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Making Sense of the Past

historical Interpretations
A study of the past.

Impacts the present through its consequences.

“The history was read, though
based on facts, is strictly
speaking, not factual at all, but a
series of accepted judgements.”

-Geoffrey Barraclough

Code of kalantiaw
A mythical legal code of Maragtas
Code of Kalantiaw

A source of pride for people

of Aklan.
Contained 1433 penal code
and 19 articles
Proved as hoax by William
Henry Scott.

The Premise:
“Not all primary sources are accessible
to a general audience, and without
proper training and background, a non
historian interpreting a primary source
may do more harm than good.”

Interpretation of the past may
vary according to

Who reads the When it was

primary source written
“Ang hindi magmahal sa
kanyang salita/mahigit sa hayop
at malansang isda.”

Place your screenshot here

Sa aking mga Kabata
A poem “allegedly” written by 8-year-old Rizal

Sa aking mga Kabata

Sa aking mga Kabata

Sa aking mga Kabata

No Manuscript. Questionable Source Who is Raselis?
There exist no Published in 1906 in No evidence that
Manuscript of the a book by Rizal mentioned
poem written by Hermenegildo Cruz. this Raselis in his
Rizal. Cruz said he received writings.
the poem from
Gabriel Beato
Francisco, who
claimed to have
received it in 1884
from Rizal’s close
friend Raselis.
“Kalayaan.” Language used. “K” & “W”
he first Tagalog is the The use of “k” and
encountered the native tongue of “w” to replace “c”
word through Rizal however he and “u” is also the
Marcel H. del was educated in suspect since Rizal
Pilar’s translation Spanish by his suggested this when
of Rizal’s essay “El mother Teodora he is already an
Amor Patrio.” Alonso. adult.
Where it was
spelled as

A way of looking historical events etc. from different perspective.

Errors Historians my commit

Misinterpret Provide single Impose a certain Omit Significant

Evidences. cause for an event ideology to their facts.
w/o considering subject.
possible causal

Case study 1
Where did the first Catholic Mass take place in the Philippines?

Primary sources

Francisco Albo Log Primo Viaggio Intorno

Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log
(March 16, 1521)

Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log

Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log

Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log

Seilani GADa
Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log

Mazara Seilani
Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log

Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log

Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log


Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log

Francisco Albo Log

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Albo’s log




Mazava Limasawa
Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

Saturday, 16 March 1521- Magellan’s

expedition sighted a “high land” named
“Zamal” which was some 300 leagues
westward of Ladrones (now the
Marianas) Islands.

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

Sunday, March 17- “The following day” after sighting

Zamal Island, they landed on “another island which
was uninhabited” and which lay “to the right” of the
above-mentioned island of “Zamal.” There they set
up two tents for the sick members of the crew and
had a sow killed for them. The name of this island
was “Humunu”(Homonhon). This island was located
at 10 degrees North latitude.

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
On that same day (Sunday, March 17),
Magellan named the entire archipelago the
“Islands of Saint Lazarus,” the reason being
that it was Sunday in the Lenten season
when the Gospel assigned for the Mass and
the liturgical Office was the eleventh
chapter of St. John, which tells of the raising
of Lazarus from the dead.
Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
Monday, March 18- In the afternoon of their
second day on that island, they saw a boat
coming towards them with nine men in it. An
exchange of gifts was effected. Magellan asked
for food supplies, and the men went away,
promising to bring rice and other supplies in
“four days”

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
There were two springs of water on
that island of Homonhon. Also they
saw there some indications that there
was gold in these islands. Consequently
Magella renamed the island and called
it the “Watering Place of Good Omen”
(Acquada la di bouni segniali)
Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

Friday, March 22- At noon the

native returned. This time they
were in two boats, and they
brought food supplies.

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

Magellan’s expedition stayed

eight days at Homonhon: from
Sunday, March 17, to the Monday
of the following week, March 25.

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
Monday, March 25- In the afternoon,
the expedition weighed anchor and left
the island of Homonhon. In the
ecclesiastical calendar, this day (March
25) was the feast day of the Incarnation
also called the feast of the Annunciation
and therefore “Our Lady’s Day.”
Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
On this day, as they were about to
weigh anchor, an accident happened to
Pigafetta: he fell into the water but was
rescued. He attributed his narrow
escape from death as grace obtained
through the intercession of the
Blessed Virgin Mary on her feast-day.
Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
The route taken by the expedition after
leaving Homonhon was “towards the west
southwest, between four islands namely:
Cenalo, Hiunanghan, Ibusson and
Albarien.” Very probably “Cenalo’’ is a
misspelling in the Italian manuscript for
what Pigafetta in his map calls “Ceilon”
and Albo calls “Seilani”;
Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

Namely island of Leyte. “Hinunangan”

seemd to Pigafetta to be separated island,
but it is actually on the mainland of
Leyte. On the other hand , Hibuson is an
Island east of Leyte’s southern tip.

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
Thus, it is easy to see what Pigafetta meant by
sailing “towards the west southwest” past those
islands. They left Homonhon sailing westward
towards Leyte, them followed the Leyte coast
southward passing between the island of
Hibusan on their portside and Hiunangan Bay
on their starboard, and then continued
southward, then turning westward to “Mazaua”.

