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U1 Enterprise


A Proof of Concept Proposal

Presented to the faculty of the Entrepreneurship of Quezon City University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:
U1 Enterprise
As an observation, we Filipino’s are fan of eating burger which
has a lot of fat content but since we can no longer change or stop
people from eating unhealthy foods, the reason we innovate the
common burger patty in the market, to a healthy which is the Banana
Patty not the banana itself but the peel of the banana is the main
ingredient of the patty. In addition we will also make a banana fries so
it will not be thrown away. We will be a part of the SDGs which is the
zero hunger and responsible consumption and production.
Our business aims to eradicate hunger and malnutrition by giving
a high quality, healthy and affordable food to people and to give service
to them. It is more affordable and nutritious.
The attributes and uniqueness of our product is when you eat a burger compared to
banana peel patty it is much healthier because banana peel is so strange that other people think it's
useless and just throw it away. It’s very natural; when we came to our Banana Peel Patty, we put a
twist on it like equipped with another ingredient it is ground pork, and chicken to make it better for
our customers to be satisfied if they don’t want a 100% Banana Peel Patty.
When it comes healthy banana peel patty is more benefits in the body like packed with
Vitamin, Minerals, Antioxidants and Lutein, which contribute to eye health and are thought to
protect against cataracts and macular degeneration. Also they help your heart to regulating your
heartbeat and protecting against heart disease. Not only helps your body, it also helps in reducing
The strong points and qualities of our product is which can help you maintain in healthy
weight and good in curing various skin disorders. Banana has a lot of minerals and proteins. Our
banana peel patty can be turn into nutritious and delicious snacks like the burger patty. It makes use
of banana peels since it is not usually used at home especially in cuisines. Banana peel patty can be
made at an affordable price.
Graphical Presentation of the Market


Competitor 1
Competitor 2

Competitor 3


The graph shows the competitors market share which the highest
percentage goes to other competitors with a percentage of 35%, the second
highest market share is the competitor 3 with the percentage of 25%. Lastly,
both competitor 1 and competitor 2 got the percentage of 20%.
To be the leading enterprise that will be producing a good
quality that everyone could look forward not just an asset but as a
necessity in the near future. To become one of the pioneers and
innovating worthwhile and effective products that will cope up the
fast changing trends in the society.
To serve with utmost decency, good quality products to
ensure that the customers will be satisfied with our products. To
help the economy to be known in other field inside the local and
Our target customers are the students of Quezon City University,
along with the area of Barangay Batasan, in Quezon City, assuring them
that our products are nutritious and affordable. It will help our
customers to be healthier by eating burger patties without
preservatives than eating typical burgers, which is bad for health and
also to satisfy the needs of everyone.
Giving them the best service is our strategy to collect customers
and being able to satisfy their needs and wants. It is also our way to
gain there trust and to keep good relation to them.
We are looking for investors who will support and promote our
products, because we are planning to be the supplier of healthy patties in
different fast food restaurant in the Philippines to advocate healthy eating
Our product aims to giving a high quality, affordable and healthy food
to people. When it comes healthy banana peel patty has more benefits in
the body like packed with Vitamin, Minerals, Antioxidants and Lutein, which
contribute to eye health and are thought to protect against cataracts and
macular degeneration. Also they help your heart to regulating your
heartbeat and protecting against heart disease. Not only helps your body, it
also helps in reducing waste. The Banana Peel Patty has a different shape to
the other patty and put it in the presser unlike to the other usual burger.
• Prototype
• Procedure:
• Step 1. Boil the Banana peel
• Step 2. Chop the banana peel until minced. Then mince the white onions, garlic
and red bell pepper.
• Step 3. Mix the minced banana peel, white onions, garlic, and red bell pepper
with 1 piece of egg. Add 3/4 tablespoon of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of ground
pepper. Lastly add 2 tablespoon of flour.
• Step 4. Mix everything well. Mold it on a plastic wrapper, shape burger patty
• Step 5. Put it inside the fridge for 30 minutes so it will be in good shape.
• Step 6. Heat the pan with cooking oil just enough for frying. Fry the banana peel
patties until golden brown.
• Step 7. After that put then assemble the bread with the patty. Put it in the
presser and wait till the light in the presser turns green.
Product Design:
Our product can offer a good quality product that is new in the
market and it can surely help the customer to sustain their good health
condition by benefit brought by it. Also in any state or your life it can afford
to avail our product. Banana Peel patty, now in our modern times technology
place a vital role in everyday life that’s why the enterprise had their social
media account to totally promote our product in our target customer.
To give satisfaction for the cravings of the customers and by
introducing the Banana Peel Patty that can be an alternative of their usual
burger patty.
To be leading and successful enterprise with our Banana Peel Patty
around Quezon City and around the Philippines also.
U1 Enterprise
Fish Patty

