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-Define plagiarism.

-Appreciate the importance of
citing one’s work

is the act of presenting the words, ideas, images,
sounds, or the creative expression of others as
your own
Even pictures are copied and owned as
someone’s property. And this act
- commits plagiarism.
The following are the different ways
on how one commits plagiarism
Turning in someone
else’s work as your
Copying words or ideas from
someone else without giving
Failing to put a quotation in
quotation marks
Giving incorrect information
about the source of
Changing words but copying the
sentence structure of a source
without giving credit
Copying so many words or ideas
from a source that makes up the
majority of your work, whether you
give credit or not
Copying media (especially images)
from other Web sites to paste them
into your own paper or web sites
Making a video using footage from
other’s videos or using copyrighted
music as part of the soundtrack
Performing another person’s
copyrighted music
Composing a piece of music that
borrows heavily from another
Plagiarism is not only the verbatim
copying of another person’s work
but also copying an idea even if
you have stated it in your own
Based on the list of the different
ways on how one commits
plagiarism, have you committed
any acts of it? If so are you aware
of it?
Formative Assessment:
1. What is plagiarism?
2. What are the different ways on
how one commits plagiarism?

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