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Dr Tehzeeb Ali

 Mental illness related stigma, including that

which exists in the healthcare system and
among healthcare providers creates serious
barriers to access and quality of care.
 MYTH; Mental illnesses are unusual.
 FACTS; In fact Mental health problems ;
Mental illnesses are common.
 300 million people around the world have
depression according to WHO.
 90 % who died by suicide in USA in 2018 had
an underlying mental illness.
 Mental Illness is a sign of weakness on part of
person having it and strong people do not
suffer from it.
 In fact any one can suffer from mental illness.
 Etiology is usually a complex mix of multiple
biological and psychological factors
 MYTH:If I am strong emotionally and
spiritually I can cope with depression
 FACT:Depression is caused by biological
disturbances in neurotransmitters in brain
which needs to be corrected
 MYTH:Psychological needs are taken care of
automatically if physical needs are met
 FACT:Both physical and psychological aspects
of health require attention and care. Although
both influence each other, taking care of one
does not automatically result in taking care of
 MYTH;If I know the cause of my emotional
problem I can bear it and I don’t need help
 FACT;Just knowing the cause is often
insufficient to deal with mental health concerns
 People suffering from mental illness are
 In fact ,mentally ill individuals are more likely
to be victims of violence than to be violent
 Statistics indicate that the majority of violent
crimes are committed by people who do not
have a mental illness
 Mental health treatments are about the
medications that make you dull, drowsy and
 FACTS: Psychiatric medications are meant to
target the symptoms of the condition. Though
some medications have side effects such as
drowsiness, many newer medications have
minimal side effects
 There are multiple treatments available,
including psychological treatments for
different conditions.
 Psychological treatment means counseling only
and it is not helpful.
 FACT: Psychological treatments are not just
about “advising”. It is a systemic approach
,learnt through professional training. There are
different kinds of psychological therapies
which involve different techniques and
processes demonstrated to be effective through
research for a variety of mental health
 If some one has a mental health problem, they
can not live a normal productive life.
 FACT: In spite of suffering, many individuals
with mental health conditions can live a
productive life as there are effective treatments

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