A Proof of Concept Proposal

Presented to the faculty of the Entrepreneurship of Quezon City University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:
U1 Enterprise
Our business aims to promote SDG 3 which is good health and
well-being where people can get different kinds of health benefits that
may vary into Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidant, potassium, proteins,
vitamin D and omega 3 from the patty that made out of fish. We came
up with this product where we find different businesses that offers the
same strategies and same methods when it comes in cooking,
ingredients, health benefits and target customers. That is why we
create something new that people may enjoy from different taste,
ingredients, style and health benefits.
Fish Patty is different from the usual patties in the market, it is
because when we here patties the first thing that comes in our mind are
made pork, beef and chicken. Fish Patty uses type of fish called Mackerel
Scad Fish also known as Galunggong.
The uniqueness of our product is we are offering fish instead of pork
or beef. Fish contains high levels of nutrients and protein. Fish often has less
cholesterol and saturated fat than meat that makes our product healthier
than other burger patties.
The strong points and qualities of our product is it gives Vitamins,
Minerals, and Antioxidants that will help our body to be healthy. Galunggong
is rich in potassium, proteins, vitamin D and omega.
Our Fish patty is nutritious and delicious. It gives healthy benefits to
our body. This is less expensive but a quality of food and healthy.
Graphical Presentation of the Market



Competitor 1
Competitor 2
Competitor 3


The graph shows the market presentation of people who buy in different competitors. The
competitor 2 scale the largest percentage when it comes to sales followed by Competitor 1 that has
35% and the 17% is in the other competitors, and lastly, Competitor number 3 has the lower
percentage that result of having only 6%.
To be the leading enterprise that will be producing a good quality
that everyone could look forward not just an asset but as a necessity in
the near future. To become one of the pioneers and innovating
worthwhile and effective products that will cope up the fast changing
trends in the society.
To serve our stakeholders with utmost decency, good quality
products to ensure that the customers will be satisfied with our
products. To help the economy to be known in other field inside the
local and international.
B. Financial Viability
Our target customers are everyone who loves to eat food specific the
students of Quezon City University, along with the area of Barangay Batasan,
in Quezon City. Assuring them that our products are nutritious and
affordable. It will help our customers to be healthier by eating burger patties
without preservatives than eating typical burgers, which is bad for health
and also to satisfy the needs of everyone. We will be having a coupons and
promos for them. And giving them the best service is our strategy to collect
customers and being able to satisfy their needs and wants. It is also our way
to gain there trust and to keep good relation to them.
We are looking for investors who will support and promote our
products, because we are planning to be the supplier of healthy patties in
different fast food restaurant in the Philippines to advocate healthy eating
Our product aims to give a high quality, healthy and affordable
food to people and to give service to them. Our fish patty product gives
Vitamins, Minerals, and Antioxidants that will help our body to be
healthy. Galunggong is rich in potassium, proteins, vitamin D and
omega 3. So in our product we will be using a fish instead of meat like
pork and beef and so it is fresh and hot when it will be serve to the
customer, having a sauces on top or aside in that way we can serve
food in a presentable and tasty way.



The product is not usual the typical burger patty. The main ingredient is fish instead of
beef and pork. These are the procedures in making Fish Patty:

Step 1. Prepare the ingredients

Step 2. Boil the mackerel scad fish with water and a pinch of salt until it cooked

Step 3. Shred the fish. Separate the fish bone and put it in a bowl

Step 4. Mix the onion, egg, seasonings, flour water and the fish.

Step 5. Mix it well until it is ready to cook

Step 6. Form the fish into patty and

Step 7. Cook well and it is ready to serve

As we observe the surroundings, we can see the same
environment same vibes and energy. We are kind of used and fed up
with this kind of environment so we look for something unique. As we
observe we saw different businesses selling the same product and price
with same promos. So we decided to create something new that can be
appealing to the people at the same time, it can give benefits so that as
they eat delicious food they are having the benefits from the different
vitamins and minerals with our product. With this we can promote the
good health and well-being to the people since our product is
affordable and can serve anybody who wants out product.
To satiate people and also beneficial with the nutrients that can
be found in the fish patty. With the affordable price and the serving size
and the unique style of serving. It can be appealing to the people and
with this, the feeling of hunger will disappear not like to other products
in different businesses that it’s just an ordinary burger at the same time
less healthy.
To have a place where we can sell and serve the product to a
large group of people and to be most leading and successful enterprise
with our products around Quezon City and around the Philippines also.
U1 Enterprise
Lumox (Solar Lantern)

A Proof of Concept Proposal

Presented to the faculty of the Entrepreneurship of Quezon City University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:
U1 Enterprise
Lantern helps people at night, it is a portable source of light
typically featuring a protective enclosure for the light source which is
candle or a wick in oil and it might cause fire accident, in this time a lot
of people innovated lantern were they made it a rechargeable lantern
and some are solar lantern. Most of the solar lantern are made by
other countries like India and China, and it is imported here in the
Philippines, so we came up with this idea why don’t we made a locally
made solar lantern and in somehow to help lessen the consumption of
the electricity.
We also want to promote Affordable and Clean Energy in our
country where in it is one of the goals in the Sustainable Development
Goals which is created by the United Nation.

