Football 7 Vs 7 - Fundamentals Sept 2019

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Football 7 vs 7

Stechco Football Club
Montreal Canada
September 2019 (Updated)

Thanh Huynh
Disciple of the Beautiful Game


This document is prepared and dedicated to Stechco players.

Read and Re-Read it to understand all aspects in order to apply them.

It provides a Very Basics of this Beautiful Game.

The journey is more important than the destination.

It requires focus and effort by each player but I hope that it will be fun and rewarding for all of us.

Let try to be better bit by bit – always with Progress as mind.

No Pain – No Gain

Our Style of Football – Our Identity

We Play (when we have the ball)

Don’t Let Them Play (when we don’t have the ball)


When We Have the Ball (Transition and Attack):

Fast and Accurate Ball Movements Using Proper Support and Spaces
Good Player Plays Simple Football
Smart Player Knows How to Play Without the Ball

When We Don’t Have the Ball:

Smart, Compact, Aggressive to Win the Ball Back
Concentration, Communications, Players/Team Positioning are Keys


Good Player Play Simple Football.

Smart Player Knows How to Move Without the Ball


 Objectives
 4 Components of Football
 The 4 Levels of Competence
 The Importance of the Team Spirit
 The Important of Tactics
 Football - 7 vs 7
 Formation/ Players’ Role
 How do we play
When we don’t have the ball (Defensive Principles)
When we have the ball (Transition and Attacks)

Annexe A: Nutrition
Annexe B: Off Season Training (Homework)
Annexe C: Objectives of the Team in the Winter League 2018/2019
Annexe D: Match - Player Self-Evaluation Sheet

The objectives of the Stechco Football Club are:
- to provide a healthy environment to practice and learn about football, especially for young players
- to use football as a vehicle to promote a healthy life style and to be a complement to studies and works
- to be a bridge between footballers newly arrived and young footballers born in Canada
- to improve in order become a top vietnamese team

The objective of this document is to provide the basic tools to play football 7 vs 7.

Its main purpose is to help the learning of the Beautiful Game.

4 Components of Football

1) Physical Conditions
- Cardio/Endurance
- Strength of the core (abdominal/ back)
- Strength and Power of the Legs

2) Technical
- Ball Control
- Ball Protection
- Passing
- Shooting
All with both legs

3) Tactical
- Understanding Football Tactics/Formations/Movements
- Have Football Intelligence / Football IQ

4) Mental
- Will to Compete and to Win
- Never Quit Mentality
- Understanding of the Importance of Team Spirit
- Maintain and Promote Team Spirit

4 Components of Football And Stechco Football Club
Given the facts that most of our players are new to the sport and have insufficient technical skills, to succeed in
the short and medium term, we will rely on the followings in priority order :

High Individual and Team Spirit – Always give 100% and Never Quit.
The Strong Mental Spirit is foundation for the training to have Required Physical Conditions
and it allow us to compensate for weaknesses in other areas (i.e. Technical) in game situation.

Physical Conditions:
The Good Physical Conditions can be achieved in the Medium Term – a few months.
(Objective: Top shape for September 2019 Tournament)

The Good Physical Conditions allows Tactical implementation.

With Good Physical Conditions, the Tactical can be learned quickly with a desire to learn and
and a lot of practices/simulations plays.

Technical is the most difficult part to improve. We will work on it in each training to progress
bit-by-bit so that players can appreciate the Beauty of the Game, as it is Truly the Heart of Football.

The 4 Levels of Competence
The 4 Levels of Competence are based on the two Elements: Consciousness and Competency

Level 1: I am Unconscious that I am Incompetent

Beginners or Sunday football players who never play in organized team.
They don’t know the basic components of football.
By themselves , they can’t improve.
The job of the coach is to bring them to Level 2. Some of us are at Level 1
Going to Level 2 depends mainly on the coach.

Level 2: I am Conscious that I am Incompetent

These footballers now know the Basics of Football (the 4 Components of Football in
the previous page).
If they still love football, they need to train hard to go to Level 3. The Rest of us are at Level 2
Going to Level 3 is a long process that needs hard work and patience.
It can take many years. But it is fun and rewarding.
Going to Level 3 depends 70% on the player and 30% on the coach.

Level 3: I am Conscious that I am Competent

These footballers really start to fully appreciate the Beauty of the Game.
They are well above average on the 4 Components of Football.
They can play at competitive level or at professional level.
Going to Level 4 depends 95% on the player 5% on the coach.

