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8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Storage in Transit Inventory

Economic Service
– Consolidation & Break Bulk - Spot Stocking
– Assortment - Full Line
– Postponement - Product Support
– Stockpiling - Market Presence
– Reverse Logistics
8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Consolidation & Break Bulk
• Reduce Transportation Cost by using
warehouse capability to increase
shipment economic of scale
• Consolidation, warehouse receives
materials from number of sources
which combined into a large single
shipment to a specific destination
• Break-Bulk, operator receives a single
large shipment and arrange for
delivery to multiple destination

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@

Plant A

Plant B Warehouse

Plant C

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@

Customer X

Plant A Customer Y

Customer Z

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Reconfigure freight as it flows from
origin to destination

Cross Docking Mixing Assembly

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Combine inventory from multiple origins into an
assortment for specific customer
Plant A Customer X

Plant B Customer Y

Plant C Customer Z

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Customer W
Plant A
Customer X
Transit Mixing
Plant B Point Customer Y

Product D A B C
Customer Z
Plant C

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Procure inventory from multiple Vendor to
support manufacturing operations
Vendor A

Lead Supplier
Vendor B Assy. Plant

Vendor C

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Flow of Goods in Warehouse





8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Flow of Goods in Warehouse
Receiving Receiving Receiving

Holding Holding Holding

Picking Picking Picking

Batch Forming



8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Storage Media

• Physical Characteristics of Goods in

– Solid Goods: Stack, Rack, Drawers
• Number of items of each product in a
customer order

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Storage/Retrieval Transport

1. Picker to Product System

• A team of human order pickers,
traveling to storage location
2. Product to Picker System
• An automated device, delivering
items to stationary order pickers

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Block Stacking System

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Item Retrieval by Trolley

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
A/R Machine
Side aisle

Central aisle

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Item Storage and Retrieval By
AS/RS and Belt Conveyor
Side aisle

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Item Storage and Retrieval By
AS/RS and Belt Conveyor
Side aisle

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Location and Site


Services Operating Cost

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@


Services Cost

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Faktor Lokasi

1. Pasar Dan Bahan Baku

Jasa Semen

Fragile Kertas

Berat Agro Industri

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Faktor Lokasi

2. Tangible
. Transportasi . Utilitas
. Tenaga Kerja . Biaya Konstruksi
. Energi . Pajak
. Tanah . Bahan Penolong
. Insentif . Dll

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Faktor Lokasi

3. Intangible
– Iklim
– Peraturan
– Stabilitas Politik
– Kemudahan Ekspansi
– Budaya
– Polusi
– Dll

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Tahapan Pemilihan Lokasi



8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Metoda Pemilihan

• Gravitasi
• Transportasi
• Point Rating
• Simulasi

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Metoda Gravitasi

• Minimasi Ongkos Transportasi

• Faktor Faktor Lain Tetap
( Sama Untuk Semua Pilihan Lokasi)
• Menggunakan Koordinat Cartesian
Sebagai Basis

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Formula Metoda Gravitasi

J = Ti Bi Ji /Ti Bi

Ti : Biaya Transport Dari Tiap Titik i Ke Lokasi

( Rp/satuan /Km)

Bi : Berat Yang Diangkut Dari / Ke Lokasi i

Ji : Koordinat Dari Titik i
8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Contoh Metoda Gravitasi

Data pasar
– A : 10 ton; 5000/ton/km
– B : 2 ton; 8000/ton/km
– C : 8 ton ; 4000/ton/km
– A ( 13, 22) ; B (95,84) ; C(118,41)

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Contoh Metoda Gravitasi

• Jx = (5x10x13) + ( 8x2x95) + ( 4x8x118)

(5x10) + ( 8x2) + ( 4x8)
= 91,3 KM

• JY = (5x10x22) + ( 8x2x84) + ( 4x8x41)

