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Observe correct
Let’s sing along with
the Frozen soundtrack.
Activity 1: Do You See What I See?
• Process Questions:
• What do you notice about the underlined words?
• How do you call the underlined words?
• What do you notice about the encircled words?
• Which of these are singular? Which are plural?
• What do you need to remember about the
subjects and verbs in sentences?
• Which rule is applicable in each of the given
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Trial)

Bill _________ a cab.

drives drive
Next: SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set A)
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Trial)
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Trial) back
Bill drives a cab.
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set A)

A stitch in time
_____________ nine.

saves save
Next: SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set B)
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set A)
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set A) back
Answer: SVA Game Pass or Play (Set A)

A stitch in time saves

SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set B)

Noisy is the can that

___________ nothing.

contains contain
• Answer: SVA Game Pass or Play (Set B)

Noisy is the can that

contains nothing.
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set C)

He who speaks too much

___________ too little.

works work
Answer: SVA Game Pass or Play (Set C)

He who speaks too

much works too
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set D)

Whatever you ______,

think about it seven
does do
Answer: SVA Game Pass or Play (Set D)

Whatever you do
think, about it
seven times.
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set E)

Milet and her sister

_______ the newspaper in
our neighborhood.
delivers deliver
Answer SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set E)

Milet and her sister deliver

the newspaper in our
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set F)

The chairperson and

members __________ to
the suggestions.
agrees agree
Answer: SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set F)

The chairperson and

members agree to the
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set G)

He who does not love his

native language ____ worse
than a beast.
is are
Answer: SVA Game: Pass or Play (Set G)

He who does not love his

native language is worse
than a beast.
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Final Round)

A person who is outwardly

calm _______anger
raging inside his stomach.
has have
Answer: SVA Game: Pass or Play (Final Round)

A person who is outwardly

calm has anger raging
inside his stomach.
SVA Game: Pass or Play (Final Round)

A monkey, which is
dressed up, ______ still
a monkey.
is are
Answer: SVA Game: Pass or Play (Final

A monkey, which is
dressed up, is still a
Barking Dogs Seldom Bite

We know that dogs ____(1.bark) when they ____

(2. see) strange people. But dogs that
(3.growl)________ rarely _____(4.bite) strangers. So
those who ___ ( talkative ____ (6.need) not be
always practical. They _____(7. be) simply boasting.
Containers which _____ ( full of water _____
(9.make) less noise. Educated people ____ (10.
do)not brag themselves very much. Great men ___
( 11. act) and their actions ______ (12. speak) for
themselves. His worth ______ (13. be) readily
recognized by others. So ______(14. talk) less, and
______ (15. do) more must be our motto.
Barking Dogs Seldom Bite

We know that dogs bark when they see strange

people. But dogs that growl rarely bite strangers.
So those who are talkative need not be always
practical. They are simply boasting. Containers
which are full of water make less noise. Educated
people do not brag themselves very much. Great
men act and their actions speak for themselves.
His worth is readily recognized by others. So talk
less, and do more must be our motto.
• Choose the verb in the parentheses that agrees
with the subject of each sentence.
1. The opinions of the critics (determines,
determine) the success of the play.
2. The football players (run-runs) five miles every
3. The boys (walks, walk) to school every day
4. John (talks, talk) louder than her.
5. The weather on the coast (appears, appear) to
be good this weekend
Answer: Evaluation
• Choose the verb in the parentheses that agrees
with the subject of each sentence.
1. The opinions of the critics (determines,
determine) the success of the play.
2. The football players (run-runs) five miles every
3. The boys (walks, walk) to school every day
4. John (talks, talk) louder than her.
5. The weather on the coast (appears, appear) to
be good this weekend
Choose the verb in the parentheses that agrees
with the subject of each sentence.
• 1. The center on the basketball team (bounce-
bounces) the ball too high.
• 2. He (cook-cooks) dinner for his family.
• 3. The football players (run-runs) five miles
every day.
• 4. The man with the roses (look-looks) like your
• 5. The women in the pool (swim-swims) well.

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