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Cement Concrete

CE 2330
Jul – Nov 2017
IIT Tirupati
Cement and aggregates
What is Concrete?
Cement paste:
Cement + Water

Composite material
Coarse and Fine
• Nowadays, it is normal for concrete to have additives in the mineral and
chemical form
• The presence of different types of materials with varying properties makes
concrete a HETEROGENOUS material
Portland Cement
• L. J. Vicat: Prepared artificial hydraulic lime by
calcining an intimate mixture of limestone (chalk)
and clay – principal forerunner to Portland Cement

• 1824 – Joseph Aspdin, while obtaining a patent for

his hydraulic cement, termed it as Portland cement,
upon Portland stone (limestone from Dorset, UK),
which had a high quality and durability and a
similar appearance
Raw materials for cement
• Calcareous material – Containing CaCO 3
(primary source – limestone); impurities
such as iron and alumina are sometimes
• Argillaceous material – Containing clayey
matter, source of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3
• Gypsum – Added in the final stages of
manufacture as a set regulator
Steps in production
• Selection of raw materials
• Grinding to correct size
• Choice of blending process
• Production of cement clinker by kiln
burning of blended raw materials
• Intergrinding with gypsum to produce
Portland Cement
Cement composition
CaO (C) C3 S
SiO2 (S) C2 S
Al2O3 (A) C3A
Fe2O3 (F) C4AF
MgO, SO3, Na2O, K2O Gypsum (CaSO4.2H 2O)
Note: Water (H O) is
2 written
as H in cement chemists’
Minor oxides
Typical properties
Composition: Physical properties:
•C3S: 45 – 60% •Specific gravity: 3.15
(solid); 1.5 – 1.6 (bulk
•C2S: 15 – 30%
•C3A: 6 – 12% •Fineness: 300 – 350
•C4AF: 6 – 8% m2/kg

•Gypsum ~ 4%
Hydration of cement
• Reaction of cement with water
• Exothermic; heat released is called ‘Heat of
• Rate of heat evolution is faster if the
reaction is quicker
• Heat evolved depends on heat of hydration
of individual compounds
Effect of constituents on cement
• C3A: responsible for setting and early
strength; possesses a high heat of hydration
• C3S: early strength gain; high HOH
• C2S: ultimate strength; low HOH
• Finer the cement, faster the rate of heat
development, and quicker the setting and
early strength gain
Products of hydration of cement
• Calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) – Primary
strength giving component
• Calcium hydroxide (CH) – most susceptible
to chemical attack
• Calcium sulpho-aluminates – Responsible
for early stiffening of concrete
Tests on hydraulic cement
• Consistency and setting time – Vicat test
• Initial and final setting – importance
• Soundness – Ability to retain volume after
setting (related to free CaO/MgO)
• Compressive strength – as measured on
Types of cement
Classification of cements
Based on…

• Chemical differences
• Physical properties
• Additives to the cement powder
• Special purpose or use
ASTM Classification (C 150)
• Type I: General purpose
• Type II: Moderately sulphate resistant, and
moderate heat of hydration
• Type III: High early strength
• Type IV: Low heat of hydration
• Type V: Sulphate resistant
Type IA and IIA for air-entrained cements
Typical Composition
ASTM Compound composition (%)
Type C3S C2S C3A C4AF
I 45-55 20-30 8-12 6-10
II 40-50 25-35 5-7 10-15
III 50-65 15-25 8-14 6-10
IV 25-35 40-50 5-7 10-15
V 40-50 25-35 0-4 10-20
In relation to Type I cement…..
• Type II has marginally lower C3S and C3A
• Type III has marginally higher C3S, and a
higher fineness
• Type IV has lower C3S (lower than Type II)
and C3A
• Type V has lower C3A
Ref: Mehta and Monteiro, “Concrete: Structure, Properties,
And Materials,” 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1993
Blended cements (ASTM C595)
• Portland Blast-Furnace Slag Cement – Type
IS (slag is 25 – 70% by mass)
• Portland-pozzolan cement – Type IP
(pozzolan content 15 – 40% by mass)
• Benefits:
- Pozzolanic reaction; additional CSH
- Pore refinement
- Increased durability
Ref: Mehta and Monteiro, “Concrete: Structure, Properties,
And Materials,” 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1993
BIS Classification
• Ordinary Portland Cement – IS:269-1989 (further
classified into 33, 43, and 53 grade; the grade
implies the strength achieved by the cement
mortar at 28 days)
• Portland Cement, Low Heat – IS:12600-1989
• Rapid Hardening Portland Cement – IS:8041-1978
• Portland-Pozzolana Cement – IS:1489-1976
• Portland-Slag Cement – IS 455-1976
Special Cements

