Persuasive Speech

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Persuasive Speech


Distinguish the different types of

Persuasive Speaking is the form of communication that
people of diverse backgrounds mostly engage in. This kind
of speech can center on any arguably interesting topic
under the sun. When you deliver your persuasive speech,
your primary goal is to influence the feelings, actions, and
behaviors or attitudes of your listeners (Gamble &
Likewise, you also aim to change their perception and
convince them that your argument is more important,
practical, attainable, or feasible. In essence, you-as a
persuasive speaker-advocate for whatever your message
Types of Claims in Persuasive Speech
1. Speech that Questions Fact
-This type questions the existence of a particular
event or happening. In this case, the persuasive
speaker poses questions of fact, derives conclusions
from different sources of information, and attempts to
convince the audience to believe in his/her ideas.
2. Speech that Questions Value
- This type focuses on questions of value regarding
topics on the self, family, friendship, religion,
government, freedom, love, and money, among others.
In this case, the persuasive speaker (1) makes a statement or
claim which reflects his/her judgement,(2) attempts to
convince his/her audience of his/her judgment, and (3)
justifies it based on standards.
3. Speech that Questions Policy
-This type questions the current state of things which can
impact the future. In this case, the persuasive speaker asks
relevant questions that can help in making a decision on
whether or not something should be implemented, observed,
or done.

1. A.F.O.R.E.S.T. (Anecdotes, Facts and Figures, Opinion,

Rhetorical Questions, Emotive Language, Superlatives,
Rules in applying this patterns:
1. Anecdotes - Begin your speech with a personal story,
observation, or experience.
2. Facts and Figures- Provide striking statistics that can
support you ideas.
3. Opinion- Add in your opinion. You can begin your
statement with "I believe that....."
4. Rhetorical Questions- Think of and add engaging rhetorical
questions (i.e. Questions which do not intend to elicit answers,
but to make a point)
5. Emotive Language- Appeal to your audience's emotion.
6. Superlatives- Use superlatives to exaggerate an idea.
7. Tripling- The rule of three in the English writing principle simply
entails using three words together to reinforce your point. This
may add to the effectiveness of your persuasion. A classic
example is Julius Caesar's statement "Veni,Vidi,Vici" (I came, I
saw, I conquered)
2. Problem-Solution
Here's how:
a. Identify the problem
b.Provide a solution,which will show the practicality of
your proposal.
Rules in applying this pattern:
a.Identify the problem
b.Analyze the root causes of the problem
c.Provide a solution to the problem
4.Comparative Advantages
Rules in applying this pattern:
a.Identify the problem
b. Present at least two solutions to the problem
c. Compare the two in terms of practically and feasibility

5.Monroe's Motivated sequence

Alan Monroe, a professor from Purdue University, created
an outline for making speeches based on the psychology of
persuasion (Ehniager,Monroe,&Granbeck,1978)
How to apply this technique:
1. Grab the attention of the audience by identifying the
challenge you plan to confront, or the problem you plan to
2. Establish the need or urgency to address the identified
challenge or problem.
3.Present possible solutions to your audience to satisfy the
4. Help your audience visualize. Use vivid words to convince
your audience about the benefits they can gain from the
solutions you presented.
5. Engage the audience to participate in promoting
change through a call for action.
Lucas (2011) writes about how the audience can be
persuaded by speaker.
The audience can be persuaded by the following reasons:
They perceive that the speaker has credibility
They are convinced by the evidence presented by the
They are convinced by the speaker's reasoning
Their emotions are touched by the speaker's ideas or use of
Some tips on how to enhance your credibility, how to use
evidence how to use reasoning, and how to observed ethics
and emotional appeal in a persuasive speech:
1. How to enhance your credibility
a. Explain how you became an expert on the topic
-You can do this by sharing how will you read,investigated,or
researched the topic.
b. Connect your experiences,beliefs,values or attitudes with
your audience.
-You can do this by telling your audience that you have
the same experience, beliefs, values or attitudes
c. Practice more often so you can deliver your speech with
-You can do this by exposing yourself more often to
speaking situations such as reciting and reading
announcement in class, introducing people in a program,
hosting events, participating in debates, or acting as
spokesperson of a group.
2. How to use evidence
a. Specify evidence
-You can do this by citing statistics, research, studies and
other valid and credible information.
b. Avoid outdated evidence
-You can do this by reading and digging new evidence to
keep yourself updated on the significant facts and figures.
c. Choose reputable or credible sources for your evidence
-You can do this by carefully identifying and evaluating your

3. How to use reasoning

Avoid logical fallacies or errors in reasoning
Types of logical fallacies. Some of the most common errors in
• Ad Hominem: This happens when you attack the character
of a person instead of his argument
• Circular Argument: This happens when the idea of a stated
argument is repeated.
• False Analogy: This happens when two things,which might
be alike in some respects,are compared and assumed to
be similar in other ways.
• False Authority: This happens when a statemwnt of
someone who is not an expert in the field in question is
being used in an argument.
• False Cause and Effect: This happens when the
connection between two consecutive events are not
• Hasty Generalization: This happens when a conclusions
is drawn from insufficient evidence.
• Red Herring: This happens when the answers does not
address the question.
4. How to use emotional appeal
a. Internalize what you are saying
-The audience will be more convinced of your message
if you also show conviction in what you
are saying.
b. Use emotion appropriately
-Although a well-executed emotional appeal can be
used as a strong weapon in persuasive speech,take
note to use it only when appropriate to the message.
Use it as an accessory only,make sure not to replace
evidence and reasoning with pure emotion.

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