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LU Decomposition

You should be able to:

•identify when LU decomposition is numerically more

efficient than Gaussian elimination,

•decompose a nonsingular matrix into LU, and

•show how LU decomposition is used to find the inverse

of a matrix.
LU Decomposition
LU Decomposition is another method to solve a set of
simultaneous linear equations

Which is better, Gauss Elimination or LU Decomposition?

To answer this, a closer look at LU decomposition is

LU Decomposition
For most non-singular matrix [A] that one could conduct Naïve Gauss
Elimination forward elimination steps, one can always write it as

[A] = [L][U]
[L] = lower triangular matrix
[U] = upper triangular matrix
How does LU Decomposition work?
LU Decomposition
How can this be used?

Given [A][X] = [C]

1. Decompose [A] into [L] and [U]
2. Solve [L][Z] = [C] for [Z]
3. Solve [U][X] = [Z] for [X]
When is LU Decomposition better
than Gaussian Elimination?
To solve [A][X] = [B]
Table. Time taken by methods

Gaussian Elimination LU Decomposition

 8n 3 4n   8n 3 4n 
T   12n 2   T   12n 2  
 3 3   3 3 

where T = clock cycle time and n = size of the matrix

So both methods are equally efficient.

To find inverse of [A]
Time taken by Gaussian Elimination Time taken by LU Decomposition
 n CT |FE CT |BS   CT | LU  n  CT |FS  n  CT |BS
 8n 4 4n 2   32n 3 20n 
 T   12n 
  T   12n 2  
 3 3   3 3 

Table 1 Comparing computational times of finding inverse of a matrix using

LU decomposition and Gaussian elimination.
n 10 100 1000 10000
CT|inverse GE / CT|inverse LU 3.28 25.83 250.8 2501
Method: [A] Decompose to [L] and [U]
1 0 0 u11 u12 u13 
 A   LU   21 1 0  0 u 22 u 23 
31 32 1  0 0 u 33 

[U] is the same as the coefficient matrix at the end of the forward
elimination step.
[L] is obtained using the multipliers that were used in the forward
elimination process
Finding the [U] matrix
Using the Forward Elimination Procedure of Gauss Elimination

 25 5 1
 64 8 1
 
144 12 1
 25 5 1 
Step 1:  2.56; Row2  Row1 2.56    0  4.8  1.56
144 12 1 

25 5 1 
 5.76; Row3  Row1 5.76   0  4.8  1.56 
 0  16.8  4.76
Finding the [U] Matrix
25 5 1 
Matrix after Step 1:  0  4.8  1.56 
 
 0  16.8  4.76

25 5 1 
 16.8
Step 2:  3.5; Row3  Row2 3.5   0  4.8  1.56
 4.8
 0 0 0.7 

25 5 1 
U    0  4.8  1.56
 0 0 0.7 
Finding the [L] matrix
1 0 0
 1 0
 21
31 32 1

Using the multipliers used during the Forward Elimination Procedure

a 64
From the first step  25 5 1  21  21   2.56
a11 25
of forward  64 8 1
elimination   31 
a31 144
  5.76
144 12 1 a11 25
Finding the [L] Matrix
From the second 25 5 1 
step of forward  0  4.8  1.56  32  a32   16.8  3.5
elimination   a 22  4.8
 0  16.8  4.76

 1 0 0
 L  2.56 1 0
5.76 3.5 1
Does [L][U] = [A]?

 1 0 0 25 5 1 
 LU   2.56 1 0  0  4.8  1.56 
5.76 3.5 1  0 0 0.7 
Using LU Decomposition to solve SLEs
Solve the following set of  25 5 1  a1  106.8 
linear equations using LU  64 8 1 a   177.2 
   2  
144 12 1  a3  279.2

Using the procedure for finding the [L] and [U] matrices

 1 0 0 25 5 1 
 A   LU   2.56 1 0  0  4.8  1.56
5.76 3.5 1  0 0 0.7 
Set [L][Z] = [C]  1 0 0  z1  106.8 
2.56 1 0  z   177.2 
  2   
5.76 3.5 1  z 3  279.2

