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Focus Group Discussion - is an effective in

extracting consumer and non-consumer
experiences regarding products, places or
- It is an interview by a facilitator of a small
group of people. It normally lasts for an hour
and a half to three hours.
- Participants should be knowledgeable about
the topic so it was called “Focused” group
- They must be able to meet the objectives set.
The focus group discussion can be used to
address substantive issues such as:
1. Understanding consumer’s perceptions,
preferences, and behaviour concerning a product
2. Obtaining impressions of new product
3. Generating new ideas about older products
4. Developing creative concepts and copy
materials for advertisement.
5. Securing price impressions
• Four Key Decisions To Be Made In FGD
1. Respondent selection
2. Sample Size
3. Data gathering
4. Data Analysis
Respondent selection includes
1. The definition of the respondent
2. The classification of the respondents
3. The screening of respondents
• Sample size – refers to the number of sampled
groups and the number of sample respondents
in each group. The number of respondents per
group should range from 6 to 8 depending on
the skill of the facilitator and the topic.
• Data Gathering methods in FGD involve
1. The selection and preparation of the venue and
2. The formulation of the discussion agenda and
3. A facilitator who is very skilled in moderating
and possesses the ability to draw out significant
insights from the participants
• Data Analysis includes:
1. integration of the information gathered
2. as well as some observations on respondent
3. a listing of recommendations and report
• 9 Steps in conducting FGD
1. Develop a research objectives. What is
2. Determine the participant profile. Who are
the most
3. Determine the appropriate token or
4. Develop a participant screener questionnaire
5. Recruit participants
6. Select a good facilitator. The key qualities of a
good facilitator are;
A. Kindness with firmness
B. Involvement and encouragement
C. Complete understanding
D. Flexibility
E. Sensitivity
7.Develop a facilitator’s guide
8. Arrange for the venue and logistics
9. Analyze the results of the focus group
CASE STUDY: Sam’s Surf and Turf

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