Based on purpose or use

Expansive Cements
•Offsets the shrinkage by
expansion in the plastic state
•If expansion is large
enough, sometimes the
- Volume change +

Expansive cement paste tensile strength due to

shrinkage can be completely
Time offset
Typical cement paste
•Based on addition of
sulphate bearing
compounds. Type K, M, S,
•PC + Plaster of Paris, or PC •For cementing steel
+ calcium aluminate cement casings to rock formations
during oil drilling
•Setting times are as low as
10 minutes •Pumped as slurry which
needs to be fluid under
•Poor durability and strength
service conditions, and then
WHITE CEMENT harden quickly
•Architectural purposes •Reduced C3A and fineness
•Lowered iron contents in •Sometimes retarders are
the clinker used for set and accelerators
•Pigments can be added to for strength
get coloured cement
•PC Clinker + Gypsum +
Limestone or any other inert •Blast furnace slag +
filler + Air entraining gypsum + small amount of
plasticizer PC clinker
•Fineness > OPC •Slag > 70%
•Masonry mortars should be •High resistance to
smooth, plastic, cohesive, sulphates and marine
and workable environments
•Lime mortars are weak, •Very slow setting and
while PC mortars are harsh hardening; low heat of
and cannot sustain shrinkage hydration
and temperature movements
Calcium Aluminate Cement
•Also called High Alumina
cement, or Ciment Fondu
•Based on CA
•Good resistance to acidic and
sulphate environments
•Loss of strength with age due to
a gradual conversion of hydration
product (CAH10 to C3AH6)
•Good performance at high
temperatures due to formation of
a ceramic bond; hence used in
refractory linings for furnaces
Ref: Mehta and Monteiro, “Concrete: Structure, Properties,
And Materials,” 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1993
Classification of aggregates

Based on…

• Size
• Source
• Shape and texture
• Coarse Vs. Fine aggregates
• Dividing sieve size is 4.75 mm
• Typical concrete aggregates:
• Coarse aggregate 40 mm – 4.75 mm
• Fine aggregate: River sand (well graded,
size ranges from 4.75 mm to 0.075 mm)
• Natural
- From river beds
- From quarries
• Manufactured – Fly ash based lightweight
aggregate, blast furnace slag aggregate, etc.
• Shape and texture of aggregate
• Level and type of impurities present
Fly ash aggregate Quarried aggregates
Shape and texture
• Rounded vs. angular
• Smooth vs. rough
• Flakiness and elongation
Affects properties such as:
• Workability
• Paste aggregate bond strength
• Packing and compaction
Relevant properties of aggregates
• Crushing strength
• Modulus of elasticity
• Hardness, impact and crushing resistance
• Specific gravity
• Gradation
• Bulking of fine aggregate
• Soundness
• Presence of impurities
Crushing strength
• Normal concrete – Aggregate strength >>
Concrete strength
• High strength concrete – Aggregate strength
~ or < Concrete strength
• Aggregate strength inside concrete is
different from that as a rock

• Large difference in E of aggregates and

paste  mismatch! Cracking can occur at
low load levels
• Cracking is more when aggregates are
angular and rough
From: Concrete: Structure, Properties and Materials, by
P.K. Mehta and P.J.M. Monteiro
Specific gravity

• Three types:
Saturated surface dry
• Design purposes – SSD is typically used

• Important from the point of view of

aggregate packing
• Typically, uniformly-graded coarse
aggregate and well-graded fine aggregate
are used
Bulking of fine aggregate
• Increase in volume by uptake of water
between grains of sand
• More of a problem with manufactured sand
• Could lead to difficulties in volume
batching of ingredients
• Important to measure moisture content
before use in concrete!!