The lantern is powered by an AAA Battery which is charged by the solar panel
during daylight it can illuminate a certain area where in you will put it. The
lantern has a switch for the solar panel were in the solar panel can detect
darkness and it will automatically turn on the light in the lantern.

The body of the lantern is made from lightweight material that it can easily be
folded. The lantern uses an affordable and clean energy so the customers should
not be worried to their consumption of the electricity while using it.
Graphical Presentation of the Market



Competitor 1
Competitor 2
Competitor 3



The graph shows that competitor 1 has the highest percentage with
36%, the next highest percentage is the other competitors which has 25%,
while the next competitor has 21% which is competitors 2 and the
competitor 3 got 18%.
We envision that our solar lantern will be known around the
Philippines and continuing the goal to create an Affordable and Clean
To produce and provide solar lantern that illuminates a dim light
with the source of energy from natural light using a portable, reusable,
and affordable product to the customers.
We want to market it where we see some rural areas is not being
reach by the electricity and to sell our product to people who need to lessen
their consumption in the electricity, we can also help the needs of the
students who still suffering at night doing their homework with the help of a
candle which is very risky to be used by a child.
In order to keep and develop our relation to our important customers
is to provide them what they expect in our product, so in that way we may
gain their trust and for them to introduce our product to friends, family, etc.
We are looking for investors to support and promote our products,
because we want to be the producer of mini solar lantern here in the
The lantern is powered by an AAA Battery which is charged by
the solar panel during daylight it can illuminate a certain area where in
you will put it. The lantern has a switch for the solar panel were in the
solar panel can detect darkness and it will automatically turn on the
light in the lantern. The body of the lantern is made from lightweight
material that it can easily be folded. The lantern uses an affordable and
clean energy so the customers should not be worried to their
consumption of the electricity while using it.
Step 1. Prepare all the materials
Step 2. Create the Body or Frame of the Lantern
Step 3. Arrange your circuits then solder it.
Step 4. Connect the battery holder and the solar panel to your circuit.
Step 5. Attach the circuit to the Body or Frame of the Lantern
As we observe all of us using light at night while we are only
occupying small space so we had an idea why don’t we create our own
source of light that can also help the environment while also you get
the benefits from our Lumox. To help to give the customers
satisfactions on their need and reduce the consumption of electricity
and give light that can be accessible to all.
To give more efficient way to a source of light at night that mat
not cost you too much when it comes to electricity.
To be a known as a distributor of locally made solar lantern
around Quezon City and maybe in the whole Philippines.
U1 Enterprise
Palitaw Motchi

A Proof of Concept Proposal

Presented to the faculty of the Entrepreneurship of Quezon City University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Submitted by:
U1 Enterprise
Our product aims to promote the SDG 3 which is zero hunger, this
is to lessen the people who experience extreme hunger and malnutrition.
We wanted to achieve food security and improved nutrition of our
customers. As what we have observe in our surroundings, we don’t
usually see this kind of product the reason why we come up with this
product idea. But unlike the common palitaw that we have encounter,
there is a twist with our product that will catch the attention of our
customers. Continuously introducing this product would promote a
sustainable culture since palitaw is a famous kakanin and a Filipino
afternoon snack.
Since Filipino loves to eat malagkit dessert we come up with this product, called
motchi. It is different from other Palitaw because it comes with a filling. The shape of our
product is far from the common Palitaw. It is made of glutinous rice flour also known as
"malagkit" with fillings of yema inside and the “malagkit” is mixed with kamote and squash
which makes a different color of palitaw.
We think more ingredients that we can add to our product that we can help to
lessen the starve of every people and to assure also that our product can help to have a
healthy body to our customers and to all people who will eat this kind of product. The
uniqueness of our product from the others is that we put a padding/fillings that made of
Since we combined kamote and squash means it can give more nutrients that help
to have a healthy body to the people. Kamote is starchy root vegetable that’s a great
source of carbs, potassium and vitamin C. Squash is the food that is low in saturated fat
and sodium and very low and cholesterol. It is also a good source of protein vitamin A.
Unlike any other Filipino
dessert it is the best to serve
because of it is soft texture Our product can last up to a
COMPETITOR 1 It is easy to addling.
and milky flavored pudding whole day if refrigerated
with combination of latik as

They have a place of owner

It is popularly known as a Our product can be all year
on the first day of traditional
COMPETITOR 2 native Filipino delicacy. round
Christmas season.