(5x10) + ( 8x2) + ( 4x8)
= 38,3 KM

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Metoda BEP
•Faktor Yang Lain Tetap ( Sama )
•Fix Cost Dan Variable Cost Berbeda

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Metoda BEP

Total Cost Lokasi A = Total Cost Lokasi B

FA + Q. VA = FB + Q.VB

Q = (FA - FB )/ (VB - VA )

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Metoda Transportasi

• Multi Lokasi
• Faktor Lain Sama Kecuali Ongkos

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Metoda Point Rating

• Menggabungkan Faktor Tangible Dan

Faktor Intangible
• Menggunakan Pendekatan Kwalitatif
Dan Kwantitatif

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@

• Identifikasikan Faktor Yang Relevan

• Tentukan Bobot Setiap Faktor
• Tentukan Rating Faktor Pada Setiap
• Htung Bobot Score Pada Setiap Lokasi
Untuk Setiap Faktor
• Jumlahkan Bobot Skor Pada Setiap
• Pilih Lokasi Yang Memiliki Skor Tertinggi
8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Banten Bandung Surabaya
Faktor Bobot Rat. Bobot Rat. Bobot Rat. Bobot
Skor Skor Skor Skor Skor Skor

O.Ops 0.33 50 16.5 40 13.2 35 11.35

B.Baku 0.25 70 17.5 80 20.0 75 18.75
T.Kerja 0.20 55 11.0 70 14.0 60 12.00
B.Hidup 0.05 80 4.0 70 3.5 40 2.00
Lingkung. 0.02 60 1.2 60 1.2 60 1.20
Pasar 0.15 80 12.0 90 13.5 85 12.75
1.00 62.60 65.40 55.25

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Warehouse Design


Services Cost

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Warehouse Cost

• Receiving Cost
• Holding Inventory Cost
• Retrieving Cost
• Assembling to customer order Cost
• Shipping Cost

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Factors To Be Considered

• Physical characteristics of products

• Number of items in stock
• Rate of storage and retrieval request

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Warehouse Design
1. Determining the capacity: length,
width and height
2. Locating and sizing: receiving,
shipping and storage zones (including
number of I/O port, number, length
and width of the aisles of storage
zone and the orientation of
3. Selecting the storage medium
4. Selecting the storage/retrieval
transport mechanism
8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Selecting The
• Physical Characteristics of goods
• Packaging at the arrival
• Composition of out going lots

Stack Rack Drawers

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Sizing Receiving &Shipping
The Number of Truck Dock

ND = [dt/QT]
ND : Number of Dock Truck
d : Daily demand from all order
t : Average time required to load/unload
a truck
Q : Truck Capacity
T : Daily time available to load/unload

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Average daily demand is 27.000 units, outgoing
shipment are performed by trucks, with capacity
equal to 850 units. Average time to load a truck
is 280 minutes and 15 working hours are
available every day

Number of dock truck:

ND = [d.t/Q.T]
ND = [27.000x280/850x(15x60)]
ND = 10
8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Storage Policy
1. Dedicated Storage policy:
– Product is assigned at pre-established set position
– Easy to implement but causes an under utilization
2. Random Storage policy:
– Product allocation is decided dynamically on the basis
• Current warehouse occupation
• Future arrival and request-forecast
– Allow a higher utilization of space but requires:
• Each item be automatically identified
• Update database of current position of all items

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Storage Policy

3. Class Based Storage policy:

– Product are divided into a number of
categories according to their demand
– Each category is associated with asset of
zones where the goods are stored
according to random storage policy

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Sizing of Storage Area
• Dedicated Storage policy:
MD = j=1
∑ max Ij(t)
MD : Number of required storage location
Ij(t) : Inventory level of item j at time t
n : Number of item

• Random Storage policy:

Mr = max∑ Ij(t) ≤ MD

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Example of Storage Area
Product Lot Safety Stock
A 500 100
B 200 80
• Dedicated Storage policy:
MD = ∑ max Ij(t)
= 600 +280 = 880
• Random Storage policy:
Mr = max∑ Ij(t) ≤ MD
= 600 + 180 = 780

