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Analysis The Increasing Number

of Passanger Air Transport at Ied

Al-Fitr in Halim Perdana Kusuma
Interatonal Airport Jakarta
Over View
The increase in the number of passangers in
Indonesia is very visible at the moment of peak
season especially during Ied.
In Indonesia, the Ied al-Fitr moment is not just a
annual ritual for muslims. However, it is more
meaningful family values.
The number of passenger air transport at the time
of ied al-Fitr in indonesia reached 5.9 million
passengers or up about 10 – 11% of the year 2017.
the figure was calculated based on the total seat
sold until the end of Ramadan to 2018.
Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport while
on the rise in the number of passengers reached
15.015 from the previous year. The phenomena of
ied this only happens in indonesia.
Research Problems
The research of the problem on this reearch is
the influence of demand factors on increasing
the number of passengers on domestic route air
transport services during the Eid al-Fitr holiday
at Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport
Theory / Model
• The demand for air transport in the economy can be
said to the ability and willigness to buy an item or
service is priced alternative in a given period and is in a
condition ceteris paribus (Vasigh, Fleming & Tacker)
• Request in the transport, from human needs or goods
with the delivery of the good to move to a place
(Teodorovic & Janic)
• The increase in the number of passengers in aregion of
influence by several economic factors. Among the is
the route of flight, passenger demand, fasilitas airport,
the fix cost, transport cost (T. H. Yang)
Demand factor have the significant affet n
increasing of passengers numbers. Based on the
hypothesis test that shown Tstatistic > Ttable
(7,977 > 1,660). It means that the demanding
factor have significant affect on increase of
passengers numbers.
The writer used directly and online questioner to collect data from
respondents. In the research, the content of questioner is consists of
two variable such as independent variable (demand factors) and
dependent factors (passengers increasing). The research use likert scale
with 5 alternative answer which are :
• SS : strongly agree (5),
• ST : Agree (4),
• RG : Hesitate/ Neutral (3),
• TS : disagree (2),
• STS : strongly disagree (1).
Data Collection
The population in this research is 134.653 passengers. The research use random
sampling (slovin formulate with a level of error is 10% (Sugiyono, 2015)) with the
number of sample in this research are 100 passenger.
Slovin’s formula :
Demand factor have contribute 39,4% on increasing of passengers numbers and there
are 60,6% other factors that influence.

Variable X:
• Result of responden : 77.64%
• The high value of passengers perception is 86,2% which are distance and travel
• The low value 80,8% is price indicator

Variable Y :
• Result of responden : 77.4%
• the total high value of passengers perception is 81,2% which is the highly
appreciated from passengers is the good service and avaibility of public
• The lowest value of passenger perception 71,8% is Price
Key Finding
• Deman factor
• Increase passanger
• Eid Al-Fitr

Demand factor have the significant affect on increasing of passanger

number . In genaral, the indicator of demand variable that hava a
bigger affect on passenger is distance and travel time. Therefore,
passanger keep using air transport to travel in ied even if the price is
high. The passanger still compare price of ticket in ied periods. The
good service and availability of public transportation have afffet to
passengers use air transportation. The higher of price of airline still
became cosideration for customer to us air transportation. It is show
that the distance, travel time , service and availability of public
transportation have significant affect for influence passengers to use
air transportation.
• Added more extra flight to covers increase demand
passanger for airlines.
• Added the airport facilities and maksimum the use of
the land side area x-ray, officers of the avsec and
check-in counters, so as not to going passenger queues
up to airport terminal page Halim Perdanakusuma.
• To forecast the number of demand at ied al fitr for next
season and prepare what should they (management of
airport) prepare for next season to covers the increase
demand of passanger at Halim Perdanakusuma
International Airport.
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