• Ability to retain volume

• Related to porosity of aggregate
• High porosity  more absorption, greater
chance of volumetric expansions (either on
freezing or on exposure to chemicals)
Deleterious materials
• Impurities such as organic matter – interfere
with hydration
• Coatings like clay  affect paste-aggregate
• Weak and unsound particles – salts and low
density porous aggregates  cause high
water absorption and loss of strength
What is a chemical admixture?
• Any chemical additive to the concrete
mixture that enhances the properties of
concrete in the fresh or hardened state
• Does not typically include paints and
protective coatings (for steel or concrete)
Water reducers
W a te r R e d u c e rs

N o rm a l M id - r a n g e H ig h r a n g e
5 - 8 % w a t e r r e d u c t io n 8 - 1 5 % w a t e r r e d u c t io n 1 5 - 2 5 % w a t e r r e d u c t io n

Water reduction??
For a given workability, the water demand is reduced, thus resulting in
higher strength and durability.
For a given w/c and strength, workability can be increased.
For a given w/c, strength and workability, the quantity of cement can be
Set-controlling chemicals

• Accelerators
- Earlier finishing of slabs
- Increase early age strength
- Early removal of forms
- Cold-weather concreting
• Retarders
- Hot-weather concreting
- ‘Long-haul’ applications
- Workable for longer time
Air-entraining agents
• Improve workability
• Reduce segregation and bleeding
• Protect against damage due to freezing and
thawing cycles
• Increase ductility of system
• Problem – reduced strength due to
increased porosity
 Also called ‘Supplementary Cementing Materials’
 Used when special performance is needed: Increase in strength,
reduction in water demand, impermeability, low heat of hydration,
improved durability, correcting deficiencies in aggregate
gradation (as fillers), etc.
 Result in cost and energy savings: Replacement of cement leads to
cost savings; energy required to process these materials is also
much lower than cement
 Environmental damage and pollution is minimized by the use of
these by-products
 Usage depends on supply and demand forces, as well as the market
potential and attitudes
Typical compositions
% by mass PC GGBFS F-FA C-FA SF

SiO2 21 35 50 35 90

Al2O3 5 8 25 20 2

Fe2O3 2 3 10 5 2

CaO 65 40 1 20 -

PC: Portland cement, GGBFS: Ground granulated blast furnace slag, F-FA: Type
F fly ash, C-FA: Type C fly ash, SF: Silica fume
Pozzolanic reaction
• CH + Reactive SiO2 (or Al2O3) + H2O 
C-S-H (or C-A-H)
• Reaction is
- Lime consuming
- Pore refining
- Interface refining (why?)
- Slow (low heat of hydration)
- Accelerated by alkalis and gypsum
Workability of concrete
• Ease with which concrete mixture can be
handled without harmful segregation

• Mix that is difficult to place and consolidate

- Increase the cost of handling
- Lead to poor strength, durability and
Workability tests
Comparison of Consistency
Measurements by Various Methods

Extremely dry - 32 – 18 -
Very stiff - 18 – 10 0.70
Stiff 0 – 25 10 – 5 0.75
Stiff plastic 25 – 50 5–3 0.85
Plastic 75 – 100 3–0 0.90
Flowing 150 – 175 - 0.95
Hardened Concrete
Strength Vs. w/c

•Single most important factor

•High w/c  high porosity
•Free w/c corresponds with
the w/c after accounting for
moisture absorption by
•Abram’s law: fc = A / Bw/c
A.M. Neville, Properties of Concrete,
4th Edition, Longman, 2000
Effects of specimen geometry

•End friction effects

•Size dependency of strength A.M. Neville, Properties of Concrete,
4th Edition, Longman, 2000
Tensile strength of concrete
• Important for judging cracking potential of
concrete in various situations
• Generally, ft = 1/10 to 1/7 of fc
• Three methods commonly used:
– Direct tension
– Split tension
– Flexure
Split tension
•Indirect method
•Concrete actually loaded in
compression (diametric
•Tensile stresses develop in the
lateral direction
•Tensile strength = 2P/πLD

