TKM425 Teknik Pengaturan: Feedback Control Systems

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TKM425 Teknik Pengaturan

Feedback Control Systems

Joga Dharma Setiawan, Ph.D.

QUIZ (5 minutes), problem 1 of 2
 Modeling of
electrical system
(RLC circuit)
 Write dynamic
 Write Transfer
Function V2(s)/V1(s) R2
V1(t) V2(t)
 R1=100 Ohm C
 R2=50 Ohm
 C=100uF

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Quiz (5 minutes), problem 2 of 2

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Solution for Problem 1 of 2
 Example 2.2 from “Feedback Control
Systems” by Phillips-Harbor, p.16.

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Solusi Problem 2 of 2

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Course Roadmap (Review)

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Block Diagram Transformation: Example

Block Diagram Transformation: Example

Block Diagram Transformation: Example

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Example of Block Diagram Problem
from Past Mid Term Exam

C (s) C ( s) E2 ( s ) X (s)
   
X (s) R( s) X ( s) R( s)

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Linear System

A system is called Linear

if the principle of Superposition & Homogeneity applies

 Superposition
 If input r1(t) yields output c1 (t) and input r2 (t) yields output c2
(t) then input r1(t) + r2 (t) yields output c1 (t) + c2 (t)

 Homogeneity
 If input r1(t) yields output c1 (t) then for a constant A, input
A.r1(t) yields output A.c1 (t)

Linear Time Invariant (LTI) vs.
Linear Time Varying (LTV)

 A diff eq. is LTI if

 Linear and
 The coefficients are constants or functions only of the
independent variable

 Otherwise is called LTV

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Example of Linearization

Six Step of Linearization

State Variables Modeling

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State Variables Modeling

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State Variables Modeling

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State Variables Modeling

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State Variables

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Homework 3, Due 17 April 2014
From “Feedback Control Systems” by Phillips-Harbor
 Prob. 2.17 (a) and (b)
 Prob. 2.22 (a), (b), and (c)
 Prob. 2.24 (a), (b) and (c)
 Prob. 3.1 (a), (b) and (c)
 Prob. 3.16 (a) and (b)

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Reading Assignment
 “Phillips-Harbor”
 Chapter 3 State-Variable Models: 3.1-3.3
and 3.4
 “Dorf-Bishop”
 Chapter 3 State Variables: 3.1-3.3 and 3.6

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