The Businessman's Myths About Business Ethics: Reporter Alfie M. Bautista Bsba3

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The Businessman’s

about Business Ethics
Alfie M. Bautista
Myth No.1
Ethics is a Personal
Affair and Not a
Public Debatable
•Some businessmen claim that ethics is a
private issue and not a public matter.
•In one sense, this is true because one’s
concept of morality is a result of the
environmental factors like religion culture and
ang family values that have had a great
impact on the development of the ethical
•Man is also a human being relation to other.
•Ethics is a very subjective matter is a myopic
view of our human nature.
•If ethics is a subjective thing, then it will
make morality very personal and relative
•What is good for one person may be bad for
another and what is bad for one person may
be good to another person.
•Ethics is not a personal affair but a public
debatable matter.
Myth No.2
Ethics and
Do Not Mix
• Some businessmen claim that ethics has no place at all
in business.
• This view is most likely grounded on the assumption that
business is an autonomous human activity where ethical
standard do not exist and that businessmen are free to
do what they want.
• Business is part of human society and its activities
operate within the structure of beliefs and value system
of people.
• The belief that ethics does not mix with business will
only justify illegal activities and will most likely promote
questionable practices in business activities.
• Ethics has important place in business.
Myth No.3
Ethics in
Is Relative
• This is another wrong perception on the role that
ethics plays in the world of business.
• Some businessmen claim that morality is relative.
• Which means, the fundamental concept of right
and wrong depend on cultural and religious values
of people.
• This implies further that what may be considered a
right action in one country may be unacceptable in
another country.
• If morality is relative then what is good in one
place may be evil in other places, and vice versa
• The truth of the matter is, there are universal
moral principles that people share and agree upon
regardless of religious orientation, cultural
expressions and values system.
• Murder is always wrong
• Stealing is always bad action
• Bribery is always unacceptable
• The study of ethics is paved the way for our
common understanding of the fundamental
principles of right and wrong as reflected in our
nature and conduct as human beings.
Myth No.4
Good Business
Means Good
• Some businessmen claim that good business means
good ethics.
• This certainly a myth.
• A business may be profitable but the means of
acquiring profits may be questionable.
• Drug-trafficking is a profitable business and so
human smuggling and the like, but they certainly
violate some rules and values of people
• Profit maximization is a good end in business but
the means of getting those profits must also be
• The end does not justify the means.
Myth No.5

Business Is a
• Some business leaders and businessmen believe
that the business is a war.
• For them market is an arena of gladiators trying to
fight for survival and vying for the number one
• Because of this belief, businessmen often resort to
using predatory tactics to destroy the competitors
in order to emerge as the market leader.
• Business is a good human activity and as an
integral part of the society, it must promote
healthy competition and not destroy the
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