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Juariah, MA
 Midwife=With Woman = Pendamping Wanita
 Bahasa Sansakerta “Wirdhan” yang artinya
“Wanita Bijaksana”.
ICM (1980)
 A midwife is a person who, having been regulary admitted to a diwifery
educational program fully regcognized in the country in which it is located,
has successfully completed the prescribed course of studies in midwifery
and has acquired the requiste qualificatin to be registered and or legally
licensed to practise midwifery.
 She must be able to give the necessary supervision, care and advice to
women during pregnancy, labor and postpartum, to conduct deliveries on
her own responsibility and to care for the newborn and the infant.this care
includes preventive measures, the detection of abnormal condition in
mother and child. The procurement of medical assitance, and the
execution of emergency measure in the absense of medical help.
She has important task in counseling and education, nor onlu for patients,
but also wihin the family and community.
 Their work should involve antenatal aducation and preparation for
parenthood and extends to certain areas of gynecology, family planning
and child care. She may practise in hospital, clinics, health units,
domiciliary conditions or any other service
• Bidan adalah seseorang yang telah menyelesaikan Program Pendidikan
Bidan yang diakui oleh Negara serta memperoleh kualifikasi dan diberi izin
untuk menjalankan praktik kebidanan di negeri itu.
• Dia harus mampu memberikan supervisi, asuhan dan memberikan
nasehat yang dibutuhkan kepada wanita selama mada hamil, persalinan
dan masa pasca persalinan (post partum periode), memimpin persalinan
atas tanggung jawabnya sendiri serta asuhan pada bayi baru lahir dan
anak. Asuhan ini termasuk tindakan preventif, pendeteksian kondisi
abnormal pada ibu dan bayi, dan mengupayakan bantuan medis serta
melakukan tindakan pertolongan gawat darurat pada saat tidak hadirnya
tenaga medik lainnya. Dia mempunyai tugas penting dalam konsultasi dan
pendidikan kesehatan, tidak hanya untuk wanita tersebut, tetapi juga
termasuk keluarga dan komunitasnya.
• Pekerjaan ini termasuk pendidikan antenatal, persiapan untuk menjadi
orang tua, dan meluar ke daerah tertentu dari ginekologi, keluarga
berencana dan asuhan anak. Dia bisa berpraktik di rumah sakit, klinik, unit
kesehatan, rumah perawatan atau tempat-tempat pelayanan lainnya.
FIGO (2005)

A midwife is a person who, having been regularly

admitted to a midwifery educational programme, duly
recognised in the country in which it is located, has
successfully completed the prescribed course of studies
in midwifery and has acquired the requisite
qualifications tobe registered and/or legally licensed to
practise midwifery.
• The midwife is recognised as a responsible
and accountable professional who works in
partnership with women to give the necessary
support, care and advice during pregnancy,
labour and the postpartum period, to conduct
births on the midwife's own responsibility and
to provide care for the newborn and the
 This care includes preventative measures the
promotion of normal birth, the detection of
complications in mother and child, the accessing of
medical care or other appropriate assistance, and the
carrying out of emergency measures. The midwife has
an important task in health counselling and education,
not only for the woman, but also within the family and
the community. The work should involve antenatal
education and preparation for parenthood and may
extend to women's health, sexual or reproductive
health and child care.
 A midwife may practise in any setting including the
home, community, hospitals, clinics, or health units
‘The essence of being a midwife is the assistance
of a woman around the time of childbirth* in a
way that recognises that the physical, emotional
and spiritual aspects of pregnancy and birth are
equally important . The midwife provides
competent and safe physical care without
sacrificing these other aspects’
(Page L, McCandlish R 2006).
ICM Council (2011)
A midwife is a person who has successfully
completed a midwifery education programme that
is duly recognized in the country where it is located
and that is based on the ICM Essential
Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice and the
framework of the ICM Global Standards for
Midwifery Education; who has acquired the
requisite qualifications to be registered and/or
legally licensed to practice midwifery and use the
title ‘midwife’; and who demonstrates competency
in the practice of midwifery.
Scope of Practice (continue...ICM 2011)
 The midwife is recognised as a responsible and accountable professional who
works in partnership with women to give the necessary support, care and
advice during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period, to conduct
births on the midwife’s own responsibility and to provide care for the
newborn and the infant. This care includes preventative measures, the
promotion of normal birth,the detection of complications in mother and
child, the accessing of medical care or other appropriate assistance and the
carrying out of emergency measures.
 The midwife has an important task in health counselling and education, not
only for the woman, but also within the family and the community. This work
should involve antenatal education and preparation for parenthood and may
extend to women’s health, sexual or reproductive health and child care.
 A midwife may practise in any setting including the home, community,
hospitals,clinics or health units.
Bidan adalah seorang perempuan yang lulus
dari pendidikan bidan yang diakui pemerintah
dan organisasi profesi di wilayah Negara
Republik Indonesia serta memiliki kompetensi
dan kualifikasi untuk diregister, sertifikasi dan
atau secara sah mendapat lisensi untuk
menjalankan praktik kebidanan
Undang-undang No. 36 Tahun 2014 tentang
Tenaga Kesehatan,

Bidan adalah tenaga kesehatan yang dikelompokkan ke

dalam tenaga kebidanan, memiliki kewenangan untuk
melakukan pelayanan kesehatan ibu, pelayanan
kesehatan anak, dan pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi
perempuan dan keluarga berencana. Di dalam keadaan
tertentu yakni suatu kondisi tidak adanya Tenaga
Kesehatan yang memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan
tindakan pelayanan kesehatan yang dibutuhkan serta
tidak dimungkinkan untuk dirujuk maka seorang bidan
dapat memberikan pelayanan kedokteran dan/atau
kefarmasian di luar kewenangannya dalam batas tertentu
Diskusi Kelompok
Bagi menjadi 4 kelompok
Setiap kelompok mencari definisi Bidan di
1. UK
2. New Zealand
3. Canada
4. South Africa (or another country in Africa)

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