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
Thursday, March 28- In the morning of Holy
Thursday, March 28, they anchored off an island
where the previous night they had seen a light or
a bonfire. That island “lies in a latitude nine and
two-thirds towards the artic pole and in a
longitude pf 162 degrees from the line of
demarcation. It is twenty-five leagues from the
Acquada, and is called Mazaua.”

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

They remained 7 days on

Mazaua Island.

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

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Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

Thursday, April 4- They left Mazaua,

bound for Cebu. They were guided thither
by the King of Mazaua who sailed in his
own boat. Their route took them past five
“islands” namely: Ceylon, Bohol,
Canighan, Baibai, and Gatinghan.”

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

eleventh twelve thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
At Gatinghan, they sailed westward to the
three islands of the Camotes Group,
namely, Poro, Pasihan and Ponson. Here
the Spanish ships stopped to allow the
king of Mazaua to catch up with them,
since the Spanish ships were much faster
than the native balanghai.
Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

eleventh twelve thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

From the Camotes Islands they

sailed southwards towards

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition

eleventh twelve thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth

Pigafetta’s testimony on the
route of Magellan’s Expedition
Sunday, April 7- At noon they
entered the harbor of Zubu. It has
taken them three days to negotiate
the journey from Mazaua
northwards to the Camotes Island
and then southwards to Cebu.
Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Thursday, March 28- In the morning they
anchored near an island where they had seen a
light the night before a small boat came with
eight natives, to whom Magellan threw some
trinket as presents. The natives paddled away, but
two hours later two larger boats came, in one of
which the native king sat under an awning of
Pigafetta and Seven Days in
At Magellan’s invitation some of the
natives went up the Spanish ships
weighed anchor and came closer to shore,
anchoring near the native king’s village.
This Thursday, March 28, was Thursday in
Holy Week.

Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Friday, March 29-“Next day, Holy Friday,”
Magellan sent his slave interpreter ashore in a
small boat to ask the king if he could provide the
expedition with food supplies, and to say that
they had come as friends not as enemies. In reply
the king himself came in a boat with six or eight
men, and this time went up Magellan’s ship and
two men embraced.
Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Another exchange of gifts was made. The
native king and his companions returned
ashore, bringing with them two members
of Magellan’s expedition as guests for the
night. One of two was Pigafetta.

Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Saturday, March 39- Pigafetta and his
companion had spent the previous evening
feasting and drinking with the native king and
his son. Pigafetta deplored the fact that,
although it was Good Friday they had to eat
meat. The Following morning Pigafetta and his
companion took leave of their hosts and
returned to the ships.
Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Sunday, March 31- “Early in the morning
of Sunday, the last of March and Easter
day.” Magellan sent the priest ashore
with some men to prepare for the Mass.
Later in the morning, Magellan landed
with some fifty men and Mass was
celebrated, after which a cross was
venerated. 84
Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Magellan and the Spaniards returned to
the ship for the noon-day meal, but in
the afternoon they returned ashore to
plant the cross on the summit of the
highest hill. In attendance both at the
Mass and at the planting of the cross were
the king of Mazaua and King of Butuan.
Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Sunday, March 31- On that same afternoon,
while on the summit of the highest hill,
Magellan asked the two kings which posts he
should go to in order to obtain more abundant
supplies of food than were available in that
island. They replied that there were three ports
to choose from: Ceylon, Zubu, and Calagan. Of
the three, Zubu was the port with the most
Pigafetta and Seven Days in
Magellan then said that he wished to go to Zubu
and to depart the following morning. He asked for
someone to guide him thither. The kings replied
that the pilots would be available “at any time”.
But later that evening the king of Mazaua
changed his mind and said that he would himself
conduct Magellan to Zubu but that he would first
have to bring the harvest in. He asked Magellan to
send his men to help with the harvest.
Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in

Monday, April 1- Magellan sent men

ashore to help with the harvest, but
no work was done that day because
the two kings were sleeping off their
drinking bout the night before.

Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in

Tuesday, April 2 and Wednesday,

April 3- Work on the harvest during
the “next to days,” i.e. Tuesday and
Wednesday, the 2nd and 3rd of April.

Pigafetta and Seven Days in

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Pigafetta and Seven Days in

Thursday, April 4- They leave

Mazaua, bound for Cebu.

Using the primary sources available, Jesuit priest
Miguel A. Bernad in his work Butuan or Limasawa:
The Site of the First Mass in the Philippines: A
Reexamination of Evidence (1981) lays down the
argument that in the Pigafetta account, a crucial
aspect of Butuan was not mentioned—the river.
Butuan is a riverine settlement, situated on the
Agusan River. The beach of Masao is in the delta
of said river. It is a curious omission in the
account of the river, which makes part of a district
characteristic of Butuan’s geography that seemed
to be too important to be missed.
Age of Exploration
A period of competition among European
rulers to conquer and colonize lands
outside their original domains. Initially,
the goal was to find alternative routes by
sea to get to Asia, the main source of spices
and commodities

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