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Group 12
Manvendra Singh
Sheersha KK
Shree Khandelwal
Sudhir Pawar
 Informal structure

 No development of an underlying planning structure

 Nobody had time to plan schedules or meetings

 No co-ordination of work among employees

 Flow of information was not there

 Lack of financial planning

 Unable to handle the increasing demand of customer

 Could not address all the technical assistance requests of customers

Which organizational structure to adapt?

Three structure options were available:
 Innovation Structure

 Functional structure
 Divisional Structure

Circular Structure Functional Structure Divisional structure

Employees were not able to No clear vision on how Resource allocation
relate to the circular many distinct functional problem was there
structure teams should be created
New employees did not Natural tendency to create Divisions wanted control
understand how they were sub-functions within their over all their resources;
meant to fit into the team they did not want to share
organization resources
Completely geared towards Organizational politics came Little communication flow
responsiveness, not towards into existence across divisions, and
any form of planning little cross-pollination of
Employees didn’t know Organizational chart grew Division wanted to use a
whom to report vertically and horizontally certain technical platform
from time to time
Lack of traditional Teams became polarized
organizational charts
Employees were not Standards were set by
responding enthusiastically individuals rather than
company policy

We recommend Appex to use Divisional Organizational Structure because:

1. Tried and tested structure – Its effectiveness have been already proven
2. Improved accountability, budgeting and planning
3. Small organizational divisions ensures stable coordination between upper
and lower management.
4. These divisions would enable the employees to work with flexibility as
per their requirements
5. This structure would give them more time to form business strategies


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