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Organisational Culture and Underlying causes

Culture Causes
1. Values on which Company was formed were • Leliberte’s leadership quality was based on knowledge
the strongest. and experience.
• He and other managers acted like Parents and protected
the artists.
2. Strong Communication and Ethics • Bridging cultural and behavioural differences
3. Increased Team Effectiveness • Artists aligned their thinking process.
• Being creative centric and not customer centric.
4. Organisational Norms • Managers tried to provide the best working conditions,
Food, Transportation, Housing and even regular parties.
• Provided a learning environment including Language
5. Role of Managers • They were Open Minded, Patient and loving people,
handled stress well.
• Company believed in “Managers serve the Artists.”
6. Good Feedback System • Internal Corporate Communications; large sum of money
dedicated to this.
• Criticisms were invited, if any.

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