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Training Needs Assessment

Data-gathering Methods:
Part 1, Survey

The survey questionnaire is the most prevalent and widely-used

method of gathering training needs feedback.
They provide a cost-effective and reliable means for gathering
feedback that can be qualitative as well as quantitative.
To be effective
-Survey data should not be subject to manipulation or refute only
special-interest views.
-Must maintain respondent anonymity.
-A combination both of objective and subjective weighting of questions
and responses must be maintained to ensure unbiased analyses of the
Survey advantages

-Can be administered to a large population.

-Are a non-intrusive. Respondents can provide input in a tension free
environment and at their convenience.
-Biasing, which can easily surface in individual interviews is minimized.
-Completing questionnaires is relatively simple and straightforward and
does not require an excessive amount of time.
Types of survey questionnaires

i. Standardized: These types of questionnaire tend to be very

generalized in nature and emulate a kind of "one-size-fits-all"
approach. The main advantage of using standardized
questionnaires is reliability.
ii. Custom- Designed: They are intended to serve a specific purpose
such as determining the training needs of a particular group of
managers or employees.
Choosing a Questionnaire Response Format

Three types of response format to choose from: closed-ended or forced-

choice, open-ended, or a combination of the two.
E.g. of closed-ended or forced-choice types of question are:
1. "Will financial management training be of benefit to you in your
present position?" Yes/No
2. "Interdepartmental communication in this organization is
satisfactory." True / False
E.g. 1) I would rate this organization's decision-making abilities as...
Rating questions should have a direct link between the rating scale (e.g.
excellent - 5, good - 4, average - 3, below average - 2, poor -1) and the
subject being presented for the rating (e.g. "this organization's decision-
making abilities").
Please rank, in ascending order of importance, how you would prefer
the company's training be carried out...
- Lecture;
- Case study;
- Role playing;
- "Hands-on" workshop;
- Video-based;
- Open-discussion
Multiple choice
Circle the best response to the following question:
"My supervisor provides instructions that are..."
(a) mostly vague
(b) somewhat vague
(c) usually clear
(d) always clear
Open ended format

Open-ended questions elicit feedback from participants by requiring

them to formulate a response in their own words.
The obvious disadvantage is that it is highly subjective to the
respondent's interpretation of the question.
An example of an open-ended question would be:
In your opinion, what positive benefits do you see which may result
from training in interpersonal skills? Please explain:...
Composing the Survey Questions

When the format of the questionnaire has been decided,

the next step in the process is to compose physically or
write the questions in draft form.
Questions should be written in a clear, direct, and concise
Questions should focus on a singular subject which will
require an individual to provide a single response.
Composing the Survey Questions

On completion, the draft questionnaire should then be subjected to a

pre-test in which it is proof read for typographical errors, vague and/or
misleading statements, and neutral phrasing. This serves to establish
the framework for validity and reliability.
Administration and analysis

A cover letter emphasizing the importance of the questionnaire, a

guarantee of anonymity, and instructions specifying the time frames for
completion as well as details of how to return it must be devised.
The respondent should be provided with a means for facilitating the
return of the questionnaire.
Summary and Recommendations
The custom TNA survey questionnaire is a valuable tool for obtaining
consistent and relevant feedback. When properly designed, administered,
and analysed, it will yield valuable insight into identifying organizational
performance as well as productivity inhibitors.

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