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“ …dedicated to the study, teaching, creation and
dissemination of all musics in the Americas.”
“ …dedicated to the study, teaching, creation and
dissemination of all musics in the Americas.”

To what extent does the sample

corroborate claims to breadth?
… in terms of culture and geography?
… in terms of historical timeframes?
… in terms of style and genre?
“ …dedicated to the study, teaching, creation and
dissemination of all musics in the Americas.”
“ …dedicated to the study, teaching, creation and
dissemination of all musics in the Americas.”

To what extent does the

journal’s scope extend…

…beyond the United States?

…beyond the framework of the nation - state?

Cesar Favila, “The Sound of Procession Ceremonies in Novohispanic Contexts”
JSAM 13, No. 2 (May, 2019): 143–170

To what extent does the

journal’s scope extend…

…beyond the United States?

…beyond the framework of the nation - state?

To what extent does the
journal’s scope extend…

…beyond the United States?

…beyond the framework of the nation - state?

Bridget Cooks and Graham Eng-Wilmot, “Sound of The Break: Jazz and The
Failures of Emancipation” AQ 68, No. 2 (June 2016): 315–340

Eithne Quinn, “Occupy Wall Street, Racial Neoliberalism, and New York’s Hip Hop
Moguls” AQ 68, No. 1 (March, 2016): 75–99

Jessica Schwartz, “Marshallese Cultural Diplomacy in Arkansas” AQ 67, No. 3

(September, 2015): 781–812

Eric Weisbard, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like a Mainstream? Charting The
Musical Middle” AQ 67, No. 1 (March, 2015): 253–265 (Review Essay)

Lisa Nakamura, “Indigenous Circuits: Navajo Women and The Radicalization of

Early Electronics Manufacture,” AQ 66, No. 4 (December, 2014): 919-

Charles Hughes, “‘Get in Formation’: Recent Scholarship on Popular Music and

American Identities” AQ 68, No. 4 (December, 2016): 1033–1044
To what extent are “musics in the Americas” represented in American Quarterly?
To what extent are “musics in the Americas” represented in American Quarterly?

Bridget Cooks and Graham Eng-Wilmot, “Sound of The Break: Jazz and The
Failures of Emancipation” AQ 68, No. 2 (June 2016): 315–340

Eithne Quinn, “Occupy Wall Street, Racial Neoliberalism, and New York’s Hip Hop
Moguls” AQ 68, No. 1 (March, 2016): 75–99

Jessica Schwartz, “Marshallese Cultural Diplomacy in Arkansas” AQ 67, No. 3

(September, 2015): 781–812

Tyina Steptoe, “Big Mama Thornton, Little Richard, and The Queer Roots of
Rock’n’Roll” AQ 70, No. 1 (March, 2018): 55–77

Scott Selberg, “Rhinestone Cowboy: Alzheimer’s, Celebrity and the Collusions of

Self” AQ 69, No. 4 (December, 2017): 883–901

Charles Hughes, “‘Get in Formation’: Recent Scholarship on Popular Music and

American Identities” AQ 68, No. 4 (December, 2016): 1033–1044 (Review Essay)
To what extent are “musics in the Americas” represented in American Quarterly?

Bridget Cooks and Graham Eng-Wilmot, “Sound of The Break: Jazz and The
Failures of Emancipation” AQ 68, No. 2 (June 2016): 315–340

Eithne Quinn, “Occupy Wall Street, Racial Neoliberalism, and New York’s Hip Hop
Moguls” AQ 68, No. 1 (March, 2016): 75–99

Jessica Schwartz, “Marshallese Cultural Diplomacy in Arkansas” AQ 67, No. 3

(September, 2015): 781–812

Tyina Steptoe, “Big Mama Thornton, Little Richard, and The Queer Roots of
Rock’n’Roll” AQ 70, No. 1 (March, 2018): 55–77

Scott Selberg, “Rhinestone Cowboy: Alzheimer’s, Celebrity and the Collusions of

Self” AQ 69, No. 4 (December, 2017): 883–901

Charles Hughes, “‘Get in Formation’: Recent Scholarship on Popular Music and

American Identities” AQ 68, No. 4 (December, 2016): 1033–1044 (Review Essay)
To what extent are “musics in the Americas” represented in American Quarterly?