A.M. Neville, Properties of Concrete,

4th Edition, Longman, 2000
Flexural strength

•Most common method of

•Mid-point load and 3rd point
load arrangements possible
•Stress at first crack =
Modulus of rupture (MOR)
What is durability?
• Durability of hydraulic-cement concrete is
defined as its ability to resist weathering
action, chemical attack, abrasion, or any
other process of deterioration (ACI)
• Durable concrete will retain its original
form, quality, and serviceability when
exposed to its environment
Common durability problems in
1. Corrosion of steel in reinforced concrete
2. Sulphate and other chemical attack of
3. Alkali-aggregate reaction
4. Freezing and thawing damage
Durability and permeability
• Water is common to all the durability
problems in concrete. The presence of
water, or its involvement in the reactions is
necessary for the problems to occur. Thus,
the durability of concrete is intrinsically
related to its water-tightness, or
Case Study of HPC at Chennai
Box girder: M45 steam cured
4 winged pier: M50 normally cured
Cap beam: M65 normally cured
I-girder: M60 steam cured
Box Girder
• M45 steam cured concrete
• OPC 43
• PCE based superplasticizer
• >100 mm slump
requirement at time of
• Requirement of 35 MPa at
the end of steam curing
• Base concrete placed first,
followed by polystyrene box
for the central section, and
then sides and top

Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010

4-winged pier
• M50 moist cured concrete
• OPC 43
• SNF based superplasticizer
• >100 mm slump
requirement at time of
• 50 MPa strength required
at 7 days
• Extreme congestion of
reinforcement at the
junction of vertical and
slanted elements
• Difficult to place concrete

Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010

Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010
Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010
Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010
Cap Beam
• 65 MPa moist cured
• OPC 43 and silica fume
• PCE based
• >100 mm slump
required at time of

Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010

• 60 MPa steam cured concrete
• OPC 53 and silica fume
• PCE based superplasticizer
• 60 MPa strength requirement
at the end of steam curing cycle
• >100 mm slump required at
time of placing

Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010

Santhanam and Balasubramanian, 2010
Parameters for lab designs
• Initial slump (with no bleeding) of 150 – 180 mm, and 1
hour slump in excess of 100 mm desired
• M45 steam cured concrete – 35 MPa required after 16 hour
steam curing cycle
• M50 moist cured concrete – 65 MPa required at 28 days
(and 50 MPa at 7 days)
• M60 steam cured concrete – 60 MPa required after 18 hour
steam curing cycle
• M65 moist cured concrete – 80 MPa required at 28 days
(and 65 MPa at 7 days)
Finalized mixture designs
Mix Designation M45 SC M50 MC M65 MC M60 SC
Cement (kg/m3) 450 450 450 500
Silica fume (kg/m3) - - 45 50
Sand (kg/m3) 730 715 703 768
12 mm CA (kg/m3) 547 536 527 469
20 mm CA (kg/m3) 547 536 527 469
Water (kg/m3) 126 162 148.5 143
w/cm 0.28 0.36 0.30 0.26
Coarse to Fine Aggregate 60:40 60:40 60:40 55 : 45
20 mm : 12.5 mm aggregate 50:50 50:50 50:50 50 : 50
Superplasticizer (% bwoc*) 1.0% (PCE) 0.9 % (SNF) 0.9 % (PCE) 1.16 % (PCE)

Room temp. (oC) 32.0 34.0 34.0 32.0

Concrete temp. (oC) 31.0 33.0 32.5 34.0
Slump (mm)
Initial 160 220 220 190
60 min 120 150 165 120
Compressive strength (MPa)
Required target 35 (after 16 65 (at 28 days) 80 (at 28 days) 60 (after 18
hours) hours)
Achieved 45 – 50 65 – 70 80 – 85 70 – 75
Steam curing cycles adopted
• Careful control of
maximum temperature
required – when T > 80 C,
possibilities of delayed
ettringite formation
• Need to ensure that
steam reaches all sections
of the segment properly
• Delay period (before
temperature rise)
extremely important – it is
loosely equal to the initial
setting time
Field trials

• Mix designs CANNOT be finalized without

field trials
• Some parameters that could be vastly
different include SP dosage, time of mixing,
specimen preparation (!!), curing quality
and duration

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