Strategies To Avoid Communication Breakdown

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Review of the Past Lesson

 The teacher will ask a volunteer from
the group of students to recapitulate
about the past lesson. Follow-up
questions will be asked by the
Review of the
teacher in relation to previous topic. A
Past Lesson
video clip will be presented after the
review if they have correctly
identified the major barriers to
Strategies to Avoid
Communication Breakdown
The teacher will announce
the topic of the upcoming
skill to learn. The students
will pass a piece of paper
Pre- with the graphic organizer to
assessment the members of the class.
Students should write the
facts they know related to
the topic.
They may also include
information they want to learn
and explore including
questions and comments of
Pre-assessment interest and concern. The
(cont.) teacher will ask a volunteer to
read/present in the class of
what they have written in a
piece of paper.
At the end of the lesson, students must be
able to:
 Identify strategies to avoid
communication breakdown;
 Perform situations using different
OBJECTIVES strategies to avoid communication
breakdown; and,
 Value the importance of effective
communication in relation to real life
Teacher will choose 10 students
in the class to do the activity. The
ten students will form a line,
then, the last student in the line
MOTIVATION will open the rolled paper given
by the teacher. As he/she opens
the rolled paper, he/she will
read it and follow the instruction
The student on the last line will
relay the message to his/her
classmate next in line through body
movements and hand gestures only.
The message will be relayed until it
reaches to the first student in line.
Then, the first student say the
message verbally.
The students will watch a
video that shows a
ACTIVITY breakdown. This is to be
shown to introduce the
next topic in relation to
the previous one.
(Interactive Questioning)
After the video is being shown,
the students are asked the
ANALYSIS following questions:
1.What is the video all about?
2.What problems of
communication arise in the
3. What are the reasons/factors
that obviously affect
4. If you were to solve the
communication problem/s, how
would you do it? Or what you
should do to overcome it?
 The students are asked some of
the communication breakdown
they encountered as a student
and what they did they do to
ABSTRACTION overcome it? Afterwhich, the
strategies of avoiding
communication breakdown are
discussed for the students.
The following are some
coping strategies for
Coping occasions when you didn’t
understand any of the
message being
communicated to you.
Ask the person to repeat
what they said. ‘Could you
say that again please?’
Ask the person to repeat
1. Repetition
what they said but at a
slower rate. ‘Could you
say that again please, a
little more slowly?’
Ask the person to
rephrase what they said
Rephrasing or say it in a different
way. ‘Can you rephrase
that for me?’
Ask the person to repeat the
important words in the
sentence. ‘Can you repeat the
Key Words main ideas of what you were
saying?’ Ask the person to state
the topic of the message. ‘Can
you tell me the topic of what
you were saying?’
The following are some
coping strategies for
Coping occasions when you
Strategies understood only part
of the message being
communicated to you.
Repetition/Rephrasing Tell
the person the part of the
message you understood
and ask them to repeat or
Repetition rephrase the other parts. ‘I
understood you were talking
about the office. Can you
rephrase what you said?’
Ask a general or specific
question related to the
part of the message you
Ask A Question
understood. ‘She did
what at two o’clock?’,
‘Jane was going where?’
Spelling Ask the person to
spell the topic word/
important words of the
sentence. ‘Can you spell the
name of the restaurant?’, ‘Can
you spell the name of the city
you were talking about?’,
‘Was that ‘F’ as in Frank?’
General Inquiry – “Huh?”
Metacommentary – Short
Other repair Partial repetition –ask for
clarification in a form of
1.Specific “Wh” Question - the listener
interrupts the speaker as long as the
he/she doesn’t hear what the speaker
2.Candidate interpretation – rephrase
Other repair the message or changing the term
strategies into a different word/s
3.Multiple choice question – speaker
clarifies what he/she said to the
Example: “A bug or a rug?”
Group 1: In a restaurant, there is a customer who nags
on the waiter since he didn’t get his right order.
Group 2: In a classroom, a girl gets mad to her
friends since they didn’t return her book.
Group 3: At home, the brother broke the favourite
perfume bottle of his sister and his sister gets mad.
GROUP Group 4: In the mall, the woman gets mad to the
ACTIVITY security guard since he really insists to check her
Group 5: In the park, the man and the woman
bumped with each other and the grocery bags of the
woman fell on the ground. The woman nagged
The answers are explained very well. The
ideas are really coherent with each other.
The ideas are really relevant to the question.

The answers are explained well. The ideas are
coherent with each other. The ideas are
Rubric for relevant to the question.
Group Activity 3
The answers are explained. The ideas are not
so coherent with each other. The ideas are not
so relevant to the question.
The answers are explained. The ideas are not
so coherent with each other. The ideas are not
relevant to the question.
Attempted to answer.
 As a student, why is it very
important to use strategy in
EVALUATION avoiding or solving
breakdown? Cite a
concrete example to prove
your answer.
Through a 6-frame comic
strip that shows how a
strategy is used to solve a
ASSIGNMENT communication breakdown.
This task will be in triad.
Show your creativity in a
long bond paper.

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