Solve for [Z] z1  106.8

2.56 z1  z 2  177.2
5.76 z1  3.5 z2  z3  279.2
Complete the forward substitution to solve for [Z]

z1  106.8
z2  177.2  2.56 z1  z1   106.8 
 177.2  2.56106.8
 96.2
 Z    z2    96.21
z3  279.2  5.76 z1  3.5 z 2  z3   0.735 
 279.2  5.76106.8  3.5  96.21
 0.735
Set [U][X] = [Z]
25 5 1   a1   106.8 
 0  4.8  1.56 a    96.21
   2  
 0 0 0.7   a 3   0.735 

Solve for [X] The 3 equations become

25a1  5a2  a3  106.8
 4.8a2  1.56a3  96.21
0.7 a3  0.735
Substituting in a3 and using the
From the 3 equation
second equation

0.7 a3  0.735  4.8a2  1.56a3  96.21

0.735  96.21  1.56a3
a3  a2 
0.7  4.8
a3  1.050  96.21  1.561.050
a2 
 4.8
a2  19.70
Substituting in a3 and a2 using Hence the Solution Vector is:
the first equation
25a1  5a2  a3  106.8  a1  0.2900
106.8  5a2  a3 a    19.70 
a1 
 2  
106.8  519.70   1.050
 a3   1.050 

 0.2900
Finding the inverse of a square matrix

The inverse [B] of a square matrix [A] is defined as

[A][B] = [I] = [B][A]

Finding the inverse of a square matrix
How can LU Decomposition be used to find the inverse?
Assume the first column of [B] to be [b11 b12 … bn1]T
Using this and the definition of matrix multiplication

First column of [B] Second column of [B]

b11  1  b12  0
b  0  b  1
 A  21      A  22    
         
       
bn1  0 bn 2  0

The remaining columns in [B] can be found in the same manner

Example: Inverse of a Matrix
Find the inverse of a square matrix [A]
 25 5 1
 A   64 8 1
144 12 1

Using the decomposition procedure, the [L] and [U] matrices are found to be

 1 0 0 25 5 1 
 A   LU   2.56 1 0  0  4.8  1.56
5.76 3.5 1  0 0 0.7 
Example: Inverse of a Matrix
Solving for the each column of [B] requires two steps
1)Solve [L] [Z] = [C] for [Z]
2)Solve [U] [X] = [Z] for [X]

 1 0 0  z1  1
Step 1:  L Z    C   2.56 1 0  z2   0
5.76 3.5 1  z3  0
This generates the equations:
z1  1
2.56 z1  z 2  0
5.76 z1  3.5 z 2  z3  0
Example: Inverse of a Matrix
Solving for [Z]

z1  1
 z1   1 
z 2  0  2.56 z1
 0  2.561
 Z    z2    2.56
 2.56  z3   3.2 
z3  0  5.76 z1  3.5 z 2
 0  5.761  3.5  2.56 
 3.2
Example: Inverse of a Matrix
25 5 1  b11   1 
Solving [U][X] = [Z] for [X]  0  4.8  1.56 b    2.56
   21   
 0 0 0.7  b31   3.2 

25b11  5b21  b31  1

 4.8b21  1.56b31  2.56
0.7b31  3.2
Example: Inverse of a Matrix
Using Backward Substitution
b31   4.571 So the first column of
the inverse of [A] is:
2.56  1.560b31
b21 
4.8 b11   0.04762 
2.56  1.560 4.571 b    0.9524
  0.9524
4.8  21   
b11 
1  5b21  b31 b31   4.571 
1  5  0.9524  4.571
  0.04762
Example: Inverse of a Matrix
Repeating for the second and third columns of the inverse

Second Column Third Column

 25 5 1 b12  0  25 5 1  b13  0
 64 8 1 b   1  64 8 1 b   0
   22       23   
144 12 1 b32  0 144 12 1 b33  1
b12   0.08333 b13   0.03571 
b    1.417  b    0.4643
 22     23   
b32    5.000  b33   1.429 
Example: Inverse of a Matrix
The inverse of [A] is

 0.04762  0.08333 0.03571 

 A 1   0.9524 1.417  0.4643
 4.571  5.000 1.429 

To check your work do the following operation

[A][A]-1 = [I] = [A]-1[A]


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