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National Food

Security Act, 2013

Public Distribution System
• India public distribution system is the largest
distribution network of its kind in the world
• PDS was introduced around World War II as
war-time rationing measure.
• Before 1960s distribution was dependant on
import of food grains
• After 1960 Government set up Agriculture
Prices Commission and Food Corporation of
India to improve domestic Procurement and
Storage of food grains for PDS.
Public Distribution System (Contd..)
• In 1970 PDS evolved into universal scheme
for distribution of subsidized food
• In 1990s scheme revamped to improve
access of food grains to People in hilly and
inaccessible areas, and to target poor
• In 1997 Government launched Targeted
Public Distribution System (TPDS)
• Food grains such as rice and wheat were
procured from farmers, allocated to states
and delivered to ration shop where the
beneficiary buys his entitlement.
National Food Security Act, 2013
• NFSAct gives Statutory backing to the TPDS.
• This marks a shift in right to Food as a legal right rather
than a general entitlement
• The Act classifies the population into three categories –
1) Excluded (i.e. no entitlement), 2) Priority (Entitlement)
3) Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY – Higher entitlement)
• Categorisation of beneficiaries – Household below the
poverty line BPL , Household above the poverty line or
• The AAY scheme was launched in December 2000 for
the poorest among BPL families

Mechanism to strengthen TPDS
• Major Reform includes using Information
Technology and using Aadhar to improve
identification of beneficiaries
• Role of Aadhar
 Key problem in implementation of TPDS is inclusion and
exclusion errors in identificaiton of beneficiaries
 Aadhar is used to accurately identify and autheticate
beneficiaries entitled for subsidies under TPDS.
 Using Aadhar with TPDS would help eliminate duplicate
and ghost (fake) beneficiaries
 To make identification of beneficiaries more accurate
• Technology based reforms
 End to End computerization
End to End computerization
• Digitilisation of Ration cards
 Allows for online entry and verification of beneficiary data
 Online storing of monthly entitlement of beneficiaries, number of
dependants, offtake of food grains by beneficiaries from FPS etc.
• Computerised allocation to FPS
 Computerises FPS allocation, declaration of stock balance,web-
based truck challans
 Allows for quick and efficient tracking of transactions
• Issue of smart cards in place of ration cards
 Secure electronic devices used to store beneficiary data
 Stores data such as name, address, biometrics, BPL/ APL category
 Stores monthly entitlement of beneficiaries and family members
 Prevents counterfeiting
End to End computerization (Contd)
• Use of GPS technology
 Use of GPS technology to track movement of trucks
carrying food grains from Godowns to FPS
• SMS based monitoring
 Allows monitoring by citizens so they can register their
mobile numbers and send / receive SMS alerts during
dispatch and arrival of TPDS commodities
• Use of web based portal for overall monitoring
 Watch allotment to FPS, Movement of Stock from
Godown, Billing through POS, Stock availability using MIS
Salient Features of NFSA
• Subsidised prices under TPDS and their
revision : As per Government of India
guidelines, Foodgrains under TPDS will be
made available at subsidised prices of Rs. 3/2/1
per kg for rice, wheat and coarse grains for a
period of three years from the date of
commencement of the Act. Thereafter prices
will be suitably linked to Minimum Support
Price (MSP). However in respect of Tamil Nadu
rice and wheat are supplied free of cost for all
beneficiaries under PDS.
Salient Features of NFSA (Contd..)
• Identification of Households : Within the
coverage under TPDS determined for each
State, the work of identification of eligible
households is to be done by States/UTs.
Government of Tamil Nadu prescribed norms
for identification of Priority Households, Non
priority households and AAY beneficiaries.
However the supply will be uniform for both
priority and non priority households under
Universal PDS.
Salient Features of NFSA (Contd..)
• Cost of intra-State transportation & handling of
foodgrains and FPS Dealers' margin :
Central Government will provide assistance to
States in meeting the expenditure incurred by
them on transportation of foodgrains within the
State, its handling and FPS dealers’ margin as per
norms to be devised for this purpose. In Tamil
Nadu no private dealer has been authorized to
run fair price shops. All shops are run mostly be
cooperative societies, Tamil nadu civil Supplies
Corporation and self help groups.
Salient Features of NFSA (Contd..)
• Transparency and Accountability :
Provisions have been made for disclosure of records
relating to PDS, social audits and setting up of Vigilance
Committees in order to ensure transparency and
accountability. The information regarding beneficiaries of
PDS under PHH category has been published in the
Department web site to ensure
transparency. Addition and deletion of family cards to fair
price shops is being carried out through web based
programme and stocks are maintained and distributed
through point of sale devices provided to every shop
functioning in the State of Tamil Nadu. Thus
transparency and accountability is ensured.
Salient Features of NFSA (Contd..)

• Grievance Redressal Mechanism :

Grievance redressal mechanism at the
District and State levels. States will have the
flexibility to use the existing machinery or set
up separate mechanism. The District Revenue
officer has been designated as District
Grievances Redressal Officer in respect of
concerned district.

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