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Juan Morales
John Dewey

 John Dewey supported learning through experience.
John Dewey, 20th-century American educational
theorist and philosopher, challenged the traditional
view of the student as a passive recipient of
knowledge and argued for active experiences that
prepare students for ongoing learning about a
dynamic world.
What is Project-Based

 Project Based Learning is a teaching model based on
the use of authentic and realistic projects, specified in
a highly motivating issue, task or problem.
PBL changes the

Origins of PBL

 Based on Constructivism learning theory: learner-
centered, knowledge-centered, assessment-centered,
and community-centered (Bransford, Brown, and
Cocking, 2000). - Constructionism learning theory:
individuals learn best when they are constructing an
artifact that can be shared with others and reflected
upon (Piaget, 1969; Kafai & Resnick, 1996).
Principles and

 Student- centered learning.
 Students acquiere a deeper knowledge through active
exploration of the real world challenges and problems.
 Students learn by working for and extended period of
time to investigate and respond to complex questions,
challenges or problems.
 Learning trough the experience.
 Focus on the student, not in the curriculum.
 Active learning.
Teacher role

 The teacher will be a facilitator, coach and a guider
during the searching and solving process. By asking
questions along with the students, a teacher can
serve as a model problem solver.
 Engage the students in investigation.
 Create conditions that improve communication and
interpersonal-social skills that will be help to
increase the creativity.
Student role

 The student need to apply dedication.
 Apply what they know to solve authentic problems
and produce results.
 Design plans, debate ideas, communicate ideas,
make predictions.
 Working in teams.
 Should take on responsibility of own learning .
 Should participate in teaching.
 Should have a positive attitude.
 Should be open to feedback.
Types of learning and
teaching activities

 Active learning. ( Engage student in the learning process
with meaningful activities.)
 Life long learning. ( Is the "ongoing, voluntary, and self-
motivated“. )
 Cooperative learning. ( When the students interact in
pairs or groups to share knowledge and experiences.)
 Constructivist, while students determinate their projects.
 Inquiry-based learning. ( Active learning that starts by
posing questions, problems or scenarios).
The role of instructional

 The teacher is a facilitator who will create an
atmosphere of responsability.
 Assesment ( Project) focus on that follow a sequence
that get to the requiered content.

 Problem or questions that is going to be answer.
 Short quiz of the content to make sure of the
 Reflections.
 Work groups discussion. ( Fact us opinion).

 Project based learning plays a key role in nowadays,
because prepares students to think critically and
expand their knowledge by their own discoveries
and their capacities to develop any kind of proposal.

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