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Environment is the combination of all physical and organic factors

that act on a living being, residents, or ecological society and power its
endurance and growth.
 Three mainly types of environment:

1. The Physical environment

2. Biotic environment
3. Social or Cultural environment
- also known as a-biotic environment and natural environment.
 residential space to make house, and for residential space, there is a need
for land area.
 the a-biotic environment like soil, water and air are the necessary nutrients
element provider for the living beings.
 all of living beings are surrounded by atmosphere; it is the combination of
different types of gases.
The soil is also included in physical environment. Soil is responsible for the
works and food crops for the living beings.
 Physical environment also deals with the water factor of the earth.
- it is also known as biological environment and organic
environment. Additionally, it is responsible for the living beings.
 Biotic environment includes the plants, trees, animals, mammals,
underwater living beings including human beings and microorganisms
like bacteria and fungi.
 The living beings are highly dependent to each other.
- this type of environment involves the culture and life style of the
human beings. It means the environment which is created by the man
through his different social and cultural activities and thinking.
 Culture involves the religion of the human, relations with each other etc. In
society there involve different types of people, they have different
religion, different thinking, which has culture of its own and possess people
having their own life style.
 The social or culture environment affects the social culture of human beings
and hence it has the great importance.
 The development of a child is highly depends upon culture and society.
There are few signs today of the Philippines’ are sprawling
rainforest. With a growing trend in human population, it is hoped that the
country’s marine environment will not suffer the same fate.
Overfishing- is the removal of the species of fish from a body of water
at a rate that a species cannot replenish in time, resulting in those species either
becoming depleted or very under populated in that given area.
Fishers in the Philippines are increasingly coming home with pitiful
catches. Of a number of factors which have led to this situation, one stands out:
overfishing in many areas. According to Asian development bank , there has
been a drop of 90% in the quantity of marine organism that can be trawled in
some traditional fishing areas of the Philippines.
At the root of overfishing problem is weak fisheries management,
ineffective policies and poor enforcement of fishery laws.
Coastal zone development has been particularly damaging to the
Philippine’s marine environment, especially to coral reefs, mangroves, and
sea grasses.
As population have increased, so have their needs and construction
materials and living space excavation, dredging, and coastal conversion to
accommodate coastal development have seen corals being extracted for
reclamation and construction, especially in coastal villages.
Mangroves have particularly suffered from coastal development,
notably at the hands of the aquaculture industry.
In the Philippines, aquaculture has reduced mangroves stand to only
36% of 1900 levels.
DEFORESTATION- clear cutting or clearing is a removal of a forest or
stands of trees from land which is the converted to a non forest use.
After decades deforestation, which has left about 3% of the original cover,
forest continue to be under threat from agriculture and urbanization, illegal
logging and forest fire.
Sustained forest loss in the Philippines is causing severe soil erosion,
and it is threatening thee country’s rich biodiversity. This is particularly
worrying as many of the Philippines’ species, which depend on this forests,
are endemic.
Inconsistent laws, inadequate regulation, weak enforcement and lack
in funding are making forest conservation a major challenge.
Only about 10% of sewage in the Philippines is treated or disposed
of in an environmentally sound manner.
In this context of poor waste treatment and high population growth,
water pollution is a growing problem for the country’s ground water, rivers,
lakes and costal areas.
This problems are unfolding in a context of poor planning, and weak
management and enforcement of regulation.
- is the process by which environmental health is regulated. It does
not involve managing the environment itself, but it is the process of taking
steps and behaviors to have a positive effect on the environment.
- environmental management involves the wise use of activity and
resources to have an impact on the world.
Use LED light bulbs. In this manner, we are limiting the emission of
gases from these bulbs which would cause the depletion of our ozone
Plant more trees. They are the only agent which will help lessen
carbon dioxide in the air and therefore will minimize the extreme heat
in the environment. They also control flash floods.
AVOID burning plastics and rubber for they emit gases which may be
the mere cause of the thickening of the ozone and could lead to the
extreme heat in our environment. RECYCLE THEM for further use.
Avoid using plastic straws and plastic altogether. Make way for
alternatives like metal/bamboo straws, reusable water bottles, eco
bags, etc.
Start using Ecosia. It is a search engine (like Google) that uses its ad
revenue for reforestation.
Environmental Pollution is one of the major causes of the major
variety of diseases in our planet. Fever and flue, coughs and cold,
allergies, and the likes haves been experienced by everyone as the
environment has become filled with dirt and dust.
1. Walk, ride the public transport, ride bike or buy hybrid cars.
Avoid smoking cigarettes and tobaccos in public area.
2. Minimizing the presence of factories, tanneries, and other companies that emit
poisonous gases in the air.
Planting different kinds of plants at home.
3. Avoid burning plastics and cartons.
4. Avoid throwing your waste into any body of water like lakes, rivers, and ponds.
5. Turn off all unused appliances at home, especially the lighting system.

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