Level 4: I am Unconscious that I am Competent

These footballers are the Masters of Football.
Their Football is Automatic and Gracious – They don’t think about a move when they execute it.
It is Automatic because they already practiced it a thousand time during training.
Think of Messi with the ball. 8
The Importance of the Team Spirit

 Football is a Team Sport.

 High Team Spirit is of Paramount Important to Succeed.

 High Team Spirit means

 a Strong Desire to Compete and to Win as a Team
 to push all team members to play 100%
 to provide encouragements to teammates
 to cover for teammates’ mistakes/errors
 to show example
 to AVOID the “blaming game” – NEVER blame teammates.
(Find a way to help/talk constructively to correct situations)

The Older Players Have the Responsibility to Maintain and Promote the High Team Spirit.

All Players Should Understand the Importance of the High Team Spirit.

Without a High Team Spirit, Progress is at best ephemeral and at worst impossible.
(“Meaning we close the shop”)

The Importance of the Tactics

 Tactics allows to Maximize the Synergy between All Players.

(Movements of Players are Synchronized)

 Tactics allow to Progress as a Team.

 Tactics allow to Win Game.

 Tactics allow to Fully Appreciate the Beautiful Game.

The Tactics Allow to Achieve this :

We Play – Don’t Let Them Play.

Football - 7 vs 7 - Tactics

 The following pages is about Tactics and Style of Play.

 You will not achieve all these in the first games or even in the first season.

 It is a Process. Focus, Effort and Patience are required.

 The Importance is to Progress bit-by-bit each game.

 Remember the Importance of the High Team Spirit to keep the Process Alive.

 Read and Re-Read this Tactics section again and again to master it for your position.

 Try to visualize your movements (depending on your position) when we have the ball and
when we don’t have the ball.

Football - 7 vs 7 - Tactics

- Tactics implies mainly the mind/the brain/the football IQ.

- Players need to understand the context of the plays and react accordingly.

- Thus require a High Concentration to make the right movements/positionings during the game
depending on the context of the plays.

- Players need to be able to switch quickly their mindset between Defense and Attack and vice-versa .
(Quick Reaction Time Required).

Football - 7 vs 7 Formation : 3-2-1 Formation: 2-2-2
Is Currently Experimented
G Goalie: (Buffon,...) in 2019
- Good with his hands.
- Agile and Brave.
- Have very good reflexes.
- Calm, Good Judgement.
- Know how to cut angle.
- Accurate in his distribution with hands and feet.

5 Center Back: (Virgil Van Dijk, Ramos, Piquet..)

- General of the Defence.
- Master to read/anticipate opponent attacks.
9 - Good technically.
- Strong physically.
LEFT RIGHT - Decisive in his intervention.
- Need to Communicate constantly with the defensive unit
(#2, #3, #6) to organize the defence.
- Play simple to avoid errors.

2 3 Laterals: (Mix of Marcelo and Varane, Alba and Umtiti ...)

- Defenceman first as main job.
3 2 - Know how to support attacks in a timely manner.
- Provide cover for #5.
- Decisive in his intervention.
- Play simple to avoid errors.

Note: The characteristics are shown as targets to aim for in order to progress. They aren’t the expectations or
requirements on day 1. These are for players at Level 3. We are still at Level 2 and aiming to improve.
Football - 7 vs 7 Formation : 3-2-1

6 Defensive Midfield: (Mix of Busquet, Casamiro, Kante, Xavi, Pirlo,...)

- Brain of the Team.
- Pivot/Organizer/Distributor.
- Very Good Technically.
- Most of the balls pass by him.
- Play simple to avoid errors.
- Have very high awareness.
- As he is the center of the park, his job is to provide the fast
and timely support to the ball carrier and then distribute it in
the right area to launch the attack.
- He provides support/option in front or parallel to the
- He provides support/option behind or parallel to the #8 and #9.
- As we play in a small field, he can get at 10m of the opponent
LEFT RIGHT goal and shoot.
- When we loose the ball, he prevent counter-attack by cutting
8 passing channels through the center.
- He prevents to ball to go through the center of the defence.
- He marks the opponent play maker only when he is in the center
20-30m to our goal (he doesn’t follow him around the park).
- He is the guy who run the most due to his support and defensive
3 2 duties.
5 - Most of his run are in the center of the field.

