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Evolution Theory
• “On the Origin of Species”
• The process by which organisms change over time.
• “Survival of the fittest”
If you S*CK at DATING, It’s not you
• Melelaos Apostolou
-found that many people may have trouble
finding a mate because of rapidly changing
social technological advances that are evolving
faster than humans.
Diffusion Theory

• Defined as the spread of cultural item from

its place of origin to other places.
• The process by which discrete culture traits
are transferred from one society to another,
through migration, trade, war or other contact
Acculturation Theory

• Consists of those changes in one culture brought about

by contact with another culture.
4 types of Acculturation

- the act or process of assimilating, or of absorbing information,
experiences, etc.:
- the process of adapting or adjusting to the culture of a group or
nation, or the state of being so adapted:
4 types of Acculturation

-occurs when individuals reject the dominant or host
culture in favor of preserving their culture of origin.
Separation is often facilitated by immigration to ethnic
4 types of Acculturation

-occurs when individuals are able to adopt the
cultural norms of the dominant or host culture while
maintaining their culture of origin.
4 types of Acculturation

-occurs when individuals reject both their
culture of origin and the dominant host
1. Evolution Theory
2. Diffusionism
3. Acculturation Theory
1-4 Give the 4 types of Acculturation
5. What theory focuses on the adaptation of
human being to survive?
6. Who is the father of Evolution?
7. It is the process of adapting or adjusting to
the culture of a group or nation, or the state
of being so adapted.
8. It occurs when individuals reject the
dominant or host culture in favor of
preserving their culture of origin.
9. It occurs when individuals reject both
their culture of origin and the dominant
host culture.
10. Defined as the spread of cultural item
from its place of origin to other places.

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