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PMC 531



By :
Purpose of Educational Measurement

Instruction Decision

Selection Decision

Placement Decision
Instruction Decision
Made to identify student's instructional needs .

Teachers are constantly collecting informal and

formal information and make decisions.

Teachers using information of the past instruction to

guide their future instructional decisions.

Decisions are proactive approaches of providing

early asistance to students with instructional needs.
Instruction Decision

Decisions before begining teaching (Prior knowledge)

 What content do I need to cover?

 What abilities of my student do I need to take into account as I plan my teaching


 What learning targets do I want my students to achieve as a result of my


 How should I organize and arrange the students in the class for the upcoming
lessons and activities?

 What leaning activities will my students and I need to be engaged as I teach the
Instruction Decision

Decisions during teaching (Student's

 Is my lesson going well? Are students catching on? (Observation)

 What should I do to make the lesson work better?

(Diagnosis of student's misconception)

 What feedback should I give each student about how well he or she is learning?
(Observation, quiz)

 Are my students ready to move to the next activitiy in the learning sequence?
(Test or quiz result)
Instruction Decision

Decisions after teaching (Mastery)

 How well are my students achievement?

 What strengths and weaknesses will I report to students and parents?

 How effective the teaching method I used?

 How effective are the materials I used?

 What grade should I give each students for the lesson?

When teachers systematically
collect the right kinds of
information and use it
effectively on making decision,
they can help their student's
grow as thinkers and learners.
(Angelo & Cross, 2007)
Selection Decision
 Selection is a process of measurement, evaluation
and decision making.

 A process of picking candidates with qualification

and competence to fill the specific requirements in
the instituition or organizasation.

 We choose the candidate from the pool who best fits the
needs of the instituition or organisation. Critically important,
and often forgotten, selection is a two-way process.
Selection Decision
 Test is given to determine student ability/suitabality
to enter any instituition or organisation.

 Assesment procedure for selection MUST show that

candidates result on these assesment bear a
significant relationship to success.

 Assesment result can distinguish effectively between those

candidates likely to succeed and those unlikely to succeed, then
these assesment procedures should be improve or eliminated.
Selection Decision
 But however, selection decision need not to be
perfect to be useful.

 Assesment results cannot be expected to have

perfect validity for selection or any decisions.
Selection Decision

Successful person
(correct decision)
Assesments person
Persons results and Unsuccessful on the job
take other (erroneous decision)
assesments information
are applied
Unsuccessful person
(correct decision)
Reject other
Successful on the job
(erroneous decision)
FIGURE : A simplified illustration situation uses
assesments and the consiquences of those
Placement Decision
 A test given to a group of person ;
 who are assign to different levels of the same general
type of instruction, education or work.
 to promote or to retain a student in a particular grade or
 to place students according to prior achievement or
personal characteristics, at the most appropriate point
 to place all students in appropriate educational

 No one is rejected.
Placement Decision

FIGURE : Placement decision rule.

References :

 Dan Cullinan (2018).

Towards Better College Course Placement.
Commuity College Research Center.
 Nitko, A.J.& S.M (2014).
Educational Assesment of Students (Six Ed).
Harlow: Pearson.
 Malcolm L. Van Blerkom (2008).
Measurement and Statistic for Teachers.
University of Pittsburgh

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