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Sgt James G Navalta 881556 (Cav) PA

Light/Heavy Mechanic, HHC, 5Mech Bn, Mech Div, PA
Army Vision: By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride

Professional Contribution to the ATR

 Professional Objectives:
a. To have transparent and properly recorded of
defective parts and for repair.
b. Organized and well maintained Av’s
c. To maintain check up of vehicles during
maintenance day.
d. Maintain the cleanliness and orderly of motorpol.

Army Core Purpose: Serving the people, securing the land

Personal Charter
•Core Values:
Honor – a dignified and respected soldier in the eyes of
civilian and my comrades-in-arms.
Duty – to performed my duty despite difficulty and
danger. Following the chain of command without questions, doubt or hesitations.
Patriotism - to sacrifice my life to protect my country
and my family.
To be a professional soldiers capable of performing duty
related to my job & Happy Family.

By 2028, Professionalized soldier which can be role model to my
fellow soldier and subordinates alike. A good father to my family and a family which is
strongly united beyond the nature of work I have.
Perspective Objective Performance Baseline Target Initiative Remarks
Measure 2017 2018 2019 2020
Plan in advance
Tighten to have a
Spend RnR to My vacation
F relationship 2 Times a 2 Times a 2 Times a 2 Times a bonding
my family year must be
A to my year year Year together with
similar to
Family my family &
M the given
I date.
L Bonding of Facebook Everyday Everyday Everyday Everyday Make a call on
my family communication, cellphone or open
Y to our Cellphone FB account during
family communitions vacant time. I’ve done
Obedience Reading the Reading manual
on the Code of Ethics of Armored
M Article of 1 1 1 1 vehicle during
War and vacant or free I’ve done
O following time.
R Chain of
A Command.
Engaging Having a planned
myself and 12 12 12 12 timed during
my family Attend Sunday Sunday to attend
for religious mass mass. I’ve done
Perspective Objective Performance Baseline Target Initiative Remarks
Measure 2017 2018 2019 2020
FINAN Save Capital 2,000 / 4,000 / 6,000 / 8,000 / Save money for
money for contribution month month month month the needs of my
CIAL I need to
the Future family.
have other
source of
To expertise
P procedures Undergo Signify for
on Training/Seminar 5 5 5 5 programming Lack of
R maintenanc related to my job seminar
O e and program
F became a within the
E Master year
I To maintain Reading of 60 60 60 60 Regular check up
serviceability manuals and of vehicles and
O condition of routinary check frequent checking
N our armored vehicles log book of records or log Need to
A vehicles. book. maintain on
L reminding
in check

Undergo Diesel Signify for
Mechanic /Auto Nr of schooling 1 programming
Electrical attended. I’ve done

Education Undergo Training 1 1 1 1 Signify for any

and Seminar Nr of available
related to my job Training/Semin Training or I need to attend
ar attended. Seminar related any seminar
to my job related to my jod
PFT (Push-Up 82 75 75 75 Attending
regular reveille,
Having a good
balance diet,
Physical and (2 Mile-Run) 13 Min 13:30 Min 14 Min 14 Min
Physical and doctor’s
Mental condition to
check up.
be fit in serving the
(Sit-Up mnts) 85 85 80 75 I met my
Army and my
Family. Monitor body target
mass index 26.32 BMI 26 BMI 26 BMI 26 BMI

Participate in tree
planting activity

Environment Support the Clean 1. No. of tree Participate in

4 8 12 16 Cleanliness drive
to be
and Green Program
of our government. Participate Anti-
Illegal Logging I’ve Done

Proper Waste

Determining Performance Status

Falls significantly short of targets

74% and below

Falls near or just below expected

Y targets
75% - 89%

G Meets or exceeds targets

85% and above

Determining Performance Status
Formula for computing performance status:

A - Actual data
T - Target data for the year
P - Accomplishment based on the target

Increasing Targets Decreasing Targets

(the higher the better) (the lower the better)

i ( A-T
1+ T ) X 100% P=
d (
T ) X 100%


X 100% P=
d ( ) 2T-A
X 100%

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