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Chapter - 3

A Training method is basically an medium or technique used by
a trainer to impart training to the trainees, so as to meet and fulfill
the predetermined training objectives.

It is a way of communicating with the trainees in such a manner

that proper learning and understanding may take place, while at
the same time making learning more effective.

These are the means people use to deliver contents of a training

Functions of Training methods

Enhance participation and involvement of the group.

Give greater control of the Learning process to the


Promote group interaction and cohesion.

Selecting a Training Method
The success of T & D programmes depends on careful selection of
appropriate Training Methods.

A training method is a strategy or tactic that a trainer uses to

deliver the content to achieve training objectives.

There are several training methods and it is important to recognize

that no single method is inherently suitable for all topics & in all

It is importance that a combination of methods should be suitable

to subject, time, resources and type of participants.
Selecting a Training Method
Ideally, the chosen method should motivate employees to learn ,
enable the trainees to apply and practice what they've been taught,
help trainees integrate performance with skills and knowledge.

According to Senders - To make a training program more effective,

it should be based on fundamental principles that people learn by
seeing, by hearing and by saying and by doing themselves.
The Chinese ‘s proverb:
If I hear I forgot,
If I see, I remember
But if I do, I learn

According to US scientific study,

20% by hearing
30% by seeing
50% by hearing + seeing
70% by doing and
90% when they do again and again
Major factors to be considered when selecting a
Training Method –

1. The Learning Objective

2. The Content
3. The Trainees
4. The Practical requirements.

Other Considerations –

1. Training Complexity
2. Time requirement
3. Money availability
4. Learner’s capability
5. Learner’s learning preferences & styles
Training methods should be selected on the basis of the
degree to which they do the following -

1. Allow active participation of the learners.

2. Help the learners to maximum transfer of learning.

3. Provide the learners with knowledge of results about their attempts to


4. Allow the learners to be reinforced for the appropriate behaviour.

5. Allow the learners to practice & to repeat when needed.

6. Motivate the learners to improve their performance.

7. Help learners to increase their willingness to change.

It has been termed “Traditional” because the methods being

widely used from many years & it do not require new

technology for the purpose of delivery.

The advantages of this method are:

1) Instructor-led classroom training is an efficient method for

presenting a large body of material to large or small groups of
2) It is a personal, face-to-face type of training.
3) It ensures that everyone gets the same information at the same
4) It is cost-effective, especially when not outsourced to guest trainers.
5) Storytelling grabs people’s attention.
Dis – advantages of Traditional Methods –

1) Sometimes it is not interactive i.e., communication was one way – from

instructor to trainee.
2) Too much of the success of the training depends on the effectiveness of
the trainer.
3) Most traditional training programs are scheduled and delivered at
particular times. Scheduling classroom sessions for large numbers of
trainees can be difficult, especially when trainees are at multiple locations.
4) Most Traditional methods are normative in nature rather than
individualized to meet the trainee needs.

5) Minimal amount of time for skill practice.

Classification of Traditional Training Method

On-the-job Simulation Knowledge based Skill based

Training Role Play Lecture Assignments
Apprentice Case Extension Talk / Demonstration
Job Rotation Method talk Task
Job Instruction \ Manageme Group Performance
Guidance nt games discussion Skill teaching
Syndicate In basket Panel discussion Workshops
groups exercises
Observation Seminar
Attachments Symposium
Experiential Methods
One to one Brain storming
instruction /
Coaching Transactional Analysis
Motivation Games
Other Training Methods
Correspondence Courses


Field Study
On-the-Job Training (OJT)
OJT generally takes place in the normal work situation (settings),
using actual tools & equipment, the task very often contributing
directly to the productivity.
New or inexperienced employees learning in the normal work
setting & during work by observing peers or managers performing
the job & try to imitate their behaviour.
OJT is a kind of informal training due to it doesn’t necessarily
occur as part of a training program & managers / peers serve as
OJT can be useful for training newly hired employees, orienting
transferred or promoted employees to their new jobs.
Both trainees & trainer are at the same job site & continue to work
while training occurs.
OJT uses the concept of Social Learning Theory.
Successful OJT is based on the following Principles –
1. Preparing for instruction
2. Actual Instruction.
Advantages of OJT Dis - Advantages of OJT
No special facilities needed. Risk to machines, equipment, tools.
No additional staff needed. Increase in scrap due to lack of
Real work situation, not simulated. experience.
Productive in terms of departments Lack of time due to pressure of
work. production.
Helps trainees to establish work Difficulty of accommodating
relationship. trainee idiosyncrasies.
Controlled learning. Psychological pressure on trainee
Training Cost reduction. due to exposure before experienced
No outsourcing(transferability) of employee.
training required. Lack of utilization of departmental
Cross-training employees within a fund.
department or work unit.
Off – the – Job Training Method
Off-the-job training takes place away from normal work situations
— implying that the employee does not count as a directly
productive worker while such training takes place.
The training is conducted either within or outside the organisation.
The main advantage is it allows people to get away from work and
concentrate more thoroughly on the training itself. This type of
training has proven more effective in inculcating concepts and
It is suitable for theoretical instruction like general skills and
knowledge useful for job.
Specialists can be used to instruct the employees.
Advantages Dis – Advantages
More time available.
Trainee’s specific difficulties are Cost of external facilities.
easier to explore. Artificial sheltered environment.
Relaxed atmosphere more Difficulty of simulating work
conducive to learning. problems.
Easier to obtain full attention of Resistance from trainees being
trainees. away from home.
Distractions can be reduced. Difficulty of transferring learning
Exchange of knowledge & to work situation.
experience. Generally more time consuming.
Improves morale & motivation Involves various costs.
for self-development. Inconvenience due to travelling.
Simulation Training Method
In the absence of real situations, certain artificial situations /
equipments may have to be created to suit the instructional needs
so that the trainees would be feeling that they are experiencing life
– like situations. This artificial educational practice is known as

