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Present Perfect and Present Perfect

C o n t i n u o u s
1 Present Perfect
Formula :
(+) S + have/has + V3
(-) S + to be + have/has not + V3
(?) Have/has + S + V3?

Function :
3. Achievement
1. Experience
e.g. Our school's basketball team has won
e.g. Have they lived in Jakarta for a long
the championship.
4. Uncompleted Action
2. Change over Time
e.g. Diana hasn't finished her test yet.
e.g The government has become more
5. Multiple Actions at Different Times
responsive to the people since the new
e.g. We have had many major problems
president got into office.
while working on this project.
2 Present Perfect
Formula :
(+) S + have/has + been + V-ing
(-) S + have/has not + been + V-ing
(?) Have/has + S + been + V-ing

Function :
1. Duration from the Past Until Now 3. Cause and Effect
e.g. She has been working at that e.g. My friend is crying because she has
company for three years. been fighting with her mom.
2. Recently, Lately
e.g What have you been doing lately?
Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous
3 Past Perfect
Formula :
(+) S + had + V3 + ...
(-) S + had not + V3 + ...
(?) Had + S + V3 + ...?

Function :
1. Something that happened before 2. Unreal or Hypothetical Situations
a point in the past e.g. If I had been richer, I would have
e.g. She had already told him her story bought you a better present. (But I wasn't
before I got a chance to give him my richer.)
4 Past Perfect Continuous
Formula :
(+) S + had + been + V-ing
(-) S + had not + been + V-ing
(?) Had + S + been + V-ing?

Function :
1. Duration of a Past Event 3. Cause and Effect in The Past

e.g. I had been working with my computer all e.g. Jonathan failed the final test because

day, and all I wanted to do was to take a nap. he had not been paying attention in class.

2. Duration Before Something in the Past

e.g. He had been standing in front of the door
for thirty minutes before it was opened.
Future Perfect and Future Perfect Continuous
5 Future Perfect
Formula :
(+) S + will + have + V3 +....
(-) S + will + have + V3 +....
(?) Will + S + have + V3 +....

Function :
1. Future Achievement
e.g. You will have finished your report by this time
next week.
6 Future Perfect
Formula :
(+) S + will + have + been + V-ing +....
(-) S + will not + have + been + V-ing +....
(?) Will + S + have + been + V-ing +....

Function :
1. Something that is currently unfinished but will be at some
time in the future
e.g. By 2020, I will have been living in Honolulu for 27 years.

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