One of the best Filipinos

delicacies it is sweet sticky tri- Even though it is yummy and
layered cake. One of the main attractive, when you eat too We are using natural product
COMPETITIVE 3 characteristics of it is their 3 much of it there is that the to change the color of our
colors itself that makes it way they color their product is product
attractive and yummy in the from food coloring
eyes of customers.
It can be store even in a long There are 2 flavors to choose
If you eat this kind of food
COMPETITOR 4 period of time and you can from so the customer would
that you can easily satiate
buy into smaller pieces. not satiate easliy
Unlike any other Filipino
dessert it is the best to serve
because of it is soft texture Our product can last up to a
COMPETITOR 1 It is easy to addling.
and milky flavored pudding whole day if refrigerated
with combination of latik as

They have a place of owner

It is popularly known as a Our product can be all year
on the first day of traditional
COMPETITOR 2 native Filipino delicacy. round
Christmas season.

One of the best Filipinos

delicacies it is sweet sticky tri- Even though it is yummy and
layered cake. One of the main attractive, when you eat too We are using natural product
COMPETITIVE 3 characteristics of it is their 3 much of it there is that the to change the color of our
colors itself that makes it way they color their product is product
attractive and yummy in the from food coloring
eyes of customers.
It can be store even in a long There are 2 flavors to choose
If you eat this kind of food
COMPETITOR 4 period of time and you can from so the customer would
that you can easily satiate
buy into smaller pieces. not satiate easliy
Graphical Presentation of the Market


Competitor 1
Competitor 2
Competitor 3
Competitor 4


The graph shows the competitors market share which the highest percentage goes to other
competitors with a percentage of 39%, the second highest market share is the competitor 1 with the
percentage of 24%. Followed by competitor 4 with the percentage of 20%, the 12% goes to competitor 3.
Lastly, competitor 2 got the lowest percent which is 5%.
To be the leading enterprise that will be producing a good quality
that everyone could look forward not just an asset but as a necessity in
the near future. To become one of the pioneers and innovating
worthwhile and effective products that will cope up the fast changing
trends in the society.
To serve our stakeholders with utmost decency, good quality
products to ensure that the customers will be satisfied with our
products. To help the economy to be known in other field inside the
local and international.
Our product is palitaw with different varieties. It is healthy and
affordable price so that the customers can afford it. We want to market
our product in some areas were elderly, ages 35 and up are living,
because this people are the ones who crave more of kakanin. We will
conduct a taste test to our schoolmates and because of word of mouth
and curiosity it will help us reach our customers.
In order to keep and develop our relation to our customer,
providing them the best quality of our product is important, because in
that way we can gain their trust and became our loyal customers.
We are looking for investors to support and promote our
products, because we want to be the supplier of Motchi in the
Motchi is made of 2 different varieties, it consists of squash and
kamote. The product are not the same with the common palitaw. We
innovate the usual palitaw and put another flavor. We come up with this
kind of innovation because we believe that these two additional ingredients
which is squash and kamote has a different nutrients that the customers can
get, The squash it is a good source of dietary fiber vitamin c vitamin K,
riboflavin and so on, the other one is kamote a rich source of fiber as well as
it contains of vitamins and minerals and many to mention. Our product
Motchican offer health benefits as well as it is affordable. If you are starving
and you don’t have enough money to buy expensive food, Motchi can easily
satisfied you starving because it is made of glutinous rice. It can also offer
nutritious vegetables that can math with the glutinous rice. Eating Motchi is
like eating your regular meal.
Step 1. Prepare all your ingredients
Step 2. Boil the sweet potato and the squash, after boiling smash the sweet
potato and the squash.
Step 3. Combine the glutinous rice flour with sweet potato or squash. Mix it
until it is like a dough.
Step 4. Form them into a ball and put yema.
Step 5. Put them in a boiling water and wait until it floats.
Step 6. Remove from the pot.
The role of our product is to satisfy the cravings of the customers from
sweet food or a snack. It aims to preserve the native kakanin, it is also a way
of preserving the Filipino culture. As much as possible, the product will be
almost as the same price of the palitaw. Motchi will be the foundation of the
enterprise SDG’s and achieving the goals.
To give satisfaction to the customer and give a food with healthy
nutrients that goes to their body. This satisfaction can help them to ease
their hunger in the very affordable price. The product can offer a good value
unlike to the common kakanin that we know. Like the common palitaw it is
made from vegetables and fruits, which is if you eat palitaw it just like you
are eating your regular meal. Motchi can help to ease our starving, because
it is not only the common palitaw that already exist.

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