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Convincing Micro influencers

• Begin with small interactions: Share their content,

comment on their posts, and ask them relevant questions
on social media, so that they can notice you and remember
your name
• Clearly define the compensation model for the influencer
• Send them an email, talking about why you wish to work
with the influencer, and what you are offering them in
return of promoting Kofluence’s client’s products
• Since the micro influencers receive a lot of offers, they may
miss your offer on their mails or social media platforms.
Therefore, In case there is no response from them within
one week, drop a follow up message or mail to remind
them of your communication
Tools for approaching
• Hunter – can help us find e-mail addresses of
the influencers
• BuzzStream – can help us track and manage
our conversations with the influencer
• Pitchbox – can help us create personalized
outreach mails as well as automate our follow
Pitch for Kofluence
Hi [Influencer’s name],
I’ve been following your posts on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter for a while, and I absolutely love
them. My name’s X, and I work for Kofluence. Kofluence is a start-up positioned as “Uber for
Microinfluencers”. Led by Online gaming leaders/ IIM Alumni, Kofluence is developing technology
platform where Brands can reach out to their audience through microinfluencers. At Kofluence,
we’re connecting upcoming and talented micro-influencers with brands, interested in influencer
marketing, through our platform. Therefore, My team and I have been in search of content creators
like you, who can help our clients promote their products.
We have the offers for best campaign with leading MNCs in India. We have got an authenic and
transparent payment process. Also, Our team will be providing constant support to you at every
stage of your project.
So I wanted to reach out to you to register with Kofluence, so that you can be the part of one of the
largest influencer marketing platforms in India. Please find attached our compensation scheme. You
can register with us by clicking on the link below. Please contact me in case of any queries.

Looking forward to Welcome you to the Kofluence Family

Warm Regards,
Ph:. 12345
Compensation Model
• The success of the campaign will be measured
by the number of likes and shares the post
Registration process
• Provide link for the registration process through e-mail or social
media messaging
• Details required for registration:
 Name
 Mobile number
 Email ID
 City the influencer is based out of
 User names of the influencers on their various social media
accounts like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube
 Topics on which the influencer writes about/is interested to write
 No. of followers of the influencer on each social media platform
Engagement with Micro Influencers
• Ask the micro influencers for honest products and services reviews,
which our clients can project to their potential customers
• Ask the brands to provide a sample of their products or services to
the influencers, so that they can use those themselves, and develop
a better connection with the brand and become brand advocates
• Get the influencers to create product tutorial videos, which will
help them educate their followers in a better way
• Organize Giveaway campaigns and get the influencer to host that
• Social media takeover – allow the influencer to take control of the
social media account of the client’s brand for a fixed amount of
time such as a day or and entire weekend. The influencer will invite
his fans to the brand’s account, thus improving the brand’s visibility
among the customers
Channels to be leveraged
• Instagram: (Gen Z and Gen X)
Entails photo(s) or video(s) with a descriptive caption
that appears in followers’ Instagram feeds. Posts
enable influencers to position your product in a visually
striking way, and tell a story or offer a discount code in
the description
• YouTube: ( people aged 18-34)
Specializes in the long-form video format, where
influencers can enjoy a sponsored experience,
demonstrate how a product works, or incorporate a
brand creatively into their storyline to raise awareness
Channels to be leveraged
• Blogs: ( people aged 25-49 yrs)
Great channel for promoting products or services
that require in-depth explanation, or for giving
richer context about unique aspects of your
brand mission
• Facebook: (reaches nearly all age demographics)
Facebook Live videos are watched 3 times
longer than standard videos and can be used
by top influencers to reach their fans in a raw,
unedited way
Channels to be leveraged
• Twitter: (people aged 18-34 yrs)
Through Tweets, twitter helps to influence a
large number of audience.
• Snapchat: (people aged 18-34 yrs)
Mainly useful in targeting the youth audience,
especially teenagers
Target setting
• We need to register 50k micro influencers in 3
months, which means approx 17k influencers in 1
• No. of working days in 1 month would be around
26,Sundays have to be removed
• Therefore, our daily target is to register approx
700 influencers (rounding off 664)
• If we have 16 people working on registering the
influencers, then each person each day should
register 42 influencers
Resources Required
• Manpower – 15 executives to connect with
the influencers and 1 software engineer to
manage the website
• Laptops – 15 for the executives
• Internet connection
• Tools – hunter, buzzstorm, pitchbox
Cost benefit analysis
Weekly action plan

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