Fuzzy Set

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Submitted by;
Humaira Rasool;
Submitted to ;
Sir M.Bilal;
Fuzzy set;
Fuzzy Set
Classof object with a continuum of grades of
Characterized by a membership function.

[union+ intersection+complement+ relation+ convexity]

Are extended to

Fuzzy set
 Real physical world

(classes of objects do not have precisely

defined criteria of membership)
class of Animal Ambiguous
includes excludes

Dogs,horse,birds rocks,plants starfish

Fuzzy Set
 X={x}
X=space of point(object);
x=generic element of X;
A=class of fuzzy set
ƒA =membership function;
ƒA (x) = x representing the “grades of
membership’’ of x in A
Fuzzy logic characteristics
 Equality: A = B (are equal) ƒA (x) = ƒB (x) for all
x ∈ X.
 Containment: A ⊂ B (A is subset of B) ≡ ƒA (x) ≤
ƒB (x) ∀ x ∈ X
 Complement (NOT): A' is complement of A ≡ ƒA
(x) = 1 − ƒA
 Intersection (AND): set of elements occurring in
both sets
 Min operator: μA∩B(x) = min{ƒA (x) ƒB (x) ) },
∀x ∈ X
 Product operator: μA∩B(x) = ƒA (x). ƒB (x), ∀x
 Fuzzy set characteristics:

 normality, height, support, core, α-cut,


 cardinality, normalization

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