Note: The characteristics are shown as targets to aim for in order to progress. They aren’t the expectations or
requirements on day 1. These are for players at Level 3. We are still at Level 2 and aiming to improve.
Football - 7 vs 7 Formation : 3-2-1

8 Box-to-Box Midfield: (Mix of Iniesta, Modric, Messi...)

- Technically gifted and fast.
- Can beat opponent one-on-one with his technique and speed.
- Creator of the team (the #10).
- The player who receives most of the balls from the #6.
- The guy who provides the killer pass and who can also score
a lot of goals due to his advanced position.
- He needs to develop a good chemistry with the #6 and #9.
- As we play in a small field, he needs also to do defensive duties
in midfield – that is why he is the #8 (not the true #10).
- When the defence or the #6 gets the ball, he provides
timely support in front.
- He is the guy who can dribble forward with ball as we have
players behind.
LEFT RIGHT - He needs to run a lot up and down.

9 Striker: (Mix of Suarez, Benzema, Aguero, Messi...)
6 - Technically Very Good.
- Good Finisher.
- Can shoot with both feet.
3 2 - Very Smart in his Movements (a real Fox).
5 - Usually he knows what to do before receiving the ball.
- Has several tricks to beat defencemen.
- Can Protect the Ball under Pressure to bring the team up.
- Knows how to play the WALL.
G - Have good chemistry with the #8.

Note: The characteristics are shown as targets to aim for in order to progress. They aren’t the expectations or
requirements on day 1. These are for players at Level 3. We are still at Level 2 and aiming to improve.
Football - 7 vs 7
How do we play when we don’t have the Ball (Defensive Principles)

Good Defence is the Foundation of a football team.

There is two types of Defensive Strategies:

- Compact Defensive Block in Front of the Ball in our Zone.
- High and Synchronized Pressing in the Opponent Zone.

We need to learn both and know when to apply them.

1) Compact Defensive Block in Front of the Ball in our Zone:

This Defensive Strategy is main one used most of the time (80% of the time).
Reference: The Classic “Catenaccio” Italian Style or the Lock

2) High and Synchronized Pressing in the Opponent Zone:

The Defensive Strategy is used when we need a quick goal while trailing behind.
Reference: Gegenpressing of Jurgen Klopp (Liverpool/Dortmund)

Football - 7 vs 7
How do we play when we don’t have the Ball (Defensive Principles)
Strategy 1: Compact Defensive Block in Front of the Ball in our Zone (Catanaccio)

- Have a highly organised and effective defence focused on nullifying opponents' attacks and preventing
goal-scoring opportunities.
- No shots to our goal.
- Don’t let them play.

- Be a Compact Defensive Block in Front of the Ball in our Zone.

- Phase 1a: Slow down opponent progression/counter-attack through the center.

- Phase 1b: “Smartly” Retreat to our zone to form a compact defensive block.
(By marking their Play Maker and Striker)
- Phase 2: Form a Compact Defensive Block in Front of the Ball in our Zone.
- Phase 3: Force them to play ball on the side.
- Phase 4: The Block shifts to the ball side and then put high pressure to get the ball back.

Most important part of the whole document

Strategy 1: Compact Defensive Block in Front of the Ball in our Zone (Catanaccio)
. No shoot to our Goal
. Don’t let them play

1) The Priority is to Protect the Danger Zone
. Be Compact as a Block between the Ball and our Goal
Compact Defensive Block in . The route for the ball to our goal is the most difficult one
Front of the Ball in our Zone because the compactness of our defensive formation composed
(Catanaccio) of # 2, #5, #3, #6, #8.
. The Block keep its Compactness and Shifts Laterally as the
Ball move side way.
9 . Note the two defensive lines:
Midfields Line: #6 and #8 and Defencemen Line: #2, #5, #3
LEFT RIGHT . The #9 cuts the back passing channel to their player maker in
the center make it difficult for them to switch play through
8 the center.
2) Concentration, Observation (constantly scan right and left to be aware
6 of opponents movements), Communications
. We communicate and cover for each others.
3) Identify their Play Makers and Striker, Marks them or Cut the Passing
3 2 Channels to them
20m 5 . Do not allow their Play Makers or Striker to have the ball.
DANGER . Put High Pressure on their Play Makers and Striker when they
have the ball in our half so they can’t play optimally.
ZONE 4) Block all Shots / all Crosses to our Goal
G 5) Fast Pressure at 1m of the opponent ball carrier to cut angle
6) Aggressive to win the ball

Play Aggressive, Robust and Fair – Never Dirty 18

Strategy 2: High and Synchronized Pressing in the Opponent Zone (Gegenpressing)

Get the ball back quickly in opponent half and
launch attacks.
- Very Aggressive Pressing by #8 and #9 on their ball carrier
6 in their zone.
- Other players shift to this ball side and mark opponents
LEFT adjacent to the ball.
5 2

To experiment in the last 10min if we are loosing.

