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 Meet and Greet
 My Home, My
 At the end of this module, you will be able to:
 Explain the program and your institution's vision-
mission statements and objectives;
 Focus your attention as well as listen
wholeheartedly and openly to each member of the
class during sharing sessions; and
 Demonstrate self-understanding and self-
 College life is said to be the most challenging and exciting
phase of your life. It is entirely new adventure that
everyone looks forward to. It is a world different from
your primary as well as junior and senior high schools.
Since you are in your freshmen year, everything—
including this subject— is new to you.
 You belong to this college so its important to know and
learn how to interact with fellow students. Learn to live in
peace and harmony with yourself and the whole school
Activity1: Sharing Oneself
 Share yourself with others by
telling the class the following
 Your name;
 Tell us something about your
 The school where you came
 Your reason for studying in this
 Your feeling to be in this class.
Activity 2: Your Role in the Community
 Whose names in the
classroom do you
remember the most?Why?
 In college, each of you is
expected to do something
for the whole community.
You are now a freshman
student. Can you identify
the things that you expect
to do for the community?
Concept and
Nature of Self:
Who Am I?
 At the end of this module, you will be able to:
 Explain the nature, concept, and meaning of the self;
 Describe the nature of the self from your own point of
 Discuss the conceptualization and representation of the
self from various disciplines and perspectives; and
 Develop a pleasant and wholesome attitude towards
 Who are you?
 How would you describe yourself?
 Do you love yourself? Why or why not?
 What are you most grateful for in life?
 What are the biggest and most
important things you have learned in
life so far?
The Philosophical View of Self
Socrates: Know Yourself
 Athenian philosopher. He is known
for his method- the Socratic
 Acclaimed greatest philosopher in
Western Civilization.
 “Man is a being who thinks and
 The core of Socratic ethics is the
concept of virtue and knowledge.
Plato: The Ideal Self, the Perfect Self
 Born into a rich man aristocratic
Athenian family, wanted to enter
politics when he was young.
 Brightest student of Socrates.
 According to Plato, Man was
omniscient or all-knowing before
he came to be born into this world.
 Through contemplation and doing
good, he can regain his former
Immanuel Kant: Respect for Self
 A person should not be used
as a tool, instrument, or
device to accomplish
another’s private ends.
 Thus, all men are persons
gifted with the same basic
rights and should treat each
other as equals.
Rene Descartes: “I think, therefore I am”
 He is known to be the Father of
Modern Philosophy.
 He said that the self is a thinking
entity distinct from the body.
 A man must use his own mind
and thinking abilities to
investigate, analyze, experiment
and develop himself.
 His famous line is “Cogito, ergo
The Christian or Biblical View of Self
The Holy Bible
 “ God created man in His image: in the divine
image He created him; male and female He
created them. God blessed them, saying, “be
fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.
Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the
birds in the air, and all the living things that
move on the earth.” – Genesis 1:24-28
The Psychological View of Self
Sigmund Freud: The Psychoanalytic
Theory Self
 Freud’s asserts that the human psyche (personality) is structured into three
parts.These structures are systems and not physical parts of the brain.
 Parts of Personality
 Id (internal desire). Also known internal drives or instinctive drives, it
consist of the body ‘s primitive biological drives and urges which are
concerned only with achieving pleasure and self- satisfaction. Id lives
completely in the unconscious.
 Ego (reality). It is the “I” part of the individual that gives him/her the
sense of his/her own identity. The ego is the rational part of the
 Superego (conscience). It is the part of the personality concerned with
morals, precepts, standards, and ideas. The superego is also the critical
faculty of the personality.
The Psychological Stages of Self-
Activity 2: Self- description Essay
 Write an essay about anything that you wish to share. You
may choose one of the following titles:
 Me as I see me
 How other people see me
 How I would like other people to see me
Physical Self
The Beautiful
 At the end of this module, you will be able to:
 Determine the condition of your physical self;
 Classify the physiological needs of the self in each
stage of;
 Identify the forces and institutions that impact the
development of the various aspects of identity and
the self; and
 Explain the important of good health.
Activity 3. Characterizing Myself
My characteristics or My characteristics or My characteristics or
traits most similar to traits most similar to traits not similar to those
those of my father those of my mother of my father or mother

2. Analyze the chart by answering the following question:
a. Are there more positive traits than negative traits
written on your charts?
b. What type of traits have you written on the chart? Which
traits are observable and which are not?
c. Compare the traits written on the first two columns
with those on the third column. Are there more physical
traits than non-physical traits that have been recorded?
d. Are you happy for having those traits? Have you ever
expressed your gratitude to your parents for passing those
traits to you?
Factors in the Development of Physical Self
 Hereditary (nature) is the transmission of traits or
characteristics from parent to offspring.
 Environment (Nurture) is the sum total of the forces
or experiences that a person undergoes from
conception to old age.
The Beginning of Life
The Beginning of Life
 Life begins at fertilization. Fertilization refers to the meeting of the
female sex cell and the male sex cell.
The Beginning of Life
 These sex cells are developed in the reproductive organs called gonads.
The Beginning of Life
 The male sex cells called spermatozoa are produced in male
gonads called testes.
The Beginning of Life
 The female sex cells call ova are produced in female gonads known as
The Beginning of Life
 The fertilized egg cell known as zygote contains all the hereditary
potentials from the parents. This zygote goes to the uterus and
continue to grow during the gestation period about 280 days or 36
weeks or about 9 calendar months.
The Beginning of Life
 A male parent may pass either x and y chromosome while
female parent always give the x chromosome. When x
chromosome comes from the father and meets the x
chromosome of the mother, the resulting chromosome is
xx which indicates a female offspring.
 When the father produce a Y chromosome which pairs
with the X chromosome from the mother, the resulting
combination is xy, signifying a male offspring.
The Beginning of Life
The Beginning of Life
Stages in the Life Span
Stages in Human Development
Development Stage Age
Pre-natal Conception to birth
Infancy Birth to end of the second week
Babyhood End of second week to the end of
second year
Early childhood or preschool age Two to six year
Late childhood or elementary age Six to ten or twelve years
Puberty or pre- adolescence Twelve to thirteen or fourteen years
Adolescence Thirteen/ fourteen to eighteen years
Early adulthood Eighteen to forty years
Middle age Forty to sixty years
Old age or senescence Sixty years to death
Activity 2: Family Tree
Construct your family tree as far back as
you can. Be creative.
Taking Care of My Physical Self
 Balance Diet a diet consisting of the proper quantities and
proportions of foods needed to maintain health or growth.
Activity #3 Answer the following
 What habits of yours contribute to a healthy living?
 Are there things that you consider unhealthy but you cannot stop
yourself from doing? Give some examples.
 What do you plan to do to become physically fit?

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