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Business &

Consulting Toolkits
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Created by Management Consultants,
previously from Deloitte, McKinsey & BCG
Objectives of our Business & Consulting Toolkits

Improve the growth & efficiency of your Organization

by leveraging premium business frameworks,
analysis tools & document templates.

Be more productive & save thousands hours of work.

Aurelien Domont
Slidebooks Consulting CEO
Management Consultant

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This document presents a small sample of some of
our Business & Consulting Toolkits

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

Table of Content

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

Strategy Map
Strategy Map
A Strategy map includes 4 perspectives

Financial Presents the strategic objectives driving financial performance

Presents the strategic objectives related to the value proposition of

the company

Internal Presents the strategic objectives related to the internal capabilities of

process the company

Presents the strategic objectives related to the intangible assets
required to drive performance
Strategy Map
There is a cause and effect logic between each perspective




Strategy Map
How to identify your strategic objectives in 6 questions?
Perspective Questions

To satisfy our shareholders, what

Financial financial objectives must we

To achieve our financial objectives,

To achieve our Vision
Customer what customer needs must we To reflect our Mission
statement, which
serve? statement, which
Strategic objectives
Strategic objectives must
must we reach?
we reach?
(more details about the
(more details about the
concept of Vision
concept of Mission
To satisfy our customers and statement later in this
statement later in this
Internal shareholders, in which internal
process business processes must we

To achieve our “Financial”,

Learning “Customer” and “Internal
& Processes” strategic objectives,
what does the organization need to
Growth learn?
Strategy Map Significantly behind target
Slightly behind target

Example of a Strategy Map Meeting target or above target

Perspective Strategic objectives

Increase profit Decrease
revenue Cost
Increase Increase Decrease
revenue per Decrease variable
number of
customer fixed cost cost

Increase Become a
Sell new
Customer customer trusted
satisfaction brand

Internal Understand
Shift to
Create new
process segments channel time

Learning Improve Improve

Create a
customer- Align the
& employee
focused organization
Strategy Map
Template #1
Perspective Strategic objectives

Insert your
Insert your own text Insert your
own text own text
Insert your Insert your Insert your Insert your
own text own text own text own text

Insert your Insert your Insert your Insert your

Customer own text own text own text own text

Internal Insert your Insert your Insert your Insert your

own text own text own text own text

Learning Insert your Insert your Insert your Insert your

& own text own text own text own text
To download the remaining 500 Powerpoint slides & 10 Excel sheets
of the Strategy Toolkit, click below in a slideshow mode:

Download Now
Table of Content

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

Change management definition
• The goal of change management is to help the individuals impacted by business and
technical changes in their company to adapt and be successful

Business & Require a Project Management approach to change the

Technical organization structure, job roles, processes and systems

Current state
state Transition
Transition Target
Target state

Require a Change Management approach to help
individuals impacted by the business and technical
changes in their company to adapt and be successful
How do you assess the impact of change on your team
Based on where your team members have come from, varying levels of impact may be experienced. This matrix
will help you identify the impact of the restructure on individuals in your team – this awareness will help you
consider appropriate activities to support them on a personal level.

Change of Role




Nil or Low Medium High

(e.g. No change) (e.g. Change of Team or Function) (e.g. Change of Business
such as from CGU to PI or
from WIAU to EO)
Change of environment
(Company, Division, BU, and Reporting Line)

Low Medium High

Impact Impact Impact
Change Impact Assessment Caption: Low Moderate Medium High Extreme

Initiative name:
Initiative snapshot description:

I. Executive Summary
of the Insert in this grey box a summary of what will be impacted by the change
Size of the
Insert a summary of which groups of people will be impacted by the change

