Mdfahadkhanrayees Sec C Believe &achieve

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Md Fahad Khan
 Title: Believe & Achieve
 Author:Paul Hanna
 Type of book: Motivational book
 Subject matter:
Believe and achieve is all about
getting back to the basics and becoming more
focused on what you want to achieve in life. Its
about not accepting other people’s conditioning
of you and believing in your goals. More than
anything else, believe and achieve! Is about
getting that spark back into your life and
achieving your dreams.
 Paul Hanna, is one of australia’s leading
motivational speakers. He is living proof that
if you set your goals and follow them with
tenacity and perserverance, you can achieve
big things. From humble beginnings he has
risen rapidly to become a much-in-demand
consulltant to blue –chip corporations like
mcdonalds’s, Qantas,BMW and optus .
 No one really wants to work, especially when
the work is someone else’s and moves you
toward a goal that has nothing to do with what
your life is about
 It’s easy to feel lazy when you don’t find any
purpose in what you’re doing.
 Money soon loses its power to motivate you.
 Money is like that pursuing it makes you crazy.
 It can reveal that you are not as competent as
you would like to be
 To achieve what you want in life, you first have
to believe in yourself.
 Practice accepting compliments and watch your
self –esteem grow.
 Learn how to let go out of past mistakes and
soar above them.
 To recognize the gift of setbacks and why you
need them.
 Listen to the wake- up calls-life’s crisis make
you successful.
 To discover how to find your true purpose in
1.Radiate:- to produce heat and/or light..
2.Cushy :- comfortable
3 complacency:- a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself
or one's achievements
4. Wane:- become weake
5 plateauted:- reach a state of little or no change after a period of activity
or progress
6 jolt:-push or shake (someone or something) abruptly and roughly
7.Clumsy:- awkward in movement or in handling things.
8.Comfrontetrior :- in an intensely deep or bright manner.
9.vividity:- in an intensely deep or bright manner
10.thriving:- prosperous and growing; flourishing.
Success brings new challenges.
Big breaks don’t just arrive you create them.
Take a moment to identify problem.
Its not how hard you get hit, but how quickly you
get up.
If you want to change your life you have to make it
Its never to late to change.

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