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Quality Circle

Metrology and Quality Control

Group -4
• Quality Circle is a small group of 6 to 12 employees doing similar work who
voluntarily meet together on a regular basis to identify improvements in their
respective work areas using proven techniques for analyzing and solving work
related problems coming in the way of achieving and sustaining excellence
leading to mutual upliftment of employees as well as the organization.
• Employees of Quality Circle voluntarily cooperate to solve problems relating
i. production, wastage of materials,
ii. quality of raw material, tool, semi-finished and finished goods,
iii. work environment, energy consumption,
iv. scheduling delay, work maintenance,
v. maintenance,
vi. safety and anything that accounts these factors

• The concept of Quality Circle is primarily based upon recognition of the

value of the worker as a human being, as someone who willingly
activises on his job, his wisdom, intelligence, experience, attitude and
• It is based upon the human resource management considered as one of
the key factors in the improvement of product quality &productivity.
• Quality Circle concept has three major attributes:
o Quality Circle is a form of participation management.
o Quality Circle is a human resource development technique.
o Quality Circle is a problem solving technique
Process of Operation

Problem Identification
Problem Selection

Problem Analysis

Generate Alternative Solutions Act Do

Select the Most Appropriate Solution

Prepare Plan of Action

Implementation of Solution k
Process of Operation

• The operation of quality circles involves a set of sequential steps

as under: Problem identification: Identify a number of problems.
o Problem selection : Decide the priority and select the problem to
betaken up first.
o Problem Analysis : Problem is clarified and analyzed by basic problem
solving methods.
o Generate alternative solutions : Identify and evaluate causes and
generate number of possible alternative solutions
Process of Operation
o Select the most appropriate solution: Discuss and evaluate the
alternative solutions by comparison in terms of investment and
return from the investment. This enables to select the most
appropriate solution.
o Prepare plan of action : Prepare plan of action for converting the
solution into reality which includes the considerations "who, what,
when, where, why and how" of solving problems. Present solution
to management circle members present solution to management
for approval.
o Implementation of solution: The management evaluates the
recommended solution. Then it is tested and if successful,
implemented on a full scale.
Benefits of Quality Circle:

• Advantages of quality circles

o Increase Productivity
o Improve Quality
o Boost Employee Morale
o Improves Problem solving ability
o It incorporates a sense of belonging to their organization
o Improves decision making ability of employees as well as the
organization as a whole.
Limitations of Quality Circle:

• Disadvantages/problems with QC
o Inadequate Training
o Unsure of Purpose
o Not truly Voluntary
o Lack of Management Interest
o Quality Circles are not really empowered to make decisions

• Quality Circles are not limited to manufacturing firms only

• They are applicable for variety of organizations where there is
scope for group based solution of work related problems.
• Quality Circles are relevant for factories, firms, schools, hospitals
universities, research institutes, banks, government offices etc.

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