Football - 7 vs 7
How do we play when we have the Ball (Transition and Attack)

- First, Bring the Ball up to the Danger Zone of the Opponent (Shooting Distant, 15-20m from their Goal)
with 2 or 3 of our players to maximize the scoring chances.
- Try to be Decisive and Score.
- Keep the Defensive Balance to Prevent Counter-Attacks.

- Provide Easy Support/Options (Use the Principle of Triangles in Serie).
- Intelligent Movements of the Players without the Ball in the Right Places and at the Right Time.
- Use short passes to move the Ball Fast and Accurately in order to profit from opponent openings.
- Use intensively 1-2 Combination, Triangle play to open the opponent’s defence.

* Short passes is our DNA. But occasionally when appropriate, we will use also accurate long pass to
reach our striker to create a goal opportunity.

Next Pages for Details

Most important part of the whole document

Our Attacks are Dangerous when we are versatile with several options.
The next pages show some of them – Learn them by heart to apply them in matches.
Legend (for next pages):

Player running without the ball

Player dribling with the ball

Best pass option

Other pass option

Football - 7 vs 7
Transition to Attack - Scenario 1
How do we play
Attack by the Wing by Lateral (1 of 4)
(Simplified View for Clarity)
When the ball is on the Right with #2,the space is on the LEFT
(Green Zone).
All of our players should know that. And we bring the ball as fast
and as accurately as possible to that space using short passes.
It is a pattern in football.

LEFT RIGHT - Easy Support/Option

(5 -10 meters, Right Places, Right Time)

- Fast, Short and Accurate Passes

2 See Details in Next Pages
5 Important:
In this example, we have the #8 playing higher than the #6
G which is typical. But in a match, we need to reverse the role
between #6 and #8 several times to avoid marking and add
versatility to our game.
Transition to Attack
Important: #6, as pivot in the center, provides quick support.
Scenario 1 (1 of 4)
This allows fluidity to our game. 22
Transition to Attack - Scenario 1
Football - 7 vs 7 Attack by the Wing by Lateral (2 of 4)
How do we play Formation changes to 2 - 2 -2
. 2 in the back (#5 and #2)
. 2 in the midfield (#6 and #3)
. 2 in front (#8 and #9)
#6 move to the ball (carried by #2) to provide support
#9 moves to the RIGHT side to provide support
#3 moves up and wide to provide width.
#8 moves up and be ready to receive the ball from #6 (2nd pass)
. We have the Ball on the RIGHT side with #2 (Same principle
applied to the LEFT side, but reverse)
. See the Triangles 1a and 1b formed on the RIGHT side (ball side).
. Principle of Triangles in Serie
The Triangles allow Options for Short Passes – Thus Fast and
LEFT RIGHT Accurate movements of the Ball.
2a 1a . Triangles 1a and 1b are options for the 1st pass from #2
2b . Triangles 2a and 2b are options for the 2nd pass from #6
. When #2 has the Ball Automatically these 5 Triangles are
6 formed as fast as possible to allow optimal transition to attack
2c . Triangles 1a and 1b are to be formed first so that #2 can
1b release the ball. Thus require immediate support from #6, #9
and #5.
5 . The ball from #2 has to “see” the #6, #9 and #5 – Positioning
of #6, #9 and #5 allow clear passing channels.
G . The Red Arrows are the Preferred Options to aim for.
. If the Preferred Options is blocked , quickly use other options
Transition to Attack Blue Arrows.
. Play simple (2 touches) to minimize errors – no dribbling
Scenario 1 (2 of 4) on these 2 first passes during the transition. 23
Transition to Attack - Scenario 1
Football - 7 vs 7 Attack by the Wing by Lateral (3 of 4)
How do we play

The Ball now crosses the Mid Line.

See the Movements of the Players moving Forward:

9 #9 moves to the advanced striker position.

3a #3 moves forward to exploit the space.

3 This move of #3 is also very important to open the center allowing
the #8 to dribble in if he chooses so or to pass to the #9.
3b (The #8 may need to beat the opponent 1 on 1.)
6 #2 moves inside close to #5 to provide solidity in the center.

It is still 2-2-2:
. 2 in the Back: #5 and #2
2 . 2 in the Midfield: #6 and #8
5 . 2 in Front: #9 and #3

From deep position (#2 with the ball initially), with timely support
by #6 (the pivot) and 2 quick and accurate passes, we are now in
G very good positions to attack.

Transition to Attack
Scenario 1 (3 of 4)
Transition to Attack - Scenario 1
Football - 7 vs 7 Attack by the Wing by Lateral (4 of 4)
How do we play

. The ball is now close to the opponent goal and we have 3 players
3 (#9, #8, #3) to create danger – it is our objective.

