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Jesús Salazar

English 7

 According to data from the UIS, less than 30% of

researchers from around the world are women being
their participation very low . And participation in the
public sector fields, private or academic sectors, as
well as their fields of research , either. But to really
reduce the gender gap, we must go beyond the hard
numbers and identify the qualitative factors that
discourage women to pursue a career in science,
technology, engineering and mathematics.
 Numerous studies have found that women in science
published less, pay less on their investigations and
neither are moving to the same extent as men in their
careers. However, there are very few data at the
national or even international showing the magnitude
of these inequalities. In many cases, these women do
not have the support of the state, governments and
religion ,either.
The vast majority of data are presented
in headcounts (HC), which are the total
 number of persons employed in R&D.
This includes staff employed both full-
time and part-time. The regional
averages for the share of female
researchers (based on available data
only) for 2015 are: 28.8% for World
39.8% for Arab States
39.5% for Central and Eastern Europe
48.1% for Central Asia 23.4% for East
Asia and the Pacific 45.4% for Latin
Notes: Data in this map are based on headcounts (HC), America and the Caribbean
except for Congo, India and Israel which are based on 32.3% for North America and Western
full-time equivalents (FTE). Data for China are based on Europe
total R&D personnel instead of researchers. Data for 18.5% for South and West Asia
Brazil are based on estimations.Source: UNESCO 31.3% for Sub-Saharan Africa
Institute for Statistics, June 2018.
 Education plays a crucial role in empowering
girls and women. But how far do countries still
need to go to ensure that every girl has access
to education and every woman is literate and
equipped with digital skills?
 South Asia has made great strides in reducing
the gender gap in education, where a girl now
can expect to receive 12 years of education
and a child too . Compared with only 6 years in
1990 . But there remain significant challenges,
with large disparities between countries are still
mainly in South-Eastearn Asia and sub-
Saharan Africa.But significant challenges
remain, with wide disparities still found across
countries mainly in South-Eastearn Asia and
sub-Saharan Africa. For example, in Eritrea,
Djibouti, the Central African Republic and Niger,
girls receive less than 6 years of schooling.

 Only in fields such as engineering, where the gender gap is so much. Each
time the participation of women is so distant from that of the man on the
Engineering . The shortage of engineers has led to the Royal Academy of
Engineering to develop the project Women and engineer, with workshops in
schools and a tutoring program in which the young graduates receive advice
from engineers with experience
 It doesn't help either that scientific image to Einstein, or to the eccentric
Sheldon Cooper. Women such as Marie Curie contributed to science and
Lise Meitner even more as. It is important to recognize programs such as
voice communication Challenge is an international competition for girls to
learn to program. Since 2015 he has visited Barcelona and Madrid, and in
the last edition, 55 girls between the ages of 10 and 18 years of Aragon have
begun to develop mobile applications that help solve problems such as
bullying and traffic accidents. The finalists will travel to Silicon Valley
(California, USA).
 Why the careers of Biology and Pharmacy are full of women but not
engineering? Garcinuno believes that "there is no gender inclusive offer
because they are made to the old-fashioned way" and criticizes that still sell
the image of eccentric scientist like Einstein or Sheldon Cooper of The Big
Bang Theory.
 On a global scale it has demonstrated a kind of "norm" in the way women come to science. A
kind of politics with a pyramid effect: although the largest percentage of people graduating with
a scientific bachelor's degree are women, like the upward ladder men begin to dominate. To
carry out scientific research one must study a master's degree and a doctorate even more so.
 This does not take into account that that if they get high positions are with a wage gap abysmal

 Colombia is no exception. To the already bleak panorama in which science is found in our
country, where there is no recognition and no funds either, there are many more obstacles if you
are a woman and want to do science.
 This is the conclusion of a study by two Colombian scientific and published in the journal
Frontiers, which explores the challenges that gender equality at the academy and research in
Colombia, as well as what are the possible keys to reduce this gap.
 "It is not a mystery that Colombia is a country where inequity between men and women was observed
even in daily living," comment. "The fact that this will be even in science and research, where so many
women are working hard on a daily basis, made us think about the need to show current figures of reality
that lives in our country.
 This reality is no longer hidden, and to fight for its change, we must openly reveal facts and figures that
reflect the current situation, continue Carolina, researcher at the medical department of the University of
Antioquia, and Barbara, postdoctoral researcher in the area of molecular interactions (MPMI Plant-
Microorganism) at the University of Udine, Italy. Carolina fights for gender equity and Barbara too.
 To look at with a magnifying glass the stage began by the figures. Stunning. According to data extracted
from the Labor Observatory for Education of the Ministry of Education for two periods of years, 2001 to
2010 and 2011 to 2014, women represent 55 % of the graduates of Colombia. But at the time to look at
these figures by discipline the results are more varied and telling.
 As it says in the "rule of a pyramid," as the more specialized studies women in Colombia begin
to lose presence. "In contrast to undergraduate study, women were underrepresented in the
total of masters degrees (44.8 % in 2001-2010 and 47.68 % in 2011-2014), and doctorates
(33.58 %in 2001-2010 and 38.28 %in 2011-2014)," concludes the publication.

 And for women scientists, the road is narrowing. The study also mentions that, according to
data collected in 2012, only 33.6% of scientific research groups in Colombia were led by a
woman. Finally, when analyzing the salary gap, the researchers took the salaries received by
the professionals one year after their was evidenced that women with
postgraduate degrees earn less than men who often do not have postgraduate degrees.This
should not be allowed either."It can be observed that the salaries of graduates of graduate
programs are higher than those of undergraduate graduates, which is consistent with the level
of education.

 But if you are more women who graduate from careers in

science and research, why do so few reach high
positions? The answer, in part, gives it the second part of
the study, because beyond the figures, the research has a
fragment even more valuable.
 In a nutshell, some of the reasons given to explain the
lack of women in the science of Colombia is that there
continues to be a dominant male culture and macho also .
Companies prefer not to hire women or, absurdly,
continue to believe that they do not have the intellectual
capacity and neither has capacity for leadership.This
culture is too wrong and you should not dismiss the
capabilities of each individual, either.
 The decision to have a home or a profession should not
be limited to just one option either. The support of the
environment and of the home are vital so that both tasks
can be carried out, where the man can leave his macho
culture and also help in the home.

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