Celeste Moore, “Ray Charles in Paris: Race, Protest and The Soundscape of the
Algerian War” AQ 71, No. 2 (June 2019): 449–472

Byrd McDaniel, “Air Apparent: Amplifying the History of Air Guitar, Air Bands, and Air
Playing in The Twentieth Century” AQ 70, No. 4 (December 2018): 807–829

Ruth Nicole Brown, et al., “Doing Digital Wrongly (How Does Black Girlhood
Sound?)” AQ 70, No. 3 (September, 2018): 395–416

Eric Weisbard, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like a Mainstream? Charting The
Musical Middle” AQ 67, No. 1 (March, 2015): 253–265 (Review Essay)

Lisa Nakamura, “Indigenous Circuits: Navajo Women and The Racialization of Early
Electronic Manufacture,” AQ 66, No. 4 (December, 2014): 919–941

zation of Early Electronics Manufacture,” AQ 66, No. 4 (December, 2014): 919-

To what extent are “musics in the Americas” represented in American Quarterly?

Celeste Moore, “Ray Charles in Paris: Race, Protest and The Soundscape of the
Algerian War” AQ 71, No. 2 (June 2019): 449–472

Byrd McDaniel, “Air Apparent: Amplifying the History of Air Guitar, Air Bands, and Air
Playing in The Twentieth Century” AQ 70, No. 4 (December 2018): 807–829

Ruth Nicole Brown, et al., “Doing Digital Wrongly (How Does Black Girlhood
Sound?)” AQ 70, No. 3 (September, 2018): 395–416

Eric Weisbard, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like a Mainstream? Charting The
Musical Middle” AQ 67, No. 1 (March, 2015): 253–265 (Review Essay)

Lisa Nakamura, “Indigenous Circuits: Navajo Women and The Racialization of Early
Electronic Manufacture,” AQ 66, No. 4 (December, 2014): 919–941

zation of Early Electronics Manufacture,” AQ 66, No. 4 (December, 2014): 919-

To what extent are “musics in the Americas” represented in American Quarterly?

Celeste Moore, “Ray Charles in Paris: Race, Protest and The Soundscape of the
Algerian War” AQ 71, No. 2 (June 2019): 449–472

Byrd McDaniel, “Air Apparent: Amplifying the History of Air Guitar, Air Bands, and Air
Playing in The Twentieth Century” AQ 70, No. 4 (December 2018): 807–829

Ruth Nicole Brown, et al., “Doing Digital Wrongly (How Does Black Girlhood
Sound?)” AQ 70, No. 3 (September, 2018): 395–416

Eric Weisbard, “How Do You Solve a Problem Like a Mainstream? Charting The
Musical Middle” AQ 67, No. 1 (March, 2015): 253–265 (Review Essay)

Lisa Nakamura, “Indigenous Circuits: Navajo Women and The Racialization of Early
Electronic Manufacture,” AQ 66, No. 4 (December, 2014): 919–941

tion of Early Electronics Manufacture,” AQ 66, No. 4 (December, 2014): 919-


Critical Race Studies

- forum on theories of whiteness

- forum on intersectional theories
of black sexuality (e.g., via
queerness and disability)
- forum on post-Foucauldian
biopolitics and madness

Digital Culture

- Special Digital Humanities Issue

(responding to Tara McPherson,
2012, “Why Are The Digital
Humanities So White?”)

Pacific Studies

- Special Issues, “Pacific Currents,”

“The Chinese Factor,” and, re: US-
imperial geographies, “Tours of
Duty and Tours of Leisure”
“ …dedicated to the study, teaching, creation and
dissemination of all musics in the Americas.”


Transnational and Diaspora Studies

Indigenous Studies and Ethnic Studies

Technology Studies

Disability Studies

Pre-19th-c. Studies

To what extent are the

methods and theoretical approaches
that prevail in contemporary American
… represented in recent volumes of JSAM?

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