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Physical Geography
• Physical geography is related to the physical
science. Physical geography includes the
processes and attributes that constitute Earth
which incorporate human activities where they
interface with the atmosphere. Different
branches of Physical geography are climatology,
Meteorology, Geomorphology and
7 Continents
• Human geography is the branch of geography
that deals with the study of people and their
communities, cultures, economies, and
interactions with the environment by studying
their relations with and across space and place.
• Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of
knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes,
meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time,
roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe,
and material objects and possessions acquired
by a group of people in the course of generations
through individual and group striving.
• Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated
behavior; that is the totality of a person's
learned, accumulated experience which is
socially transmitted, or more briefly, behavior
through social learning.
• Culture is a word for the 'way of life' of groups of
people, meaning the way they do things.
Different groups may have different cultures. A
culture is passed on to the next generation by
learning, whereas genetics are passed on by
heredity. Culture is seen in people's writing,
religion, music, clothes, cooking, and in what
they do.
• Culture is the sum of total of the learned
behavior of a group of people that are
generally considered to be the tradition of
that people and are transmitted from
generation to generation.
• Culture is a collective programming of the
mind that distinguishes the members of one
group or category of people from another.
Why do we
need to
study culture?
Huli Tribe
La Tomatina
Hanging Coffins
Why do we need to study culture?
• it is interesting
• helps us respect others
• gives us a more open mind
Ways of Studying Culture
Method #1 - Utilizing Technology for Research

• Read online news sources.

• Follow social media about
your chosen culture.
• Ask questions online.
• Look up YouTube videos.
Method #2 -Taking a Trip to the Library

• Visit the library and

check out travel books.
• Read books written by
people from other
• Check out films from
other cultures.
• Search for a language
Method #3 - Getting Involved in Your Local Community

• Volunteer to practice your

language with others.
• Visit local museums and
cultural centers.

• Enroll in a class.
• Make friends in your
Method #4- Traveling When Possible

• Take part in an
exchange program.
• Volunteer abroad.
• Go on a road trip.
• Save money for
Approaches in Learning Culture
• The Etiquette & Customs Approach
- people’s customs and habits
• The Language Learning Approach
- language of our colleagues, clients, students,
or neighbors
• The Cultural Dimensions Approach
- our differences are likely to show up and
where the differences will make a difference
• The Cultural Detective Approach
- learning about core values
Concepts of Culture
• There are many definitions of the
word “Culture”
• Derives from the Latin “Colere” –
Cultivate, to settle
• Culture is developed within the
individual as well as the outside
• It is continually changing and
• Culture is reflected in
communication patterns
• Culture is way of acting, behaving
• People who grow up in similar
environment tend to share common
attitudes and behave in similar ways
• Culture is not inherited, it is learned

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