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Understand Your People


IQ – Intellectual Quotient
Brain age vs human age
Normal range at 95 - 105
Ability to analyze, memorize, compute
50% inheritance but 50% can be
developed through child raise, educatio
n, environment, family
EQ - Emotional Quotient
Understand self emotion as well as others
Considerate, kind, help others
Put self in other’s shoes
Be able to control self emotion
Self discipline
Self esteem
Social responsibility
Hardworking, endurance, enthusiasm,
EQ in Business
Emotional control meeting
Emotion workshops
Relief corner
Best emotional control award
EQ test
EQ as performance index
EQ committee
Say “Thank you”.
AQ – Adversity Quotient

Ability to cope with failure, problems,

and crisis
Brain mechanism for mental endurance
Developed from experiences in:
 Problems solving
 Self survival
 Sport competition
 Socialization
 Human interaction/relations.
What AQ Tell
Ability to cope with obstacles, problems
Classify winners against losers
Define top performers and low
Identify the best successors out of
other successors






3-Mankind Theory
• High dedication
• Look for challenges
• Eager to take risk
• Change crisis to opportunity

• Selective for
• Look for easy jobs
• Take low risk Quitter
• Build own world • Runaway from problems
• Never take challenges
• Never take risk
• Never welcome
Quitter in Business
Work on marginal
No ambitious
Low quality of work
No risk, no creativity
No welcome challenges
Like to compromise
Always have negative comments
Finger pointing and blame other.
Camper in Business
Occasionally and selectively perform
Try out sometimes
Self benefit oriented
Work to orders or rules
Understand risk but not involved
Never perform up to highest potential
Self focus and survival
Not promotable in jobs
Always complain without suggestions.
Climber in Business
Willing to take risk and go for challenges
High sense of urgency and ownership
Self motivation
Self initiation
High creativity
Catalyst for change
Fair and justice
Self learning
Regular improvement and development
Work for results
Don’t like politics.
Their Language
 “I can’t..” “It’s impossible.” “This is what I
used to so.” “Not worth” “Who cares” “It’s not f
air.” “I am too old for this.” “I can try but can’t
 “It’s already good enough.” “At least what
should I do?” “It will be worse if we do more.”
“Who is responsible for this?” “If I were young
er, I will….”
 “Let’s do it.” “Together we can get there.”
“Never do doesnot mean can’t do.” “No time to
play.” “Let’s get things done.” “Yes or no, you c
hoose.” “We have to do something.” .
Quitter  Camper
Arrange the work systematically
Clearer Job Description
Simple Role and Responsibility
Implement Job Prioritization
Use time/volume to determine work quality
Pay by time/volume of work.
Camper  Climber
More difficult than Quitter  Camper
Put on Effective Performance Evaluation
Focus first on Attitude changing
Change through Job Rotation/Relocation
Lead by example
Explore to more successful example
Effective Reward System.
Climber  Excellence
Create more opportunities
Effective Promotion System (not rewarding
Assign jobs with high involvement in decision
Give only criteria, not detailing
Assignment with Empowerment
Active support from higher level
Start with good faith
Set them as organization example.
Bicycle Rule

• IQ • EQ – Emotion Skills
• Analytical Skills • AQ – Mental Skills
• Academic Skills • Human Relations Skills
• Good Memory • Soft Skills
• Computation Skills • Leadership Skills
• Communication Skills
• Negotiation Skills

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