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The Effect of Supportive Group

Therapy on Drug User’s

Resilience Post Rehabilitation
Adinda Dwi Karnita
Point of view
1. Background
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methodology
A drug user who has undergone rehabilitation has relapse

There are 6000 drug user who carry out rehabilitation, around 40% has

Need an ability to survive in the difficult conditions


Supportive Group Therapy

Research Problem
Is there any effect of supportive group therapy on the resilience of
post-rehabilitation drug users
Research Objecives
• Gerneral purpose
Knowing the effect of supportive group therapy on the resilience of
post-rehabilitation drus users
• Spesific purpose
1. identify resilience of post-rehabilitation drug users before being
given supportive group therapy
2. identify resilience of post-rehabilitation drug users after being given
supportive group therapy
3. analyze the effect of supportive group therapy on the resilience of
post-rehabilitation drug users
Research benefits
• Theoritical
It is expected to provide a theoretical contribution to the development
of mental and community nursing science, in the form of one nursing
intervention in resolving nursing problems of low self-esteem in post-
rehabilitation drug users.
• For post-rehabilitation drug users
For drug users, it is hoped that the supportive group therapy method
can be applied to increase resilience in post-rehabilitation drug users
• For education
It is hoped that this research can provide input as a means for
community service by providing health counseling for post-
rehabilitation drug users.
Litterature Review

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