A Simulation is a training method that represents a real-life

situation that enables the trainees’ decisions resulting in outcomes
that mirror what would happen if they were on the job.
Simulation Training Method
Simulators replicate the physical equipment that employees use on
the job that represents a real-life situation.
A key aspect of simulators is the degree to which they are similar to
the equipment & situations that the trainee will encounter on the

Simulation Training Method used to teach :

Production and process skills.

Management and interpersonal skills.
Controlled reproducibility of the work environment –
Avoid uncontrolled parameters to produce the desired learning
Safety considerations.
Utilization of learning considerations.
Enables effective utilization of learning principles by trainer via.,
Introduction of feedback, Arrange for practice, Apply & designing
the environment.

Disadvantages : Expensive to develop, Time consuming.

Pilot Training – Flight Simulator
Experiential Learning
Experiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct

Experiential learning is also called as ‘learning by doing’.

It is used to develop behavioural skills and abilities.

It allows the participants to actively engage in an experience that

will have real consequences.

This training involves a two way interaction.

Participants make discoveries & experiment with their knowledge.

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning focuses on the learning process for the

individual. It engages the learner at a more personal level by
addressing the needs and wants of the individual.

It is managed by a ‘Fascinator’ but it can also be self-managed or

even ‘unmanaged’.
Sensitivity / T-Group/Laboratory Training

It attempts to change individual behaviour by placing trainees in an

unstructured, ambiguous position & ask them to resolve the
conflicts, which emerge as a result of a ambiguity through
interpersonal interactions.

The training provides an opportunity to the members / trainees to

improve or increase the human sensitivity and awareness of his own
feelings and the feelings of others reasonably. It is a vital necessity
for the adoption of the individual to the organization.
Sensitivity / T-Group/Laboratory Training

The major goal of this method is to contribute towards the personal

growth of the participants through the increased self-awareness and
inter-personal competence.

It can be conducted for enhancing various skills like self-awareness,

interpersonal relations, teamwork, group and organizational
processes, inter-group conflict resolution, etc..,
The basic goals of Sensitivity training are –

To increase self-insight about themselves.

To develop understanding of how others see these behaviours.

To increase individual sensitivity to the behaviour of others.

To increase the awareness of the ways of interactions which can

enhance or reduce the effectiveness of the group.

To increase the diagnostic skills.

To allow individuals to analyze their behaviour & improve it.




Transactional Analysis

It tries to eliminate dysfunctional organisational behaviours

(attitude, emotions & thoughts) that prevent the development of full
human potential.

In every social interaction, there is a motivation provided by one

person and a reaction to that motivation given by another person.
This motivation-reaction relationship between two persons is a

It utilizes a contract for specific changes desired by the participant.

Transactional Analysis

TA is a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for

personal growth and personal change.

Trainers allow the participants to understand themselves & others.

Transactional analysis can be done by knowing the ego states of an

The Parent's is a language of values, the Adult's is a language of
logic and rationality and the Child's is a language of emotions.
Transactional Analysts are trained to recognize what ego states
people are transacting from in detail, the transactional sequences
that people engage in as they interact with each other.
With this training, Analysts are also able to intervene effectively to
improve the quality of communication and interaction.
Self-Directed Learning Programme (SDLP)

SDLP describes a process by which individuals take the initiative,

with our without the assistance of others, in diagnosing their
learning needs, formulating learning goals, identify human and
material resources for learning, choosing and implement
appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes.

Employees take responsibility for all aspects of learning.

Trainees master over predetermined training content at their own

pace without an instructor.
Self-Directed Learning Programme (SDLP)
These activities will place more responsibility on employees for
their own development.

Trainers are available to evaluate learning or answer questions for

the trainee.

These may include – Readings, Workbooks, Corresponding

courses, etc..,
Reasons –

Businesses cannot meet all the training needs of their employees

Less costly (instructor, facility, materials) than traditional training.

Enables learners to learn only what they need to learn. No longer

do they have to sit through a three-day course to get the three hours
of learning they need.

Makes learning a truly sustainable enterprise wide effort.

Is relevant for everyone, from new hires to senior management.

Advantages -
Learn at own pace
Flexibility in terms of time & location for completing training
Fits employee shifts and schedules.

