Types of Globalization

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Globalization and

Sandra Chicas Sierra
Magister of international commerce
Types of globalization

1. Economic Globalization:

No national economy is an island now. To varying degrees, national

economies influence one another. One country which is capital-rich
invests in another country which is poor. One who has better
technologies sells these to others who lack such technologies.

The products of an advanced country enter the markets of those

countries that have demands for these products. Similarly, the
natural resources of developing countries are sold to developed
countries that need them. Thus, globalization is predominantly an
economic process involving the transfer of economic resources form
one country to another.
Types of globalization

2. Cultural Globalization:

Culture has increasingly become a commodity. Popular books and films

have international markets. Harry Potter has readers almost all over the
world. English movies are seen almost in all countries.

Western pop music has become popular in developing countries. The

reverse flow of culture is insignificant. The flow of culture is mainly from
the North to the South. In the last few years the media owners of the West
have shown interest in entering developing countries.
Types of globalization

3. Political Globalization :

Since long, efforts have been on to bring the whole world under one
government. The League of Nations and the UN have been the efforts in that
direction. It is believed that the world under one government will be safer and
freer from conflicts: The UN has denied expectations, but a number of regional
organizations like European Union,, ASEAN( Association of South East Asian
Nations), APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation) and SAARC (South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation), and multicultural economic
organizations such as WTO have come up.
Types of globalization

4. Financial Globalization

• World’s financial systems have become intimately interconnected

• Stock market trading in New York stock exchange can affect Tokyo and
Hong Kong

• Wave continues in European markets then back to American markets

• Important to note: reflects interconnectivity of network of world cities,

not nations
Types of globalization

5. Technological Globalization

• Technological revolution has meant the “Global Village” has expanded to every
corner of the globe
with growth in travel communication and computer technology, and mobile
(smart) phones communications
• I can be around the world live, in 1 second by internet or smart phone or 12
hours by plane
• The remotest village can now use hand crank computers to communicate via
• Some regions have no phone networks, they have jumped ahead to cellphone
networks only
Types of globalization

6. Sociological Globalization

• Idea that a single “world” society has evolved, replacing distinct national
societies that previously existed.
• One set of moral beliefs (religious); reaction of the “west” to Islamic
fundamentalist countries and vice versa
Types of globalization

7. Ecological Globalization

• The planet must be treated as a single ecological system

(ecosystem) rather than a collection of separate
ecological systems.
• Ozone depletion, global warming impacts the world not just
nation that did original damage
• The failed Kyoto Protocol and Montreal Protocol
Part of reason Kyoto failed was because it allowed the
“trading” of “carbon Emissions”

See article Why Canada Failed at Kyoto

Types of globalization

8. Geographical Globalization

• Geographers don’t see world in terms of relationships between countries anymore

Example: trade, geopolitics, war
• Now see a borderless world, dominated by worldwide concerns about: ecological
concerns, politics, culture, economics and other relationships existing; all
influenced by networks of world cities.
Millenium Development Goals- UN

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were the eight

international development goals for the year 2015 that had been
established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in
2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium

All 189 United Nations member states at the time (there are 193
currently), and at least 22 international organizations, committed to
help achieve the following Millennium Development Goals by 2015:

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN

Millenium Development Goals- UN- COLOMBIAN CASE

Millenium Development Goals- UN- COLOMBIAN CASE

Millenium Development Goals- UN- COLOMBIAN CASE

Millenium Development Goals- UN- COLOMBIAN CASE

Millenium Development Goals- UN- COLOMBIAN CASE


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