II. What will be impacted by the change? III. Which groups of people will be impacted by the change?
Type of Impact Group Impact
Description Description
change intensity name intensity

increase / Insert your own description Insert your own description
unit 1

System Insert your own description Insert your own description
unit 2

Process Insert your own description Insert your own description
unit 3

Role Insert your own description Insert your own description
unit 4

Structure Insert your own description unit 5
Insert your own description

Culture Insert your own description unit 6
Insert your own description
To download the remaining 190 Powerpoint slides & 15 Excel sheets of
the Change Management Toolkit, click below in a slideshow mode:

Download Now
Table of Content

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

5-phase framework to help you define & implement your
Supply Chain Strategy

2.Gather Best
1.Understand 3.Develop 4. Conduct 5.Build a
Practices &
Current State Future State Gap Analysis Roadmap
Zoom on Phase 1: Understand current state

Have a clear and unbiased understanding of the Organization Supply Chain performance

Key Activities Team responsible for the

• Identify key data which need to be collected implementation of this phase
• Develop questionnaires • List here the key persons responsible for the
• Select key stakeholders who need to be interviewed implementation of this phase. It usually
includes a team of 3 to 6 external Supply Chain
• Conduct interviews Management consultants and 1 or 2 internal
• Leverage IT Systems to gather data Senior executives (The size of the team
• Gain understanding and document current state depends on the scope of the project and the
size of the organization)
• Validate current state with the business
• Insert team member name
• Insert team member name

Key stakeholders to meet Duration

• Chief Enterprise Officer • Between 2 weeks and 6 weeks depending on
• Chief Operations Officer the scope of the project and the size of the
• Chief Supply Chain Officer
• Insert any other stakeholders which can bring added value to this
phase, or engage any decision makes to ensure proper buy-in
Zoom on Phase 2: Gather Best Practices &

Gather Best Practices & Benchmarks from your industry and outside your industry

Key Activities Team responsible for the

• Identify relevant benchmarks and best practices that need to be implementation of this phase
gathered, from your industry and outside your industry • List here the key persons responsible for the
• Gather and analyze relevant benchmarks and best practices implementation of this phase. It usually
• Interview supply chain management experts from your industry includes a team of 3 to 6 external Supply Chain
and outside your industry Management consultants and 1 or 2 internal
Senior executives (The size of the team
• Summarize your findings in a structured way depends on the scope of the project and the
size of the organization)
• Insert team member name
• Insert team member name

Key stakeholders to meet Duration

• Insert stakeholder name • Between 2 weeks and 6 weeks depending on
• Insert stakeholder name the scope of the project and the size of the
• Insert stakeholder name
• Insert stakeholder name
• Insert stakeholder name
To download the remaining 600 Powerpoint slides & 10 Excel sheets of the
Supply Chain Management Toolkit, click below in a slideshow mode:

Download Now
Table of Content

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

Mission, Vision & Sales Strategic Objectives
Replace this text by your own text. Provide the key takeaway of this Powerpoint slide, so if
your CEO or Manager is busy, he does not have to read the whole slide.

Mission Insert your mission statement in this grey box

Vision Insert your mission statement in this grey box

Insert strategic Insert strategic Insert strategic
Strategic objective #1 objective #2 objective #3

Rationale behind each Sales Strategic Objectives
Replace this text by your own text. Provide the key takeaway of this Powerpoint slide, so if
your CEO or Manager is busy, he does not have to read the whole slide.

Insert strategic Insert your own text

objective #1

Insert strategic Insert your own text

objective #2

Insert strategic Insert your own text

objective #3

KPIs and Targets
Replace this text by your own text. Provide the key takeaway of this Powerpoint slide, so if
your CEO or Manager is busy, he does not have to read the whole slide.

