Mathematician: Submitted By: Nimisha Paul

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476 AD--550 AD
 Aryabhata was one of the first Indian mathematician and astronomers belonging to the
classical age.

 He was born in 476 BC in Tarenaga, a town in Bihar, India.

 He wrote many mathematical and astronomical treatises. His chief work was the
‘Ayrabhatiya’ which was a compilation of mathematics and astronomy.

 A disciple by him called the ‘Bhaskara’ names it ‘Ashmakatanra’ meaning ‘treatise from
the Ashmaka’. This treatise is also referred to as ‘Ayra-shatas-ashta’ which translates to
‘Aryabhata’s 108’.

 This is a very literal name because the treatise did in fact consist of 108 verses. It covers
several branches of mathematics such as algebra, arithmetic, plane and spherical

 Place Value System and Zero:

>> The place-value system, first seen in the 3rd-century Bakhshali Manuscript, was clearly

in place in his work. While he did not use a symbol for zero, the French mathematician

Georges Ifrah argues that knowledge of zero was implicit in Aryabhata's place-value .

system as a place holder for the powers of ten with null coefficients.

 Value of pi :

>> He also worked on the approximation for pi , and may have come to the conclusion that

pi is irrational.
 Trigonometry :

>> He gave the area of a triangle as:

"for a triangle, the result of a perpendicular with the half-side is the area.“

>> He also discussed the concept of sine in his work by the name of ardha-jya, which . . .

. literally means "half-chord".

 Algebra :

>> In Aryabhatiya, he provided elegant results for the summation of series of squares and

. cubes:

12 + 22 +....+n2 = n(n+1)(2n+1)

13 + 23 +....+n3 = (1+2+.....+n)2


598 AD--668AD

 Brahmagupta was an Indian mathematician, born in 598 AD in Bhinmal, a state of Rajasthan,


 He was the head of the astronomical observatory at Ujjain which was the center of mathematics
in India witnessing the work of many extraordinary mathematicians.

 He was one of the greatest mathematicians in Indian history and his contributions to
mathematics and science have made major differences to various mathematical problems by
establishing the basic rules which now allow us to find their solutions.

 He was honored by the title given to him by a fellow scientist ‘Ganita Chakra Chudamani’ which
is translated as ‘The gem of the circle of mathematicians’.

 This great mathematician died between 660 and 670.


 One of the most significant input of Brahmagupta to mathematics was the introduction of
‘zero’ to the number system which stood for ‘nothing’.

 His work the ‘Brahmasphutasiddhanta’ contained many mathematical findings written in

verse form. It had many rules of arithmetic which is part of the mathematical solutions now.

 These are ‘A positive number multiplied by a positive number is positive.’, ‘A positive

number multiplied by a negative number is negative’, ‘A negative number multiplied by a
positive number is negative’ and ‘A negative number multiplied by a negative number is

 The book also consisted of many geometrical theories like the ‘Pythagorean Theorem’ for a right
angle triangle.

 Brahmagupta was the one to give the area of a triangle and the important rules of trigonometry
such as values of the sin function.

 He introduced the formula for cyclic quadrilaterals.

 He also gave the value of ‘Pi’ as square root ten to be accurate and 3 as the practical value.
Additionally he introduced the concept of negative numbers.

Durkeamynarda (672),

Khandakhadyaka (665)

Brahmasphutasiddhanta (628)

Cadamakela (624).
December 22, 1887--April 26, 1920

 Srinivasa Ramanujan, an Indian mathematician was born in 22nd December, 1887 in

Madras, India.

 Like Sophie Germain, he received no formal education in mathematics but made

important contributions to advancement of mathematics.

 He died on 26 April 1920 at hands of dreadful disease of tuberculosis.

 Although he couldn’t get recognition of world at large but in field of mathematics, his
contribution is duly recognized today.
 His chief contribution in mathematics lies mainly in analysis, game theory and
infinite series.
 He made in depth analysis in order to solve various mathematical problems by
bringing to light new and novel ideas that gave impetus to progress of game theory.
 Such was his mathematical genius that he discovered his own theorems. It was
because of his keen insight and natural intelligence that he came up with infinite
series for π

 He also described in detail the mock theta function, a concept of mock modular form
in mathematics.