Dis – advantages –
 Trainees must be motivated to learn on their own
 Higher development costs
 Higher development time
Modern Training Methods
Impact of Technological advancement on the delivery
of Training –

Technology is having a major impact on the delivery of training


Catchwords such as “lifetime learning” and “learning-on-

demand” are proof of a trend towards change in training forms and
the associated media and communication forms.

Many organizations using modern techniques because of its

potential learning and accessibility advantages over traditional
classroom training.
Modern Training Methods

Technology is changing learning and training in corporate settings,

grade schools, high schools, colleges and universities.

New technologies have made it possible to:

 Reduce the costs associated with delivering training

 Increase the effectiveness of the learning environment

 Help training contribute to business goals

Technology has made several benefits possible:

Employees can access knowledge and expert systems on an as-

needed basis.

Employees can choose the type of media (print, sound, video) they
want to use in a training program.

Course enrollment, testing, and training records can be handled

electronically, reducing the paperwork and time needed for
administrative activities.

Employees’ accomplishments in training in progress can be

Advantages Disadvantages

Self-paced Expensive to develop

Interactive Ineffective for certain training
Consistency of delivery content
Unlimited geographic Trainee anxiety with using
accessibility technology
Immediate feedback Difficult to quickly update
Built-in guidance system Lack of agreement on effectiveness.
Can test and certify mastery
Higher level of retention
Flexibility of schedules
Computer - Based Training (CBT)
The training material is prepared by the trainer & loaded on
computer. The trainee undergo training programme by using the

The computer provides the learning stimulus.

The trainee must respond.
The computer analyzes the responses and provides feedback to the
A personal computer enables animation, video clips, and graphics
to be integrated into a training session.
Computer - Based Training (CBT)

The user can interact with the training material through using a
mouse, Key board, or touch-screen monitor.

It creates an virtual learning opportunity.

CBT includes – CD – ROM, DVD, Laser Disc, Interactive

Multimedia, Intelligent Training System (ITS), etc..,
CBT may be used to training on -

 New Service Procedures

 Interactive Study Guides for Textbooks

 Math Tutorials

 Mandated Health and Safety Training

 Customer Relations Training

 New Product Introduction

 Introduction to new Company Policies and Procedures

Multimedia Training
An instructional system that incorporates all or various

instructional methods and media.

These programs integrate multiple media like text, graphics,

animation, audio, and video.

Can be delivered using the computer.

The Internet or Web-Based Training or

 It refers to instruction and delivery of training by computer online

through the Internet or the Web on public or private computer
networks and is displayed by a Web browser.

E-learning can include:

Task-based support

Simulation-based training

Distance learning

Learning portals
Advantages -

 It is accessible at any time and any place.

 The audience can include employees and managers as well as
vendors, customers, and clients.
 Training can be delivered to geographically dispersed employees.
 Training can be delivered faster and to more employees in a shorter
period of time.
 Updating is easy.
 Practice, feedback, objectives, assessment, and other positive

features of a learning environment can be built into the program.

 Learning is enhanced through use of multiple media and trainee


 Paperwork related to training management can be eliminated.

 It can link learners to other content, experts, and peers.

Interactive Multimedia
 Interactive media is the integration of digital media including
combinations of electronic text, graphics, moving images,
animations and sound, into a structured digital computerized
environment that allows people to interact with the system for
appropriate purposes.

 The digital environment can include the Internet, telecoms and

interactive digital television.
Interactive Multimedia

 Instruction is provided one-on-one to trainees via a monitor.

 Trainees use the keyboard or touch the monitor to interact with the

 It is used to teach technical procedures and interpersonal skills.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)
ITS is an instructional system using artificial intelligence.

Various ITS : Tutoring, Coaching, Empowering environments.

Components of ITS are -

1. Domain Expert - Provides information about how to perform the
2. Trainee Model - Provides information about student’s knowledge
3. Training Session Manager - Interprets trainees’ actions and reports
the results or provides coaching.
4. Trainee Scenario Generator - Determines difficulty and order in
which problems are presented to trainee.
5. User Interface - Enables trainee to interact with the system
Characteristics of ITS -

ITS has the ability to match instruction to individual trainee needs.

ITS can communicate and respond to the trainee.
ITS can model the trainee’s learning process.
ITS can decide, on the basis of a trainee’s previous performance,
what information to provide to him.
ITS can make decisions about the trainee’s level of understanding.
Virtual Reality Training
Virtual reality is a computer-based technology that provides trainees
with a three-dimensional learning experience.

It is an computer – simulated environments that can simulate

physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary

Simulation scenarios address core competency standards for

workers in hazardous environments. This state of the art training
tool is designed to give staff practical experience to reducing risk.

To experience virtual reality, the trainee wears devices like headset,

gloves, treadmills, etc.
Virtual Reality Training
It will allows trainees to experience and respond to real hazards in a
safe and controlled environment, before actually encountering them
in the workplace.

Trainees move through the simulated environment and interact with

its components.

When well designed, they provide the user with an accurate

simulation of real events in a safe, controlled environment.

Technology is used to stimulate multiple senses of the trainee.

Devices relay information from the environment to the senses.

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