 2p k , k ¹ 0

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 58

Continuous-Time Fourier

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. 59

Edited by Dr. Robert Akl
Extending the CTFS

• The CTFS is a good analysis tool for systems with

periodic excitation but the CTFS cannot represent
an aperiodic signal for all time
• The continuous-time Fourier transform (CTFT)
can represent an aperiodic signal for all time

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 60

CTFS-to-CTFT Transition
Consider a periodic pulse-train signal x ( t ) with duty cycle w / T0

Aw æ kw ö
Its CTFS harmonic function is c x [ k ] = sinc ç ÷
T0 è T0 ø
As the period T0 is increased, holding w constant, the duty
cycle is decreased. When the period becomes infinite (and
the duty cycle becomes zero) x ( t ) is no longer periodic.
M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 61
CTFS-to-CTFT Transition
Below are graphs of the magnitude of c x [ k ] for 50% and 10% duty
cycles. As the period increases the sinc function widens and its
magnitude falls. As the period approaches infinity, the CTFS
harmonic function becomes an infinitely-wide sinc function with zero

T0 T0
w= w=
2 10

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 62

CTFS-to-CTFT Transition
This infinity-and-zero problem can be solved by normalizing
the CTFS harmonic function. Define a new “modified” CTFS
harmonic function T0 c x [ k ] = Awsinc ( wkf0 ) and graph it
versus kf0 instead of versus k. ( f0 = 1 / T0 )

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 63

CTFS-to-CTFT Transition
In the limit as the period approaches infinity, the modified
CTFS harmonic function approaches a function of continuous
frequency f (kf0 ).

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CTFS-to-CTFT Transition

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Definition of the CTFT

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Some Remarkable Implications
of the Fourier Transform

The CTFT expresses a finite-amplitude, real-valued, aperiodic

signal which can also, in general, be time-limited, as a summation
(an integral) of an infinite continuum of weighted, infinitesimal-
amplitude, complex sinusoids, each of which is unlimited in
(Time limited means “having non-zero values only for a finite time.”)

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Frequency Content

Lowpass Highpass


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Some CTFT Pairs

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Convergence and the
Generalized Fourier Transform
Let x ( t ) = A. Then from the
definition of the CTFT,
¥ ¥

X( f ) = ò Ae- j 2p ft dt = A ò e- j 2 p ft dt
-¥ -¥

This integral does not converge so,

strictly speaking, the CTFT does not

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 70

Convergence and the Generalized
Fourier Transform

But consider a similar function,

xs ( t ) = Ae- s t , s > 0
Its CTFT integral

Xs ( f ) = ò Ae- s t e- j 2p ft dt

does converge.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 71

Convergence and the
Generalized Fourier Transform

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Convergence and the
Generalized Fourier Transform

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Convergence and the Generalized
Fourier Transform

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 74

Negative Frequency
This signal is obviously a sinusoid. How is it described

It could be described by x ( t ) = A cos ( 2p t / T0 ) = A cos ( 2p f0t )

But it could also be described by x ( t ) = A cos 2p ( - f0 ) t ( )

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 75

Negative Frequency

x(t) could also be described by

e j 2 p f0 t + e - j 2 p f0 t
x (t ) = A
x ( t ) = A1 cos ( 2p f0t ) + A2 cos 2p ( - f0 ) t , A1 + A2 = A )
and probably in a few other different-looking ways. So who is
to say whether the frequency is positive or negative? For the
purposes of signal analysis, it does not matter.

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 76

Negative Frequency
Consider an experiment in which we multiply two sinusoidal
signals x1 ( t ) = cos ( 2p f1t ) and x 2 ( t ) = cos ( 200p t ) to form
x ( t ) = x1 ( t ) x 2 ( t ) . x ( t ) can be expressed using a trigonometric
identity as
x ( t ) = (1 / 2 ) éë cos ( 2p ( f1 - 100 ) t ) + cos ( 2p ( f1 + 100 ) t ) ùû
Now imagine that we continuously change
f1 from a frequency above100 to a
frequency below 100. f1 - 100 becomes

M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 77

More CTFT Pairs

The generalization of the CTFT allows us to extend the table

of CTFT pairs to some very useful functions.

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CTFT Properties


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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties

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The “Uncertainty” Principle
The time and frequency scaling properties indicate that if a signal
is expanded in one domain it is compressed in the other domain.
This is called the “uncertainty principle” of Fourier analysis.

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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties
In the frequency domain, the cascade connection multiplies
the frequency responses instead of convolving the impulse

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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties

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CTFT Properties

X( 0 ) = ò x( t )dt

x( 0 ) = ò X( f )df

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CTFT Properties

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Numerical Computation of the CTFT
It can be shown (Web Appendix G) that the DFT can be
used to approximate samples from the CTFT. If the signal
x ( t ) is a causal energy signal and N samples are taken
from it over a finite time beginning at t = 0, at a rate fs then
the relationship between the CTFT of x ( t ) and the DFT of
the samples taken from it is
X ( kfs / N ) @ Ts e- jp k / N sinc ( k / N ) X DFT [ k ]
For those harmonic numbers k for which k << N
X ( kfs / N ) @ Ts X DFT [ k ]
As the sampling rate and number of samples are increased,
this approximation is improved.
M. J. Roberts - All Rights Reserved. Edited by Dr. Robert Akl 93

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