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Functions, Roles, and Skills of


Principles of Management
LP 1
Why Study Management?

• The better you can work with people, the

more successful you will be in both your
personal and your professional lives.
– Employers want to hire employees who can
participate in managing the firm.
– Even nonmanagers are being trained to perform
management functions.

Copyright © 2009 South-

Western/Cengage Learning. All 1–2
rights reserved.
What is a Manager?
A manager achieves objectives through efficient and
effective use of resources.

• Efficient-doing things right

• Effective-doing the right thing

Principles of Management-LP1 3
Functions, Roles, and Skills
Functions Roles Skills
• Planning • Interpersonal • Interpersonal
• Organizing • Informational • Technical
• Leading • Decisional • Decision-making
• Controlling

Principles of Management-LP1 4
• Setting objectives
• Determining how they’ll be

Principles of Management-LP1 5
• Delegating and coordinating
• Allocating resources

Principles of Management-LP1 6
• Influencing employees to
achieve objectives

Principles of Management-LP1 7
• Establishing mechanisms to
make sure objectives are
• Implementing mechanisms
to make sure objectives are

Principles of Management-LP1 8
Interpersonal Informational Decisional
• The “figurehead” • The monitor • The
• The leader • The disseminator entrepreneur
• The liaison • The • The disturbance
spokesperson handler
• The resource
• The negotiator

Principles of Management-LP1 9
Exhibit 1–4 ● Ten Roles Managers Play

Copyright © 2009 South-

Western/Cengage Learning. All 1–10
rights reserved.

Principles of Management-LP1 11
Technical Skills
• “Business skills”
• Using methods and
techniques to perform a
• Keeping up with the latest
technology in your job

Principles of Management-LP1 12
Interpersonal Skills
• “People skills”
• Your relationships with all individuals and groups
• Understanding
• Communicating
• Motivating
• Resolving conflict
• Working as a team member
• “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”
• Ethics

Principles of Management-LP1 13
Decision-making Skills
• Select alternatives to solve
• Take advantage of
• Be able to conceptualize,
diagnose and analyze
• Use math skills
• Manage time

Principles of Management-LP1 14
Exhibit 1–3 ● Management Skills and Functions

Copyright © 2009 South-

Western/Cengage Learning. All 1–15
rights reserved.
What Resources does a Manager use?

• Human Resources-the people. Your most valuable resource!

• Financial Resources-the money, the budget
• Physical Resources-the buildings, the equipment, supplies
• Information-computers, reports

Principles of Management-LP1 16
Differences Among Managers

• The Three Levels of Management

– Top managers
• CEO, president, or vice president
– Middle managers
• Sales manager, branch manager, or department head
– First-line managers
• Crew leader, supervisor, head nurse, or office manager
– Nonmanagement operative employees
• Workers in the organization who are supervised by first-line

Copyright © 2009 South-

Western/Cengage Learning. All 1–17
rights reserved.
Levels of Management
Top Management
• Executives-CEO, CFO, COO, Presidents,
Vice Presidents
• Manage the entire organization or
major parts
• Develop the purpose, the goals,
strategies, long-term plans
• Report to board of directors or other
• Supervise middle managers

Principles of Management-LP1 18
Levels of Management
Middle Managers
• Managers and department heads
• Implement top manager’s strategies by developing short-term
• Report to executives
• Supervise first-line managers

Principles of Management-LP1 19
Levels of Management
First-Line Managers
• Supervisors, crew leaders, office managers
• Implement middle manager’s plans
• Report to middle managers
• Supervise operative employees

Principles of Management-LP1 20
• manager • management role
• manager’s resources categories
• performance • levels of management
• management skills • types of managers
• technical skills • knowledge management
• interpersonal skills • new venture
• decision-making skills • entrepreneurs
• management functions • intrapreneurs
• planning • small business
• organizing • competitive advantage
• leading • first-mover advantage
• controlling • business plan

Copyright © 2009 South-

Western/Cengage Learning. All 1–21
rights reserved.

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