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Length and Width of Storage
Length: Lx = ( ax + ½ wx )nx
Width : Ly = ( ay ny + wy )
ax : Occupation of a unit load along the direction of x
ay : Occupation of a unit load along the direction of y
wx: Width of side aisle along the direction of x
wy: Width of side aisle along the direction of y
nx: number of storage location along the direction of x
ny: number of storage location along the direction of y

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
A Traditional Storage Zone


Wy Ly


8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Model of Sizing The Storage Zone


 1  n x  y n y  wy
 x  wx  
 2  v 2v

Subject to:
nx n y nz  m
nx n y  0, integer

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Determining nx and ny
• Number of Storage Location Along Y

2 m x  12 wx 
n'y 
 y nz
• Number of Storage Location Along X
m y
n'x 
2 nz  x  12 w x 
nx  n'x  and  
n y  n'y
8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Berapa ukuran luas gudang untuk menampung produk A
dan B diatas jika:
1. Jika setiap pallet produk A dan B memiliki dimensi
yang sama dan memerlukan 1.05x1.05 m2 area.
2. Barang akan diletakkan diatas rak dimana setiap
raknya terdiri atas 4 tingkat.
3. Lebar gang utama adalah 4 m dan gang lainnya 3,5 m
4. Cara pemenpatan barang dengan menggunakan
random policy

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@

780 1.05
n' x   6.05
2  4  1.05  32.5 
2  780  1.05  3.5
  32.25
n' y  2
1.05  4

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
•nx = 6 and ny = 33
•Length: Lx = ( ax + ½ wx )nx
= ( 1.05 +(3.5/2))x6
= 16.8 m
•Width : Ly = ( ay nx + wy )
= (1.05x33+4)
= 39.65 m

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
• Suatau sistem logistik terdiri atas satu unit
produksi, satu depot dan 10 agen. Unit produksi
berkapasitas 100.000 unit per tahun, ongkos set
up sebesar Rp.25.000.000/set up dan ongkos
simpan pada eselon produksi sebesar Rp.
20.000/unit/tahun, waktu pengiriman barang
dari unit produksi ke depot 1 bulan sedangkan
dari depot ke rertailer ditunjukkan pada tabel
berikut. Ongkos pemesanan dari depot ke unit
produksi sebesar Rp 1000.000/pesan, dan
ongkos transport dari unit produksi ke depot
sebesar Rp. 50.000/unit, sedangkan ongkos
simpan pada eselon depot sebesar
Rp.40.000/unit/tahun. Adapun data pada agen
ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Data Pada Agen

Agen Aj Hj Bj Dj Sj Ldj Cdj

j Rp/Psn Rp/unit/thn Rp/unit unit/thn unit/thn thn Rp/unit
1 50000 4000 50000 5000 500 0.05 9500
2 40000 6000 50000 4000 400 0.03 8000
3 30000 8000 35000 4500 500 0.10 9000
4 60000 10000 40000 5000 500 0.10 8000
5 75000 12000 40000 6000 600 0.05 6000
6 65000 8000 30000 5500 550 0.05 6000
7 70000 10000 40000 6000 600 0.10 9000
8 60000 8000 45000 5000 500 0.05 6000
9 55000 12000 50000 4000 400 0.05 6000
10 70000 8000 40000 5000 500 0.03 5000

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@
Berapa ukuran luas gudang di unit produksi, depot dan
setiap agen:
1. Jika setiap pallet produk memiliki dimensi yang sama
dan memerlukan 1.2x1.2 m2 area.
2. Barang akan diletakkan diatas rak dimana setiap
raknya terdiri atas 3 tingkat.
3. Lebar gang utama adalah 4 m dan gang lainnya 3,5 m
4. Cara pemenpatan barang dengan menggunakan
random policy

8. Warehousing
Senator Nur Bahagi@

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