Causes and Effects of Urbanization

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Causes and Effects of


• Urbanisation is the process in which the number of people living in

cities increases compared with the number of people living in
rural areas. A country is considered to be urbanised when over 50%
of its population lives in urban places.
• The ways in which society adapts to change. It predominently
Results in the physical growth of urban areas, be it horizontal or
Causes of Urbanization

 Reduce expense in commuting and transportation

 Improving opportunities for jobs, education, housing, and
 Greater variety of jobs
 To seek economic opportunities
 Better basic services as well as other specialist services that
aren't found in rural areas
 Elderly are often forced to move to cities where there are
doctors and hospitals that can cater for their health needs.
Effects of Urbanization

 Lack of housing and open areas of land

 Lack of safe and efficient transportation
 Crime
 Urban heat
 Respiratory problems among human
 Fire hazards
 Loss of land for agriculture
 Aid in global warming
Socio-cultural impacts

• Cities have a strong socio-cultural impacts on their surrounding

rural areas. The mass media depicts city life as superior to rural
life, the “STANDARD” language is deemed that of the national
capital, and better services are received in the city due to its
• The fertility rate in cities is often lower than in rural areas due to
the absence of agriculture, the cost of children,food and living
space in cities, and family planning.
Socio-economic impacts

• As a city grows, the cost of housing and infrastructure also grows,

since there are less water, land and building material
available,and greater congestion problems.As a city decays in this
way, governments often do not meet the service needs of
residents and urban development is dominated by private capital.
• Unemployment grows,as do drug abuse,crime and homelessness.
Environmental impacts

• Waste are a major problem in large cities.

• Air pollution results from over-dependence on motorised transport and from
burning of coal to supply energy.
• Water pollution results from poor sewage facililties and disposal of industrial
heavy metals into waterways.
• Vast quantities of solid waste are produced in industries.
• Traffic congestion and noise pollution are major environmental impacts of
large cities.
Solutions of Urbanization

 Cities can be revitalized by managing growth

 Cleaning up environmentally contaminated land
 Reinvesting in existing neighbourhoods
 hanging governmental infrastructure financing policies
 Establish urban growth boundaries
 Decentralisation

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