Journal of the Indian

Mathematical Society
570 BC--495 BC
 Pythagoras, one of the most famous and controversial ancient Greek
philosophers, lived from ca. 570 to ca. 490 BCE.

 Vegetarian mystical leader and number-obsessive, he owes his standing as the

most famous name in maths due to a theorem about right-angled triangles,
although it now appears it probably predated him.

 He lived in a community where numbers were venerated as much for their

spiritual qualities as for their mathematical ones.

 His elevation of numbers as the essence of the world made him the towering
primogenitor of Greek mathematics, essentially the beginning of mathematics as
we know it now. And, famously, he didn't eat beans.

 In certain fundamental cases, the early Pythagoreans represented numbers and

explained their properties by means of dots arranged in certain 'figures' or


 Triangle and Square Numbers: Pythagoras studied properties of numbers, which

would be familiar to mathematicians such as today, even, and odd numbers, triangular
numbers etc. However to Pythagoras numbers had personalities, which we hardly
recognize as mathematics today.

 Personality of numbers: Each numbers had its own personality – masculine or

feminine, perfect or incomplete, beautiful or ugly. This felling modern mathematics has
deliberately eliminated, but we still find overtones of it in fiction and poetry.

 Masculine or Feminine: His followers said that odd number was masculine gender
and even number was feminine gender. The number 1 was a mother of all numbers. The
number 5 was the symbol of marriage ceremony.

 Ten was the very best number: It contained in itself the first four integers one, two,
three, and four [ 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10] and these written in dot notation formed a perfect

 Odd number: He discovered that any odd number (say 2n+1) can be expressed as the
difference of two squares: 2n+1 = (n+1)2-n2.

 Properties of Triangle: The sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles.

 Polygon Angles: Also the Pythagoras knew the generalization, which states that a
polygon with n sides has sum of interior angles 2n-4 right angles and sum of exterior angles
equal to four right angles.

 Pythagoras Theorem: For a right-angled triangle the square on the hypotenuse is equal
to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.
1114 AD – 1185 AD

 He was born in Bijapur in modern Karnataka. He & his work represent a significant
contribution to mathematical & astronomical knowledge in the 12th century.

 His main work “Siddhanta Shiromani” is divided into four parts called Lilawati, Bijaganit,
Grahaganita and Goladhyaya. These four sections deal with arithmetic, algebra,
mathematics of planets and spheres respectively.

 He was the first to give that any number divided by zero gives infinity.

 He was written a lot about zero, surds, permutation and combination.

 He wrote,” The hundredth part of the circumference of a circle seems to be straight. Our
earth is a big sphere and that’s why it appears to be flat.
 Negative Numbers:

• Bhaskaracharya was known for his treatment of negative numbers with he

considered as debts or losses, and also for his treatise on arithmetic and


• Bhaskaracharya also handled efficiently arithmetic involving negative numbers.

• In Bijaganita placing a dot above them denotes negative numbers.

 Infinity & Zero:

• He for the first time brought the idea of infinity while dividing a number by zero.

 Progression:
• He was aware of arithmetical and geometrical progression and explains examples.

 Zero rules:
• He was sound in addition, subtraction and multiplication involving zero but realized
that there were problems with Brahmagupta’s idea of dividing by zero.
>> A + 0 = A >> A – 0 = A >> A x 0 = 0
• He understood about zero and negative numbers and he knew that x2 = 9 had two

 Sphere:
• He found formula for finding the area and volume of sphere given below:
• Area of sphere = 4 x area of a circle.
• Volume of a sphere = area of a sphere x 1/6 of its diameter.
 Trigonometry:
• He seems more interested in trigonometry. Among the many interesting results given by
bhaskaracharya are:
• sin (a + b) = sin a cos b + cos a sin b
• And sin (a - b) = sin a cos b - cos a sin b.

 Lilavati:
• Bhaskaracharya gave two methods of multiplication in Lilavati.

