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Hira sanam 5903

Talha Yaqoob 5947
Dep. Zoology (Evening)
Semester 4th
Database Management System
Database Management System

A database management system is a

collection of programs that are used
to create and maintain a database.
Learning outcomes

1. Define and explain database and Database Management System.

2. Explain data dictionary.
3. Explain how to maintain and retrieve files.
4. Explain what is database security.
5. Explain how to backup and recover database.
1.1 Database

 A database is an organized collection of related data.

 Word organized means that data is stored in such away that user can store, manipulate and retrieve
data easily
 Word related means that database is normally created to store data about a particular topic.
1.2 Database Management System (DBMS)

 A DBMS is a collection of programs that are used to create and maintain a database.
 It is a general-purpose system that provides following facilities:
i. It provides the facility to define the structure of database.
ii. It provides the facility to store data on a storage medium that is controlled by the DBMS.
iii. It provides the facility to insert, delete, update and retrieve specific data for reports.
2.1 Data Dictionary

 Data dictionary contains data about data (metadata).

 Contains data about programs and users.
 DBMS uses data dictionary for data validation checks because all details of validation checks are
stored in data dictionary.
 It is also used to specify a default value (a value initially displayed in a field).
 User may use the displayed value or can change it and enter another value to store in the database.
3 File Maintenance and Retrieval

 DBMS provides different tools to maintain and retrieve data in the database.
File Maintenance and Retrieval (Continue)
3.1 Queries
 Queries are used to retrieve the required data.
 It is used to extract information from a database.
 It is written in database access language.
 It displays the retrieved data in the form of table.
For example:

Roll No Name Marks Grade The user executes a query to retrieve the records of the
1 Usman 730 A students who got more than 600 marks, the query will
2 Nadeem 662 B display the following table as a result.
3 Abdullah 685 B
4 Adnan 531 C Roll No Name Marks Grade
figure: students table 1 Usman 730 A
2 Nadeem 662 B
3 Abdullah 685 B
figure: Result of the query
3.2 Query Language

 A query language provides simple statements (English-like and easy to use) to manipulate data in the
 It is very easy to learn without any programing background.
3.3 Query by Example

 Query by example used to retrieve data from database without learning the query language.
3.4 Forms

 It is a graphical interface used to interact with the database. Used to enter data in the database.
 Data can be retrieved, changed, and updated by using forms.
 A form that sends entered data across a network or the internet is called electronic form or e-form.
Advantages of forms:
1. Forms are easy to use and user-friendly
2. Forms use graphical interface that is attractive.
3. User can interact with database without technical knowledge.
3.4 Reports

 Reports are outputs of database application.

 Reports are very important in making key decisions.
 Information on reports is arranged in different ways (graphs, charts, and tables etc.).
 A part of DBMS that is used to create reports is known as report writer or report generator.
Advantages of reports:
1. Provide quick result from databases.
2. Help in making important decisions.
3. They can display processed data using graphs and charts etc.
4. Can be printed and emailed easily.
4 Database Security

 Is a process of protecting the database from intentional or accidental threats.

 Appropriate control must be used to implement security effectively.
 Basic purpose is to minimize the losses that may occur due to different security threats.
Factors related to database security:
1. Theft and fraud.
2. Loss of confidentiality.
3. Loss of privacy.
4. Loss of integrity.
5. Loss of availability.
4.1 Database Security Threats

 A situation or event that may affect a system adversely.

 Threats may occur intentionally or unintentionally.
 Threat may be a result of an image that involves a person or action to harm the system
 Harm may result in tangible damage (loss of hardware, software or data etc.)
 Harm may result in intangible damage (loss of credibility or customers confidence.
4.2 Measures against threats

 Different measures can be taken against database security threats.

 These measures include physical controls and administrative procedures.
Measures :
1. Authorization.
2. Authentication.
4. Backup and recovery.
5. Integrity.
6. Encryption.
4.2.1 Authorization

 A process of granting a right to access a system or system’s object.

 It determines the level of access for a user to different objects in the database.
 Authorization controls also known as access control .
4.2.2 Authentication

 A process of determining the identity of user.

 It is performed by the system administrator by creating user account.
 A password is typically associated to a user to access database after authentication.
 Some modern techniques used for authentication include fingerprints, voice recognition and eye
retina etc.

 A view is a virtual table.

 It is a dynamic result of one or more relational operations on the relation to produce another relation.
 View provides powerful security mechanism by hiding the parts of database from certain users.
4.2.4 Backup and Recovery

 Backup is a process of taking a copy of the data base to offline storage media.
 Regular backup and its storage at secure location is very critical.
 A log file (contains the current state of transactions and database changes to provide support for
recovery procedure) is also used to recover data.
4.2.5 Integrity

 Integrity constraints maintain a secure database system.

 These constraints prevent data from becoming invalid.
4.2.6 Encryption

 A process of encoding data by specific algorithm to make it unreadable by any program without any
decryption key.
 When database contains sensitive data encryption becomes necessary.
 Encryption protects data when transmitted over communication lines .

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