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Dissability of Leprosy

Muhammad Sayyid Ridho

12 17 777 14 182

Supervisor :
dr. Sari Handayani, Sp.KK, M.kes
• Leprosy is a chronic infection caused the bacteria
Mycobacterium leprae.
• Primally effect superficially tissue , especially the
skin and peripherial nerves.
• Left untreated, leprosy can be progressive,
causing permanent damage to the skin, nerves,
limbs and eyes.
• Leprosy Dissability is an abnormal state of
physical and body function and loss of some body
structure and function caused by leprosy disease
Who Definition of disability leprosy
• Impairment :any loss or abnormality of
psychological, physiological or anatomic
structures or functions, such as leproma,
gynecomastia, madarosis, claw hand, ulcers, and
finger absorption
• Dissability :any limitations or inadequacies (due
to impairment) to perform activities within the
limits of normal life for human beings. This
dissability is the objectivity of impairment,
disturbances at the individual level including
inability in daily activities, such as holding objects
or wearing their own clothes
• Handicap : deterioration in individuals (due to
disruption or disability) that reach or normal with
age, sex, and socio-cultural factors. This handicap
is the effect of leprosy that has social, economic,
and cultural impacts
• Deformity : abnormalities anatomical structural
• Dehabilitation :condition / process of patient
Leprosy (handicap) progressively losing social
status, isolated from society, family and friend
• Destitution : continuing dehabilitation with a
thorough isolation of the whole society without
food or shelter (protection)
Mechanism of Nerve Damage

1. Entry Through Blood


2. Inflammatory

3. Demyelination

Scollard, DM et al. 2006. “The continuing challenges of leprosy.”

Clinical microbiology reviews 19, no. 2: 338-81.
• the types of leprosy defects are into two
groups is :
– Primary
– Sensory nerve function for example: anesthesia )
Motor nerve function for example: daw hand, wist
drop, phot drop, clow test, lagoptalmus )
Autonom nerve function can cause dry skin and
reduced skin elasticity, as well as reflux of
vasodilation reflexes.
• Secondary
• This defect occurs due to a primary defect, especially
the presence of sensory, motor, and autonomic nerve
• Motor paralysis causes contractures, resulting in
walking disorders and easy to injury
• Lagoptalmus causes the cornea to become dry and
facilitate the occurrence of creatitis
• Autonom nerve paralysis makes dry skin and reduced
elasticity due to the skin easily cracks and secondary
infections occur.
Outcomes of Nerve Damage

 Sensory Loss

 Paralysis

 Deformities

Leprosy: eMedicine Infectious Diseases
Eye of leprosy Dissabilty
Hand of leprosy
Sensory Loss Can Lead to Secondary Infections
and Severe Deformities

International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP)
• The purpose of prevention of defects is to
• Disability prevention :
– For prevention of primary defects, include:
a.early diagnosis
b. treatment regularly and accurately
c. early diagnosis and management of reactions
• Secondary prevention measures, including:
o Self-care to prevent injury
o Physiotherapy exercise in muscle paralyzed to prevent
o Reconstructive surgery for muscle correction suffered
paralysis in order not to get excessive pressure
o Septic surgery to reduce the extent of infection, so that
in the healing process is not too much tissue is lost
o Eye, hand and / or foot treatments that are anesthetic
or have muscle paralysis.
• Tertiary preventive :
o Medical rehabilitation efforts that can be done
for the disability of the body is by way of
surgery and physiotherapy. Although the
result is not perfect back to origin, but its
function and cosmetically can be improved.
o Another way is the worker, that is member of
the appropriate job of his disability, so it can
still achievement and can increase the
confidence, besides can be done psychological
therapy (psychology).
• The important principles of self-care for
prevention of leprosy are:
o the patient understands that the numb area is
where the risk of injury occurs
o the patient should protect the site of the risk
(with glasses, gloves, shoes, etc.)
o the patient knows the cause of the injury (heat,
pressure, sharp and rough objects)
o the patient can perform skin care (soaking,
rubbing, lubricate) and train the joint when
starting stiff

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