• It is argued that zero used by bhaskaracharya, in his rule (a.0)/0 = a given in Lilavathi, is
equivalent to the modern concept of a non-zero “infinitesimal”.

 Other works:
• He has used the kuttaka method of solving indeterminate equations.

• He had explained the concepts of permutation combination with examples.

• In differential calculus he was the first mathematician who presented examples related to
differential coefficient.

• He originated the fundamentals of Rolle’s theorem.

• He knew about inverse proportions and rule of the three

Bijaganita - Algebra
Siddhantasiromani – first part mathematical
astronomy and second part sphere
Lilavathi - Mathematics
31 March 1596- 11 February 1650
 Born March 31, 1596 in France

 Delicate health issues-permitted to lie in bed till late in the mornings

 Devoted the rest of his life to philosophy and mathematics

 Died at Stockholm, Sweden on February 11, 1650 of pneumonia

 “Founder of Modern Philosophy”

 “Father of Modern Mathematics”

 French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician

 Most famous for finding analytical geometry

 Systematization of analytic geometry

 First to attempt to classify curves according to the types of equations that

produce them

 Theory of equations

 Law of Conservation of Momentum

 Last letters of the alphabet are unknown quantities and first letters are known

 Rule of Signs

 Exponential notation

 Cartesian geometry
Cartesian Coordinate System

Descartes developed the coordinate plane system which is widely used today
Tangents to Curves

Descartes did a lot of work about tangents to curves. He illustrated his theory by giving the
general rule for drawing tangents and normals with a circle.
April 30, 1777--February 23, 1855

 Euclid was one of the greatest and most influential Greek mathematicians.

 Little is known about his life thus his date and place of birth remain anonymous although a
rough estimate suggests that he was mostly active somewhere around 300 BC.

 As producer of the ‘Elements’, his most prominent work, Euclid became the leading
mathematician and teacher of all time.

 Consisting of the most useful geometrical theory and mathematical proofs which have
maintained their significance till the present day, this book also has information on the number
theory, infinitude of prime numbers, Euclid’s lemma and theory of proportions.
 .The ‘Elements’ was translated in Arabic and Latin and published in 1482 although the English
version was printed in 1570.

 Euclidean Geometry is the name given to his geometric principles. After the importance of
‘Elements’ was realized Euclid is often denoted to as ‘Father of Geometry’. His work was
precise and logical and none of his contemporaries were able to derive conclusions like he did
in the ‘Elements’.

 As the mathematician behind four of the major axioms and many substantial definitions, he is
most defiantly a man with genius that has benefited even the present day mathematicians.

 His geometrical works have made way for modern mathematical theory and also indirectly
facilitating the field of astronomy and engineering.
 Euclid's great work consisted of thirteen books covering a vast body of mathematical
knowledge, spanning arithmetic, geometry and number theory.

 The books are organized by subjects, covering every area of mathematics developed by
the Greeks:
 Books I - IV, and Book VI: Plane Geometry
 Books XI - XIII: Solid GeometryBooks V and X: Magnitudes and Ratios
 Books VII - IX: Whole Numbers

 The basic structure of the elements begins with Euclid establishing axioms, the starting
point from which he developed 465 propositions, progressing from his first established
principles to the unknown in a series of steps, a process that he called the 'Synthetic

 He looked at mathematics as a whole, but was concentrated on geometry and that

particular discipline formed the basis of his work.

 Euclid based his approach upon 10 axioms, statements that could be accepted as truths.

 He called these axioms his 'postulates' and divided them into two groups of five, the first

set common to all mathematics, the second specific to geometry.


 Things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to each other.

 If equals are added to equals, the results are equal.

 If equals are subtracted from equals, the remainders are equal.

 Things that coincide with each other are equal to each other.

 The whole is greater than the part.


 A straight line can be drawn between any two points.

 Any finite straight line can be extended indefinitely in a straight line.

 For any line segment, it is possible to draw a circle using the segment as the radius and one
end point as the centre.

 All right angles are congruent (the same).

 If a straight line falling across two other straight lines results in the sum of the angles on the
same side less than two right angles, then the two straight lines, if extended indefinitely, meet
on the same side as the side where the angle sums are less than two right angles.

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