Sales Strategic Objectives KPIs Targets Status

• Insert KPI • Insert Target

Insert the sales Strategic • Insert KPI • Insert Target
Objectives #1
• Insert KPI • Insert Target

• Insert KPI • Insert Target

Insert the sales Strategic • Insert KPI • Insert Target
Objectives #2
• Insert KPI • Insert Target

• Insert KPI • Insert Target

Insert the sales Strategic • Insert KPI • Insert Target
Objectives #3
• Insert KPI • Insert Target

To download the remaining 50 Powerpoint slides & 5 Excel sheets of
the Sales Strategy & Plan, click below in a slideshow mode:

Download Now
Table of Content

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

It is important to create a simple matrix to prioritize all
the potential integration & synergy initiatives

The 2 criteria used in most prioritization matrix are:

Impact Effort

• For the initiatives facilitating

the integration: an initiative
with a high impact would mean
• Ease of implementation
that the initiative is very
important in the success of the
• Time frame required
• Resources required (Number
• For the initiatives capturing
of people, capital investment,
synergy: an initiative with a
high impact would mean that the
initiative highly contributes to
the achievement of the synergy
The focus should be on the initiatives that have the
greatest impact and require the lowest effort

Prioritization matrix

Longer term initiatives

High (actively work to reduce required Initiatives to be prioritized


Low Unattractive initiatives Low value initiatives

(do not pursue) (pursue opportunistically)

High Low
Template to prioritize the initiatives facilitating the integration

Prioritization of the initiatives facilitating the integration

1.Insert the name of your initiative 1.Insert the name of your initiative
2.Insert the name of your initiative 2.Insert the name of your initiative
High 3.Insert the name of your initiative 3.Insert the name of your initiative
4.Insert the name of your initiative 4.Insert the name of your initiative
5.Insert the name of your initiative 5.Insert the name of your initiative


1.Insert the name of your initiative 1.Insert the name of your initiative
2.Insert the name of your initiative 2.Insert the name of your initiative
3.Insert the name of your initiative 3.Insert the name of your initiative
4.Insert the name of your initiative 4.Insert the name of your initiative
5.Insert the name of your initiative 5.Insert the name of your initiative

High Low
To download the remaining 120 Powerpoint slides & 2 Excel sheets of the
Post Merger Integration Framework, click below in a slideshow mode:

Download Now
Table of Content

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

Customer experience - Digital maturity assessment

Insert your own company name Bank Industry average maturity level

0.4 1.9
0 3
1. Low maturity 2. Medium maturity 3. High maturity

• Single channel (i.e. phone, • Multi channels but siloed • Omni-channel model where all the
branch, email) channels are integrated

• Low knowledge of the customers • Partial knowledge of the • 360o view of the customers

• No customer segmentation • Limited customer segmentation • Detailed segmentation allowing for

allowing for slightly targeted targeted customer experience
customer experience

• No integrated customer • Beginning to define an integrated • Holistic integrated customer

engagement strategy customer engagement strategy engagement strategy

• Bills are sent by physical mail • Bills are sent by email • Bills are sent by email and can be
customized via the company’s
website or phone application

• React to customer needs • Begin to define how to proactively • Proactively answer customer
answer customer needs needs, and influence buying
To download the remaining 80 Powerpoint slides of the Digital
Transformation Strategy Document, click below in a slideshow mode:

Download Now
Table of Content

1. Strategy Toolkit

2. Change Management Toolkit

3. Supply Chain Management Toolkit

4. Sales Strategy & Plan Template

5. Post Merger Integration Framework

6. Digital Transformation Strategy

7. Consulting Proposal Template

Our proposed approach includes 3 phases over a
3-month period

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Starts on 7/1 14/1 … … … … … … … … … …

Insert name of Phase 1

1.1 Insert name of Activity

1.2 Activity

1.3 Activity

Phase 2

2.1 Activity

2.2 Activity

2.3 Activity

Phase 3

3.1 Activity

3.2 Activity

3.3 Activity

= Key deliverable
Zoom on Phase 1 2

• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text

Key Activities Deliverable examples

• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text

Key Deliverables
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
Zoom on Phase 2 2

• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text

Key Activities Deliverable examples

• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text

Key Deliverables
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
• Replace this text by your own text
To download the remaining 70 Powerpoint slides of the Consulting
Proposal Template, click below in a slideshow mode:

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