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Failure of Metals

 The failure of engineering materials is almost always

an undesirable event for several reasons.

 It is the responsibility of the engineer to anticipate

and plan for possible failure and, in the event that
failure does occur, to assess its cause and then take
appropriate preventive measures against future

 Simple fracture is the separation of a body into two

or more pieces in response to an imposed stress that
is static and at temperatures that are low relative to
the melting temperature of the material.
 The applied stress may be compressive, shear, torsional or
 Any fracture process involves two steps in response
to an imposed stress:
1. Crack Formation
2. Crack Propagation
 Crack propagation varies on resistivity of metals to
absorb stress:
1. Stable – resists any further extension unless there is an
increase in the applied stress
2. Unstable – spontaneously continue without an increase in
magnitude of the applied stress
 For engineering materials, two fractures modes are
1. Ductile – typically exhibit substantial plastic deformation
with high energy absorption before fracture
2. Brittle – normally little or no plastic deformation with low
energy absorption accompanying a brittle fracture
Ductile Brittle

 For ductile fracture, evidence will exist of gross

plastic deformation at the fracture surface.

 By applying tension, ductility may be high or

moderate according to fracture:
1. Point Fracture – if metals fractioned through high ductility
2. Cup-and-Cone Fracture – if metals fractioned through
moderate ductility
Point Fracture Cup-and-Cone Fracture
Cup-and-Cone Fracture Stages

 For brittle fracture, fracture surface is relatively flat

and perpendicular to the direction of the applied
tensile load.

 Series of patterns are possible, which indicate the

direction of crack propagation.
 Chevron Pattern - series of inverted V-shape patterns
 Ridge-like Pattern – series of lines or ridges patterns
Chevron Pattern Ridge-like Pattern
 For most brittle crystalline materials, crack
propagation corresponds to the successive and
repeated breaking of atomic bonds along specific
crystallographic planes; such a process is termed
1. Transgranular (or Transcrystalline) – fracture cracks pass
through the grains
2. Intergranular (or Intercrystalline) – fracture pass along grain
Transgranular Intergranular

 Fracture mechanics allows quantification of the

relationships between material properties, stress
level, the presence of crack-producing flaws, and
crack propagation mechanisms.
Stress Concentration

 Microscopic flaws or cracks exist under normal

conditions at the surface and within the interior of a
body of material.
 Due to their ability to amplify an applied stress in their locale,
these flaws are sometimes called stress raisers.
Fracture Toughness

 Fracture toughness is a property that is a measure of

a material’s resistance to brittle fracture when a
crack is present.

 Impact testing techniques were established so as to

ascertain the fracture characteristics of materials.

 Qualitatively, the fracture behavior of materials may

be determined using Charpy and Izod impact testing
Charpy Impact Test
Izod Impact Test

 Fatigue is a common type of catastrophic failure

wherein the applied stress level fluctuates with time.

 The term fatigue is used because this type of failure

normally occurs after a lengthy period of repeated
stress or strain cycling.

 In general, three different fluctuating stress-time

modes are possible:
1. Reversed stress cycle – in which stress alternates from a
maximum tensile stress to a maximum compressive stress of
equal magnitude
2. Repeated stress cycle – in which the maximum and
minimum stresses are indicated
3. Random stress cycle – in which stresses were randomly
 Fatigue Limit (endurance limit)
 represents the largest value of fluctuating stress that will not
cause failure for essentially an infinite number of cycles
 Fatigue Strength
 defined as the stress level at which failure will occur for some
specified number of cycles
 Fatigue Life
 number of cycles to cause failure at a specified stress level

 The process of fatigue failure is characterized by

three distinct steps:
1. Crack Initiation – wherein small crack forms at some point of
high stress concentration
2. Crack Propagation – during which this crack advances
incrementally with each stress cycle
3. Final Failure – which occurs very rapidly once the advancing
crack has reached a critical size
 Cracks associated with fatigue failure almost always
initiate (or nucleate) on the surface of a component
at some point of stress concentration.
 The region of a fracture surface that formed during
the crack propagation step may be characterized by
two types of markings termed:
1. Beachmarks – macroscopic dimensions
2. Striations – microscopic dimensions
 Beachmarks
 These markings are found for components that experienced
interruptions during the crack propagation. Each beachmark
band represents a period of time over which crack growth

 Striations
 Each striation is thought to represent the advance distance of a
crack front during a single load cycle. Striation width depends
on, and increases with, increasing stress range.
Beachmarks Striations
End of Presentation

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