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Presented by: Ballesteros, Sherry

Benico, Racel
Bontia, Kristel
1. Chronological or Time

Order that is based on time.
From the earliest time to the latest
time as in narrative, or from the
first stage to the last stage as in
process explanation.
Example: dawn, morning, noon,
afternoon, dusk, evening
2. Geographical, Spatial,
or Space Order

Order that is based on space
(place, location, or position).
Example: Luzon, Visayas,
3. Logical Order

Order that is based on logical
Example : Cause Effect
A. Deductive Order

Logical order that proceeds from
general to particular(from rule to
Example: definition of nouns
citing examples of the items
mentioned in the definition
B. Inductive Order

Logical Order that proceeds from
particular to general (from
examples to rule).
Example: citing instances that
have the same result
formulating a generalizations
based on similar outcomes of the
said instances
C. Climatic Order

Logical rising order that proceeds
in a series of related stages from
the least to the most significance in
terms of size and importance.
Example: Individual, Family,
Community, Country, World
D. Anticlimatic Order

Logical falling order that proceeds
in a series of related stages from
the most to the least significance in
terms of size and importance.
Example: World, Country,
Community, Family, Individual
E. Simple to Complex

Logical order that proceeds from
the simplest to the most complex.
Example: -Good, Better, Best
-Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division
F. Causal Order

Logical order that proceeds either
from cause to effect/s or from
effect to causes.
Example: fire destruction of
lives and properties
4. Enumerative Order

Order that is usually used in a list
or an enumeration of items.
Example: Restaurant Menu:
appetizers, soups, staples,
dessert, drinks
A. Numerical Order

Enumerative order that proceeds
from one to infinity or vice versa;
it maybe ascending or
descending order.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5(Ascending Order)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1(Descending Order)
B. Alphabetical Order

Enumerative order that proceeds
from A to Z of the English
Example: Ballesteros, Benico,
Bontia, Briones, Cayanong

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