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Aturan Fasa

• a phase is a homogeneous portion of a system

• A system may have several solid phases and several liquid phases but usually has at most
one gas phase.
• How many independent variables are needed to define state of ideal gas?
Because ideal gas follow PV = nRT , and R constant, so there are just 3 independent
variables are needed to describe the state of system
• How many independent variables (variance, f) are needed to define the equilibrium
state of a multiphase, multicomponent system?
• The number of degrees of freedom (or the variance, f) f of an equilibrium system is
defined as the number of independent intensive variables needed to specify its intensive
state. Specification of the intensive state of a system means specification of its
thermodynamic state except for the sizes of the phases. The equilibrium intensive state is
described by specifying the intensive variables P, T, and the mole fractions in each of the
phases. As we shall see, these variables are not all independent
• We initially make two assumptions, which will later be eliminated: (1) No
chemical reactions occur. (2) Every chemical species is present in every phase.
• Let the number of different chemical species in the system be denoted by c, and
let p be the number of phases present. From assumption 2, there are c chemical
species in each phase and hence a total of pc mole fractions. Adding in T and P,
we have pc + 2 intensive variables to describe the intensive state of the
equilibrium system.
• However, these pc + 2 variables are not all independent; there are relations
between them. First of all, the sum of the mole fractions in each phase must be 1.
There is a relation between mole fraction of all component in each phase, for
example in phase α,
X1 + X2+ …. + Xc = 1
For p phase, so there are p relationship like that. So the variance
pc + 2-p
• In addition to the relations (7.2), there are the conditions for
equilibrium. We have already used the conditions for thermal and
mechanical equilibrium by taking the same T and the same P for each
phase. For material equilibrium, the following phaseequilibrium
conditions [Eq. (4.88)] hold for the chemical potentials:
µ1α = µ2 β = …
µ1 α = µ2 β = …
µC α = µCβ = …, with p phase,
there (p-1) relation and c component
So f = (pc + 2)-p –c(p-1) = c –p + 2
• Find f for a system consisting of solid sucrose in equilibrium with an
aqueous solution of sucrose. The system has two chemical species
(water and sucrose), so c = 2. The system has two phases (the
saturated solution and the solid sucrose), so p = 2. Hence
• So f = 2 + 2 – 2 = 2, there are 2 degrees of freedom, namely to take T
and P
once T and P are specified, the equilibrium mole fraction (or
concentration) of sucrose in the saturated solution is fixed. It means
that no variance.
Contoh: Air

S l 1. daerah s/l/g,
harga f= c - p + 2
= 1-1+2
= 2.
yakni bebas menentukan
harga P dan T
2. f pada garis kesetimbangan
• P g f=1–2+2=1
yakni bebas menentukan
P atau T

1. contoh, jika air (murni), berarti c = 1, dididihkan pada tekanan (yang
dipilih) yaitu 1 atm, maka suhu didih tidak lagi bebas memilih, pasti
100⁰C. Jadi suhu air konstan 100 ⁰C selama mendidih pada 1 atm.
2. Varian (f) pada titik triple (kesetimbangan 3 fasa) untuk komponen
murni, air misalnya:
c = 1, p = 3, jadi f = 1-3+2 =0
artinya bagi air dan juga tiap zat T dan P titik triple itu sudah pasti,
untuk air adalah pada 0,01 C dan 4,6 torr
3. Derajat kebebasan bagi system kesetimbangan campuran air-etanol
dengan uapnya pada suhu tertentu adalah….
Analisis: c = 2; p = 2, jadi f = 2-2+2 = 2, tapi karena suhu sudah
ditentukan, maka derajat kebebasan berkurang 1, sehingga f = 1, yaitu
kebebasan untuk menentukan P atau Fraksi Mol air.
Tentukan (a) jumlah komponen; (b) jumlah fasa;
(c) derajat kebebasan, dan (d) sebutkan kebebasan
untuk menentukan harga variable yang mana?,
dari system berikut :
1. Kesetimbangan campuran air-etanol dengan uapnya
pada 1 atm
2. Uap Air (murni) pada 1 atm
3. Kesetimbangan padatan AgCl dan larutan jenuhnya
4. Larutan fasa cair Sn-Pb pada 800⁰C

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