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Educ 103

GAD Milestones
Since the late 80s, the CSC has been leading the Philippine government in
reflected in the landmark laws it has supported and in GAD promoting
gender equity, be it in policy-making and implementation or technical
assistance. Its strong background in gender advocacy milestones throughout
three decades:

• Establishment of the Commission Day Care Center. This innovation
helped mothers focus on their work at the absence of extra worry for
their children who could instead be left at home.

• Enforcement of a full flextime schedule. CSC Memorandum Circular

No. 14 allows employees to start and end work at a time convenient
to them provided that the same shall not be prejudiced to the prompt
and efficient delivery of service.
• Implementation of the Equality Advocates program or EQUADS. The
Equads program promotes equality of treatment and opportunities in
the workplace by eliminating discrimination due to gender, ethnic or
social origin, religious belief, physical disability or political affiliation.

• Designation of Trained Equality Advocates in 14 administrative
regions of the country. These EQUADS look into cases of
discrimination, answer queries, offer advice and provide counseling to
aggrieved employees.

• Revisiting of Maternity leave benefits. As stipulated in CSC Memo

Circular No. 17, s. 1991 the Maternity Leave Law was modified to allow
a woman the option to return to her work before the expiration of her
two-month leave. This adjustment will allow her to receive the benefits
granted under the Maternity Leave law and the salary for actual
services rendered effective the day she reports for work.
•. CSC’s participation in Career Advancement Program for
Women in Government Service (CAPWINGS). This program sought
to promote the advancement of women in government through a
three-pronged strategy: capability-building and advocacy, policy
strengthening and/or development, and enhancement of support

• Expansion of leave privileges. The Commission, through
Memorandum Circular No. 6, granted state employees special leave
privileges to enable them to attend to milestones of their lives such as
graduation, enrollment, anniversary, birthday. (plus funeral,
hospitalization and relocation)

• Grant of Paternity Leave. To complement the maternity leave

enjoyed by women, CSC jointly penned with the Department of Health
the policy granting paternity leave. This privilege is granted to a
married male employee, allowing him to take a leave for seven days
• Calling for equal representation of women and men in the third level
positions. Addressing the need to level the playing field, the Commission
issued in 1999 a directive (CSC Memorandum Circular No. 8) calling for
equal representation of women and men in the third level positions in
government to promote gender equality. Corollary to the move of supporting
the appointment of women to crucial posts in government, a Directory of
Women on the Move was produced, also in 1999. The Directory is a
compilation of organized and strategic information about qualified women for
vacancies in the Cabinet and other executive positions.

• Formulation of the Administrative Disciplinary Rules on Sexual
Harassment Cases. Considered a landmark issuance of the CSC, the new
Rules provide for the consistent and uniform rules of procedure in
investigating, prosecuting and resolving sexual harassment cases in
government cases. Presented to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the
new rules harmonized the provisions of Republic Act No. 7877 otherwise
known as the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 and CSC Memo Circular
No. 19, s. 1994. The new rules paved the way for the protection of women
and men in government as well as the creation of a healthy working
• Granting of maternity leave benefits to women, whether married or
unmarried. Pursuant to the Solo Parents Welfare Act of 2002 which
directs government to develop a comprehensive program of
services for solo parents and their children, the Commission granted
maternity leave benefits to women, whether married or unmarried.
Previously, only married women were given maternity leave
privileges. Also, the Commission issued a directive granting seven
(7) days of parental leave to solo parents in recognition of their
parental responsibilities and obligations.

• Development of GST. The Commission through the Human
Resource Development Office, developed a training design on
Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) Program. The program aims to
enhance awareness and deeper understanding of gender concepts
and the manifestations of gender bias. The GST program was also
pilot-tested during the year.
• Implementation of 10-Day leave benefit. CSC Resolution No.
05-1206 was issued, containing the Guidelines on the
Availment of the 10-day leave under Republic Act No. 9262
(Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004).
The said edict entitles any female employee in the
government service regardless of employment status, who is
victim of violence or any woman employee whose child is a
victim of violence to a paid leave of absence not exceeding
ten days. Prepared by the Personnel Relations Office and the
Office for Legal Affairs, the resolution states as well
documents to be submitted to avail of the leave privilege.
• Adding Breastfeeding Facility to Day Care Center. CSC’s Day
Care Center was equipped with a breastfeeding station to cater
to the needs of nursing mothers.

• Training CSC Office Correspondents’ Network (CNet) in
gender advocacy. CSC’s group of information officers
nationwide, collectively called CNet, were trained gender
responsive communication and gender advocacy, linking their
work with that of the CSC GADvocates. Linking CSC’s
communication and gender initiatives strengthens its capability
to engage its own employees and to continue promoting gender
equity among government agencies.

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