8 . The #9 has to be mentally prepared when in this position

and to be decisive.
. We keep the defensive balance in the center with 3 players
5 (# 6, #5, #2).


Transition to Attack
Scenario 1 (4 of 4)
Transition to Attack - Scenario 2
Football - 7 vs 7 #9 and #8 Reverse Roles (1of 1)
How do we play Summary
(Simplified View for Clarity)

#9 comes lower to get the ball.

#6 comes quickly to support #9.

At the same time, #8 makes a deep run in the box to become

a striker.
#9 will run forward to provide support for #8.
3 6

Important: #6, as pivot in the center, provides quick support.

This allows fluidity to our game.

Transition to Attack
Scenario 2 (1 of 1)
Transition to Attack – Scenario 3
Football - 7 vs 7 Striker Plays the WALL Role (1of 1)
How do we play Summary
(Simplified View for Clarity)

#8 goes close to #9.
#6 plays a low hard through ball to #9.
#9 (back to goal) plays the ball back to #8 then
unmarks himself and ready to receive the
LEFT RIGHT ball again (a 1–2 combination with #8).
(1 – 2 Combination not shown here)
5 2
#8 can finish when receives the ball or plays
a 1-2 combination with #9.

G The objective of this play is to allow 2 players

with the ball close to opponent goal –
thus creating a goal opportunity.
Transition to Attack
Scenario 3(1 of 1)
Transition to Attack – Scenario 4
Football - 7 vs 7 Use the Wing to bring the #8 and #9
How do we play up field
(1of 1)
(Simplified View for Clarity)
8 9
- The ball is switched quickly from #2 to #5 to #3 as shown.

- #6 moves quickly to provide support for #3.

- #8 and #9 moves forward in dangerous positions and ready

3 to receive the ball.

2 The objective of this play is to allow 2 players

with the ball close to opponent goal –
5 thus creating a goal opportunity.

Important: #6, as pivot in the center, provides quick support.

G This allows fluidity to our game.

Transition to Attack
Scenario 4(1 of 1)
Annexe A: Nutrition
The Importance of Nutrition

 Nutrition is Fundamental for a Healthy Life Style and is Paramount for a Footballer.

 What get in your body can make you strong or weak.

 Be Smart on what you eat.

 Bad Nutrition –> Bad Training –> No Physical Conditions -> No Tactics –> No Football.

What to Eat (Balanced Diet ):

- Proteins (chicken, fish, pork, eggs, beef, ...)
- Fresh vegetables/fruits
- Rice, Bread, ...
- Milk, Soya, ....

To Avoid:
- Excessive sugar (Soft drinks/Coke/Pepsi,...)
- Salty food (Chips,...)
- Process foods (Cane foods, pepperoni, sausages,...)
- Fat (Bacon, any food with 20% + of saturated fat)

Bring Enough Water for Each Training/Game (1.5L)

Annexe B: Off Season Training (Homework)

To Do in a Gym or at Home – Strength Exercises for these 5 Areas


Hamstring Calf

Abdominal Lower Back

Objective: Have Strength and Balance for April 2019.

Some Ideas (Google for More)

Quad Abdominal
- Bulgarian Squat
- Lateral Lunge

Lower Back

- Mon, Sat: Quad, Calf
- Fri, Sun: Abdominal, Lower Back, Hamstring
- Tue, Thu: Rest
- Wed: Game

Annexe C: Objectives of the Team in the Winter League 2018/2019

Get familiar with the Basic Tactics

. How do we play when we don’t have the ball
. How do we play when we have the ball

Cultivate the Team Spirit and Winner Mentality

. Encourage each other to Progress
. Never Quit Mentality

Allow all Players the Opportunity to Learn

. Equal Opportunity to Learn – Same Amount of Play Time for All

Annexe D: Match - Player Self-Evaluation Sheet (The Very Basics)
Mental: Tactical:
Do I show the Mental strength require (Never Quit Mentality)? Do I have enough Concentration to apply the tactics ?

Do I provide Suport/Encougment to my teammates ? Is my reaction time fast enough during transition ?

Do I apply correctly the tactics shown in this document

Physical Conditions: (for my position) ?
Is my cardio good enough ?

Do I have enough strength and balance in my legs ? Technical:

Do I have a good first touch and a good control of the ball ?

Are my passes/shots accurate ?

How can I improve in each of these areas ?

Do I have a concrete plan or actions to improve in each area ?

For the next game, which area will I try to improve ?

The Importance is to Progress on the 4 Fronts Game by Game.


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