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The Need for Energy – Autotrophs and

I. Reading and Comprehension

Group 5/IIIB ( Unit 3)

• Kenny Indah Lestari (1805110998)
• Munani Salwa (1805112466)
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and
I. Reading Comprehension

• Autotrophisms is the process by means of which organisms can

synthesize complex organic substances from simple raw material.
• The use of the chemical energy to synthesize sugar is called
• Heterotrophs are organisms that lack chlorophyll and obtaining the
organic substance that they need from other organisms.
• Chemo-autotrophic organisms are organisms which synthesize complex
organic substances using the energy that is released from simple
exothermic chemical reaction.
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and
I. Reading Comprehension

• Respiration is the process by means of which an organisms releases

energy by oxidizing energy-rich compounds.
• An Exothermic is a reaction which result in the release of energy.
• The capacity to do work occur is called energy.
• Chemical reaction which require energy are photosythesis and
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and
II. Use of Language

• If an organism is to survive, it needs source of energy.

• if an organism possesses chlorophyll, it can use utilize energy
for synthesis.
• If an organism lacks chlorophyll, it must feed either
heterotrophically or chemo-autrotophic.
• If an organism has chrolophyll, it is usually green in colour.
• If a sugar is oxidized, water and carbon dioxide are formed
and energy is released.
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and
II. Use of Language

• If hydrogen sulphide is oxidized, and then use the energy that is

released to synthesize sugars.
• If photo-autotrophs are kept in the dark, they cannot use energy
that is released for endothermic.
• If hydrogen sulphide is not available to Beggiatoa, however
heterotrophically to synthesize complex organic substances from
simple raw materals.
• If a chemical recation uses energy is endothermic, or either
releases energy is exothermic.
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and


• Endothermic : Reaksi kimia yang menggunakan energi

• Exothermic : Reaksi kimia yang melepaskan energi
• Organisms : organisme ; makhluk hidup.
• Respiration : respirasi ; proses mengoksidasi atau pembakaran
zat seperti gula.
• Organic substances : zat-zat organik, seperti karbohidrat.
• Inorganic substances : zat-zat anorganik, seperti karbon dioksida.
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and

• Energy-rich substances : zat kaya akan energi, seperti gula.

• Chlorophyll : zat hijau pada daun yang membantu menangkap
cahay matahari.
• Photosynthesis : proses endotermik yang mengubah senyawa
anorganik menjadi zat kaya akan energi dan oksigen.
• Green plants : tumbuhan yang memiliki pigmen hijau (klorofil).
• Autotrophic : organisme yang mampu mensintesis bahan
organik dari bahan anorganik dengan bantuan cahaya matahari
dan klorofil.
• Blue-green algae : Alga Hijau biru.
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and

• Chemosynthesis : organisme yang mensintesis bahan kimia

untuk dijadikan sumber energi.
• Heterotrophic : organisme yang tidak bisa mensintesis zat
organik kompleks dari zat anorganik.
• Bacteria : Bakteri
• Fungi : Jamur
• Flowering plants : Tumbuhan berbunga.
The Need for Enegy – Autotrophs and

Thank you for your attention!

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